22d. From Ist to 11th June, inclusive, he took every m. at about 11 10 dr. of tinct.; from 12th to 21st, 20 dr.; from 22nd to 27th, 30 dr.; from 28th to 9th July, 40 dr. from 10 to 19th, 50 dr.; from 20th to 29th, 70 dr.; and from 30th to middle of August, 100 dr. Besides frequent sneezing, and sensation as if a cold were coming on, and frequent blowing from the nose of mucus mixed with blood (almost every m.), no symptoms until June 15th. – P. m. a peculiar pain occupying a space size of a crown – piece, at first slight, but gradually growing more and more severe. It was situated about 2 in. below lower angle of left scapula, and its character was long, pulsative, undulating stitches, which always caused a jerk through whole body, and compelled him to hold his breath (as when straining at stool. These stitches recurred at intervals of from 1/4 to 1/2 hours, during which time the spot alluded to was sensitive to touch, movement, and deep inspiration, but did not actually give pain. These conditions, however, had no influence on the shooting pain, which always lasted a few m. The pain continued all n., and as it was even felt in sleep, it is manifest that could not be very tranquil. 16th. – The pains continued in all their intensity of yesterday. He felt best when lying on left side. This posture he endeavoured to retain as much as possible during n., and by carefully avoiding turning in bed, as the pains were thereby immediately aggravated, he passed a pretty good n. Besides the shooting pain, he was troubled by another symptom, viz. in evening a dry cough came on, excited by tickling in throat, and lasted a whole hours 17th. – In evening pain in back was more violent than on previous d. He was often forced to leave off speaking because the pain took away his breath. This he could stand no longer, so he took bryonia, whereupon the pain declined in a few hours, and by evening was all gone. 18th. – On middle of lower lip there appeared two small white transparent vesicles, which increased in size the following day, when they had the appearance of herpes labialis, and on the 20th began to dry up; but in their place there appeared a number of similar but smaller vesicles on left side of lower jaw, which also disappeared in a few day 23rd. – He observed on first joint of right ring finger a scabious itchy vesicle, which without increasing in size lasted several day before it dried up. A similar but somewhat larger scabious itching vesicle appeared on 27th, between left thumb and forefinger. 28th. – In evening he perceived on inside of upper lip, near right commissure of mouth, a small painless elevation, which in a few day changed into a small pedunculated wart with three free apices. It still remained months after the termination of the proving. From the day forward, notwithstanding the increasing doses of sulphur taken, no new symptom appeared. ( Ibid.)

23. a. MAYERHOFER, on 28th Nov., 1845, about 9 a. m., took 1 gr. of 1x trit. Soon afterwards strong taste of S. in mouth, burning on point of tongue, confusion of head and aching in forehead, constrictive pain in pit of stomach and feeling of sickness, wandering pressing pain in left hypochonder, chilly feeling extending from lumbar vertebrae to abdomen and extremities. 29th – In m. violent shooting pains came on in right hip-joint, which compelled him to keep his bed, as he could not raise himself up or move without the greatest effort. This very troublesome shooting pain extended through right half of pelvis down right femur, avoided knee, and reappeared as severely in foot. 30th. – The pain abated, he could again freely move right hip – and ankle – joints, and stand erect; tenderness of joints, however, persisted, now more, now less, for 8 day longer. During this time the bowels were very sluggish, and some day not at all moved. 9th Dec., about 10 a. m., he took another gr. In 20 m. heaviness and confusion of sinciput, and aching, squeezing, anxious feeling in pit of stomach, which gradually changed into a constrictive and alternately a burning pain. Two hours afterwards there came on a sensation of fullness of chest, at first an insipid and clammy, but suddenly a sweetish taste in mouth; sensitiveness of uvula; tickling in throat; spitting of a watery slimy fluid mixed with bright red blood several times, at short intervals. (He had had something similar 6 or 7 years previously). Salivary secretion increased; for a long time he had every now and then traces of blood in the saliva. Conjointly with these symptoms there was a feeling of fullness and distention of belly, and bearing down towards colon. Appetite diminished. After dinner symptoms in the pit of stomach declined, but the abdominal parietes became sensitive, and the bearing down towards the colon increased. There ensured a loose motion; the pulse was quick, hard, and dull. 10th. – About 9 a. m. and 9 p. m., I gr. The feeling of oppression in pit of stomach less troublesome to – d.; in bones of arms and legs he had a feeling of weight; general; weariness, and discomfort of whole body. Confusion in sinciput, insipid taste, appetite small. Constant bearing down in rectum, and a loose stool. In evening, immediately after taking the medicine, sweet taste in the palate. Contrary to the usual habit he was long of falling asleep, and when at last sleep came, it was disturbed by dreams of fire and death. 11th. – In m., on waking, sensation of dryness in mouth, dry wrinkled lips; taste clammy, tongue thickly furred with a dirty yellow coating; aching feeling of weight in region of stomach worse than yesterday; great bearing down and feeling of fullness in the rectum; he had not his usual motion of the bowels in m. Confusion of the sinciput; annoying sensation of fullness in abdomen, followed by occasional tension and shooting pains. About 10 p. m. he took 2 gr. At n. vivid anxious dreams, frequent waking, and difficulty of falling asleep again. 12th. – In m. dryness of lips, mucous membrane of which lies in folds; aridity of commissures of mouth, which are covered with small whitish scales; borders of the alae nasi dry, Schneiderian mucous membrane irritated as if a coryza were coming; canthi of eyes red and inflamed, slightly adhesive, and exuding a little. Along with these, confusion of sinciput, oppressed feeling on chest, tenderness of abdominal parietes, and bearing down towards rectum. After getting up and passing a hard stool, all symptoms diminished, so that during day he felt pretty well. At 10 p. m. 10 gr. At n. vivid dreams. 13th. – About 9 a. m. 2 gr. Frequent sudden call to make water; increased flow of dark – coloured urine; constant bearing down towards anus, and feeling of fullness in umbilical region. Towards evening troublesome itching in scrotum. 14th. – About 11 a. m. 3 gr. Sweetish taste, rush of water into mouth, frequent eructation and yawning, fluent coryza, confusion of sinciput, aching boring pains in temples and ears (especially r.); drawing tensive pains in right side of lower jaw, with painful tension and commencing swelling of right submaxillary gland, feeling of fullness of the belly, bearing down towards anus, clammy taste, little appetite, rigor extending from lumbar vertebrae over limbs, and at same time feeling of distention and bursting of abdomen. Throughout day itching in scrotum. About 4 p. m. the rigor recurred, and this time was accompanied by painful shoots in urethra, and aching boring pains in bones of forearm. In evening dull aching and feeling of weight in both eyeballs, with loss of vision as if a thick veil were before eyes. Late in evening, roughness, redness, and itching of skin on dorsum; of right hand; some red, very itching pimples on skin of right thumb and its dorsal aspect towards metacarpus; roughness of skin between right thumb and forefinger, worse in heat of bed. The night’s rest was disturbed by boring tearing pain in teeth, which lasted all following day, and in n. of 15th attained such a height that he could not sleep a wink, in consequence of which he got a tooth, which was somewhat carious, drawn the following d. He discontinued taking the medicine for some d. During this time the exanthematic phenomena on right hand continued, and were regularly aggravated by heat of bed; the pimples gradually assumed the form of small pustules. The fecal evacuations were far from normal, and sometimes ceased altogether; the fecal matter was sometimes firm, sometimes relaxed.

23b. 20th. – About 10 a. m., 3 gr. Confusion and aching in sinciput as if a band were tightly tied round forehead; itching in scrotum, and ineffectual straining at stool, with dull, shooting aching pains about navel. Towards evening several small, reddish pustules in skin of right thumb, near metacarpus, which itched excessively. 21st. – After repeating about 9 a. m. dose of yesterday occurred violent fluent coryza; hard stool (about noon); frequent urination, urine the colour of sherry wine. P. m., itching, burning, and redness of edges of lids and of skin on outside of nose. Towards evening great tenderness around anus, and sudden, jerking, very painful stitches, first out of right and then out of left half of anus; they were so violent that they made him start up from his seat; at same time chilly feeling in legs. In evening, in bed, itching, and burning on dorsum of right hand, which became covered with elevated, red, and itching pustules, which went off during n. (The swelling of the right submaxillary gland, which commenced on 14th, has increased somewhat in size to – day, and feels moderately hard and tense.) 22nd. – Itching betwixt fingers of both hands; inefficient call to stool; urinary secretion increased, urine of bright yellow colour. Towards evening a red rough round place, an inch in circumference, appeared near union of ring and little finger, on which reddish pustules appeared, which itches very much in heat of bed. About 11 p. m., 4 gr. Soon afterwards confusion; in forehead and temples, and aching in pit of stomach. Sleep disturbed by vivid dreams. 23rd. – About 8 a. m. 4 gr., and about 10 p. m. 6 gr. In m., after much straining and effort, a motion, at first hard and afterwards loose. Appetite was diminished, and after taking but a small quantity of food he had feeling as if stomach was over loaded. Urine of a bright colour was passed in considerable quantity. Feeling of weight in humorous. In evening after taking medicine, sweetish taste in mouth, great flow of saliva mixed with blood, confusion of sinciput when lying, contractive pain in forehead and temples, aching and oppression in pit of stomach; then very heavy sleep, disturbed by dreams, from which he awoke after 3 hours with confusion and weight of head, clammy taste in mouth, fullness of belly, tension and drawing round in a circle about navel, feeling of coldness and irritation in rectum, urgent but ineffectual call to stool; after passing much flatus of the smell of rotten eggs, and a great flow of urine, these symptoms diminished. 24th. – In m., heaviness, confusion and dullness of the sinciput, clammy taste, thickly furred tongue, urgent but ineffectual call to stool, with drawing and tension down muscles of loins, discharge of much flatus with the smell of rotten eggs. These symptoms connected with the bowels recurred twice, namely at noon and in e. About noon annoying itching in scrotum and on back of hands, with tickling, itching, and sore feeling at outer border of anus. Swelling of submaxillary gland decreased. At n. vivid dreams and uncommon sexual excitement. 25th. – The exanthematic phenomena on dorsa of both hands declined; itching and redness of scrotum persisted in same intensity. After dinner a hard stool, followed by sore feeling at anus. Night’s rest disturbed by many vivid dreams. 26th. – In m. ineffectual urging at stool; severe fluent coryza. Swelling of submaxillary gland grew less. At 10 p. m. 6 gr. Many vivid dreams, causing a restless n. 27th. – About 9 a. m., 8 gr. In an hours anxious aching in pit of stomach, confusion of sinciput, sweet taste, great flow of saliva into mouth, bloody streaks in saliva. In 3 hours rigor over whole abdomen, feeling of fullness there, bearing down towards anus, jerking stitches through its right half, itching in it, and feeling as if it were sore, swollen and moist. P. m., anxiety in chest, difficulty of breathing, cough accompanied by shooting pains in chest, increased secretion of saliva mixed with streaks of blood. In evening, after much straining, a firm motion, accompanied by rigor proceeding from lumbar vertebrae, and cold feeling in limbs, especially lower ones; violent itching and tickling in point of nose, which is red. About 10 p. m., 8 gr. At n. many dreams, hence restless sleep and frequent awaking, each time with feeling of weight and dullness in sinciput. 28th. – About 9 a. m., 8 gr. A.m., after much effort, a hard stool; tongue furred; appetite diminished; throughout day squeezing pressure in pit of stomach and in chest. In evening troublesome itching in skin of nose, which is slightly red, particularly at tip. At n. many vivid lascivious dreams; frequent emission of urine the colour of sherry. 29th. – Without medicine. In m. feeling of weariness and heaviness in legs; confusion of head. At noon piercing, jerking stitches out at anus, which was then so sensitive that he could not remain an instant seated; with every stitch dull shooting and jerking pains in the right inguinal region; sore feeling at anus, and escape of moisture from it, itching in skin surrounding it; distention of belly, in spite of a great discharge of flatus smelling of rotten eggs; annoying but ineffectual urging to stool. At n., after much effort, an unsatisfactory motion, with frequent and increased emission of urine. 30th. – About 8 a. m., 10 gr. A.m., feeling of constriction of chest, and severe aching in pit of stomach; confusion of sinciput; diminished appetite; sweet taste; copious secretion of saliva mixed with streaks of blood; contractive pains about navel; troublesome and ineffectual urging to stool. The pustules on back of hand decreased in size, but the itching continued violently, especially in warmth of bed. 31st. – Swelling of submaxillary gland quite gone; sinciput oppressed; itching in the scrotum very troublesome; the exanthematic symptoms on back of hands diminished; evacuation after great effort. Ist Jan. – Itching and sore feeling at border of anus. P. m., itching and smarting in bend of elbow, where, in evening, several pimples on a red spot appeared. 2nd. – Same symptoms. 3rd. – In evening 12 gr. In 1/4 hours feeling of pressure and weight in pit of stomach, and difficulty of breathing; dull aching in forehead; tension in belly, especially in umbilical region. At n. itching here and there, but especially on scrotum. Many vivid dreams; restless sleep 4th. – In m. awoke unusually early with confused head; feeling of weight in pit of stomach, and very great itching on scrotum and inside of thighs. Afterwards there occurred tensive pains about navel; urging to stool, and after much effort, an insufficient hard motion. Urine, which was in larger quantity than usual, was the colour of light sherry, sp. gr. 1019. Appetite diminished; he ate rather from habit than from necessity. After eating, disagreeable feeling of weight in gastric region; recurrence of urging to stool, and after much straining a soft formed evacuation. Urine, discharged in greater quantity in evening, had the colour of white wine, and a sp. gr. of 1015. Whilst urinating, and for 1/4 hours afterwards, rigor, which extended from lumbar vertebrae over abdomen. At n. great itching on dorsum of right hand, especially on little finger, where he found, d the following m., a pustule with its head scratched off, which had a great resemblance to an itch pustule. 5th. – In m. there appeared on left ala nasi, towards cheek, a small distinctly pulsating swelling. Towards noon there appeared, below left commissure of mouth, several itching pimples, and on anterior surface of left thigh several itching pustules like scabies. 6th. – In m. 12 gr. Soon afterwards feeling of pressure in pit of stomach; frequent yawning and eructation of air. Towards noon peculiar feeling of trembling and throbbing in chest and pit of stomach; bearing down towards anus, itching shoots there; fluent coryza; feeling of weight in right arm. Skin was reddened on several places, and itched. Urine passed after eating, in small quantity, had colour of dark sherry, and a sp. gr. of 1026. P. m., drawing tensive pain in right hip, extending down thigh. In evening several very itchy pimples and red spots appeared on thighs; the pimples beneath left commissure of mouth were gone; the small pulsating tumour on ala nasi burst and discharged pus; the pustules on little finger and on left thigh dried up. At n. many disturbing dreams; waking about midnight and remaining a long time awake. 7th. – In m. bearing down towards anus and call to stool, but ineffectual, as nothing but flatus came away. It was only towards noon that after much straining a formed soft motion was passed. In evening tensive pain in left thigh; bearing down towards anus. At n. intense itching at anus, and following m. escape of an acrid itching fluid from it. He now left off taking medicine until 13th. During this time, sometimes one, sometimes another of the above – described symptoms occurred, more or less severely, but the cutaneous symptoms were most observed. The symptoms connected with the anus declined after 2d., but the motions continued to be very irregular. The fluent coryza, which annoyed the prover more of less during the whole of his proving disappeared.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.