23c. 13th. – In evening 18 gr. Soon afterwards, oppression in sinciput; contraction and pressing in forehead, and aching in pit of stomach. At n. many disturbing dreams, and frequent waking with pains round navel; aching in humeri. 14th. – In m. dryness and tension of skin of lips; clammy taste; empty feeling in head; bearing down towards anus and urging to stool; after the greatest straining there passed a scanty, soft formed stool. Towards noon abdomen was swollen and distended; bearing down towards anus again occurred, and after much effort another loose stool. Appetite diminished; itching on dorsa of hands worse, but pimples smaller. About 6 p. m. the abdomen again distended, and a disagreeable feeling of fullness about anus was experienced. The fluent coryza again appeared, and along with it confusion of head, aching in forehead, and oppression of chest. About 8 p. m. great flow of sweetish saliva into mouth; tickling in left nostril, immediately followed by discharge of bright red thickish blood, to the extent of about 1/2 drm., which contained a proportionally large quantity of sulphates. “I must observe,” says M–,”that since commencing my proving of S. I have observed a considerable weakness of vision, and very often a feeling of heaviness and aching in the eyeballs. When reading or writing I often feel as if a mist were before the eyes. I must then first cover the eyes with the hand, slightly press and rub them, in order to be to read. Moreover, I must hold the book I am reading a considerable distance from the eyes, for when I hold it close I cannot distinguish the letters. I had previously noticed a slight diminution in my visual powers, but since proving the S.the feeling of weight and aching in the eyes and the weakness of sight have increased rapidly, and to a great extent.” 16th. – M. and evening, 20 gr. In an hours dullness and oppression of sinciput; in frontal bone a painful aching, which extended across nasal and both malar bones; feeling of fullness and tension in abdomen. At noon appetite was very poor, and after eating there was troublesome feeling of fullness in stomach, and aching in scrobiculus cordis. Soon afterwards violent bearing down towards anus, discharge of much flatus. and at length, after much effort, a hard motion. In evening itching behind right ear, where several scattered pimples had formed. Somewhat later, not only did all the symptoms return which had troubled him before and after dinner, but in addition there occurred anxious feeling in the chest, he can hardly expand it during inspiration; itching in right concha; boring pains in meatus auditorius externus; copious secretion of ear – wax. The night’s rest was disturbed by vivid lascivious dreams, causing two seminal emissions; after midnight he awoke in a fright, caused by a dream, and felt aching drawing pains in both humeri, tensive and cutting pains round about navel, and very urgent but ineffectual call to stool. 17th. – The same symptoms as yesterday. In m. urine, which was passed in considerable quantity, had a dark sherry wine colour, and a sp. gr. of 1018. 18th. – A.m., when standing, jerking stitches in anus; little appetite; during day 2 soft formed stools. 19th. – Painful drawing in muscles of right thigh, so that he could scarcely raise the leg or move it about. In course of day 2 soft formed stools.

23d. On 19th, evening took 2 gr. of S. in substance. Sleep disturbed by many vivid dreams; frequent awaking with disagreeable itching on several parts of skin, causing him to scratch, and drawing tearing pains in metatarsus and toes of right foot. 20th. – In m., after awaking, vacant confused sinciput, and bruised feeling of whole body, especially arms. During day 3 soft formed evacuations after great effort. Urine was of a light sherry colour, and its sp. gr. 1015. In evening 4 gr. Restless dreamy sleep; frequent awaking with cutting pains about navel and distended abdomen. 21st. – In m. 4, in evening 6 gr. M., on awaking, vacant confusion of head; dryness of tongue and palate; arid, wrinkled lips; tension of skin surrounding mouth; clammy taste; aching and full feeling in scrobiculus and gastric region; bruised feeling and heaviness of limbs. At noon but little appetite, he ate more from habit than necessity. During day aching in pit of stomach; heaviness and tension in humeri; feeling of soreness of anus, and exudation from it of a viscid, slimy fluid (which probably occasioned the feeling of soreness.). In evening, soon after taking medicine, dullness and oppression of sinciput; aching in forehead. It was long before he fell asleep; at length he did so, but in an hours he woke up again, and was unable to fall asleep again before 4 a. m. During this time dull aching and boring in frontal bone, and constant desire to stretch out limbs. 22nd. – In m., after awaking from his short sleep, which had been disturbed by confused dreams, bruised feeling in limbs; vacancy and confusion of sinciput; painful aching in frontal bone, and boring pains in right supra – orbital ridge. Lips were dry and shrivelled; tongue thickly furred; taste clammy, insipid; palate dry. After getting up, cutting about navel; discharge of much flatus; and, after much effort, a soft formed, insufficient stool. In evening 6 gr. Soon afterwards recurrence of the discharge of flatus, and very troublesome but ineffectual call to stool. Night’s rest disturbed by many dreams. 23rd. – Without medicine. the same symptoms as yesterday. 24th. – In m. 8 gr. A.m., horripilation extending from spine over abdomen, back and upper extremities; and, at the same time, uncomfortable feeling of weight in whole chest and in bones of both arms. At noon little appetite, and no desire to drink water while eating, which he was always in the habit of doing. During day 2 soft formed stools. About 7 p. m. recurrence of horripilation as a. m. As he felt now too much affected by the S., he left it off for 3 day “My complexion,” he writes, “showed a remarkable change, it had a dirty earthy appearance; and since taking the S. in substance the sexual power is remarkably diminished.

23e. 27th. – In m. 10, in evening 12 gr. During forenoon heaviness and aching in pit of stomach. At noon no appetite. Towards evening severe aching in frontal bones; weight and full feeling in chest, and shortness of breath. In evening after taking medicine, vacancy of sinciput; aching in frontal bones and pit of stomach. When lying in bed, rigor, proceeding from right side of lumbar vertebrae and spreading over right side of the body. At n. restless, dreamful sleep 28th. – In m., after waking, vacant confusion of sinciput very troublesome feeling of out – pressing, bursting and boring in frontal and cheek bones; dryness and tension of outer skin round about lips, and bran – like desquamation of it; dryness of lips and palate; dryness and burning of tongue, which was covered with a dirty whitish – yellow fur; aching and weight in scrobiculus cordis; tension and swelling of belly; cutting pain around navel, worse on stooping; discharge of much flatus with smell of rotten eggs; violent but ineffectual call to stool; borders of anus were somewhat swollen, and he felt a tickling there as if a worm were creeping about; escape of a small quantity of slimy fluid from anus. In limbs, especially upper ones, a bruised and heavy feeling, which lasted all d. Towards noon, after a painful effort, there occurred a scanty motion; faces were firm and of a blackish – brown colour. In evening 14 gr. Soon afterwards the same symptoms as yesterday. About midnight he awoke, and could not fall asleep again for a long time. During this time he experienced a great amount of the pains in frontal and malar bones, and in limbs. 29th. – Without medicine. In m. call to stool, and only after a great effort an insufficient evacuation of a dark hard mass. The night’s rest was disturbed by vivid dreams, frequent waking and lying long awake, with great restlessness and excitement. 30th. – M. and evening 16 gr. In m. a movement of bowels after much straining; a. m., confusion and aching in sinciput; aching in pit of stomach and in stomach; difficult breathing; increased heat of hands, and increased itching on their backs, which, especially right thumb, are covered with red irregularly shaped pimples. On inside of nose, especially on alae nasi, great itching and feeling as if nose were swelled. Near outer canthus of left eye an intensely red, excessively itching and burning spot on skin; left palpebral conjunctiva much reddened. Feeling of fullness and tension in abdomen; bearing down towards anus, and excessive tickling there. Towards evening the aching in pit of stomach returned in a greater degree than a. m.; breathing very difficult. Again call to stool, and with great effort evacuation of hard dark – coloured faces. R. submaxillary gland was again swollen and sensitive to touch, and thus it remained for 2 d. In evening after taking the medicine same symptoms as on two previous d. At n. voluptuous dreams and seminal emission. From 31st Jan. to 11th Feb. inclusive he purposely abstained from taking any more medicine. “Since the eleven days,” writes M–,”during which I have taken the S. in substance, my system seems to be thoroughly penetrated with it, and I think it right to draw especial notice to the following:

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.