29 d.. On 3rd – 6th Octo. he took daily 5 gr. of 6x trit., without any perceptible effect; also after 10 gr. which he took on 7th and 8th, he noticed nothing. On 10th and 11th he took 5 gr. of the 3x. the first day no symptoms occurred; the second, however, was more fruitful. In evening by candlelight he had recurrence of itching in external canthus of left eye. At same time upper lid itched (after 5 – 6 p m.) to such a degree that he must involuntarily rub the eye. This he did so gently that it could not have caused the symptoms that followed. Itching increased in course of evening to burning; lids winked frequently and light hurt eye. The following n. was quiet. In m. he awoke with stiff eyelids, which, however, soon regained their ordinary mobility. Lids and caruncula were both injected of a bright red colour. 12th. – Same dose. During day eye was pretty well, with exception of redness above described, and occasional itching to lid – borders, as if they were covered with crusts that ought to be removed. But on approach of n. and at sight of candles, edges of left eyelids commenced to burn, and photophobia came on. On reading or writing eye watered, and pain increased, preventing him going on with his work. 13th. – No medicine. In m. on awaking he could not open eye immediately on account of stiffness of lids; he only succeeded in doing so after several trials, and then there appeared a considerable quantity of mucus, which obscured sight, and in spite of frequent wiping away continued to return. This secretion of mucus lasted the first 2 or 3 hours of forenoon, and did not cease till about noon. In evening again itching, then burning pain followed by photophobia and flow of tears. From 14th to 25th inclusive he took daily 5 gr. of same trit., and during all that time the blepharo – blennorrhoea of left eye just described persisted. From 26th he ceased taking the S., and by 30th the eye affection was quite gone; but on 2nd and Nov. he took a similar dose, and in evening the ophthalmic affection returned with precisely the same symptoms. On 8th right eye was affected in a similar though a slighter manner, “On the 15th Nov.,” he writes, “I had had quite enough of my proving and my eye disease, which bored me by preventing me doing anything in evening; so I left off, and by the 25th my eyes were quite well. the remains of the eruption were not perceptibly affected by the trits.” (Ibid.)

30. SCHWEIKOFER, Surgeon, aet. 41, of phlegmatic – sanguine temperament, suffered from itch when a boy, which was got rid of buy inunctions of sulphur and mercurial ointment. When 17 he had scarlatina, which left a great tendency to sore throats, so that in cold, damp, and foggy weather, or after getting wet, he is very often affected with inflammation of tonsils and palate, for which he has usually employed leeches, calomel, &c., in accordance with the principles of so – called rational medicine. As a consequence of a frequent attacks of inflammation, there occurred considerable enlargement and induration of tonsils, followed by elongation of uvula, which on account of the discomfort it caused him had to be partially removed. This tendency to sore throat lasted till 1841, at which time he became acquainted with homoeopathy, and used belladonna for his cured, and ever after that remained except from attacks.

30 a.. His provings were made exclusively with dilutions of Sulphur, which he prepared himself according to the centesimal scale. He took of the 4th dil., on 1st July, 1846, 10 dr.; on 4th, 50 dr.; and on 9th, 100 dr. No symptoms. On 10th, about 10 a. m., 10 dr. of 200th. Two hours afterwards shooting in r side of chest, which lasted till dinnertime. 11th. – No medicine. In m., after awaking, itching in eyelids. 12th. – About 9 a. m., 50 dr. In m., after awaking, itching in eyelids, which are gummed together; white of eye is reddened. On back of right hand 2 small pimples, which he must scratch; itching and smarting betwixt fingers. 13th. – About 9 a. m., 100 dr. Itching on lids much diminished; redness of conjunctiva less; pimples on hand, which burst when scratched, excreting a clear transparent fluid; itching and smarting betwixt fingers. 13th. – About 9 a. m., 100 dr. Itching on lids much diminished; redness of conjunctiva less; pimples on hand, which burst when scratched, excreting a clear transparent fluid; itching and smarting between fingers not troublesome. 16th. – About 9 a. m., 10 dr. of 100th. No symptoms. 17th. – At 9 a. m., 50 dr. sensation as if inflammation in eye was about to come on. 18th. – No medicine. In m. on awaking prickling, causing him to scratch, itching, and smarting in lids; loose motion, with tenesmus. In course of day 3 diarrhoeic lids as yesterday. 20th. – No medicine. Itching and smarting in lids; loose motion, with tenesmus. In course of day 3 diarrhoeic stools. 19th. – At usual hours 100 dr. Same disagreeable feeling in eye lids as yesterday. 20th. – No medicine. Itching and smarting in lids much diminished; toward evening it went off completely. 21st. – No medicine. In m. in bed tearing and shooting pains in left shoulder, and violent tearing in right upper arm. After getting up and walking about in open air, pains went off. 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. – No medicine. Each day a soft motion; otherwise perfectly well. 25th. – No medicine. Each day a soft motion; otherwise perfectly well. 25th. – At 9 a. m., 10 dr. of 60th. In 2 hours urgent call to stool, and loose motion. 26th. – 50 dr. In a few m. motion of bowels, though previously he had felt no call; itching in r eye. 27th. – 100 dr. During day prickling, itching, and smarting in eyelids. At n. vivid dreams of comic character, with loud laughter, which continued for some time after awaking. 28th. – No medicine. In m. after awaking eyelids gummed together, and feeling as if some sand was in eyes; flying shoots in walls of chest, first on right, then on I, side, and finally right side of abdomen. Soft insufficient stool. Bad spirits. 29th. – No medicine. No symptoms. 30th. – At 9 a. m., 10 dr. of 30th. In 2 hours sensation of prickling in both eyelids, causing him to scratch and rub them; sensitiveness to light. 31st. – At 9 a. m., 50 dr. about 3 p. m. feeling of fine sand betwixt right eye and lid. 1st Aug. – 100 dr. No symptoms. 2nd. – No medicine. Itching and burning of eyes; itching and smarting betwixt fingers of right hand, on back of which appeared a scabious – looking pimple, which went off in evening; shooting in chest externally. 3rd. – No medicine. In m. itching and smarting in both eyelids; copious secretion of mucus from Meibomian glands; sensitiveness of eyes to daylight; fine sudden shoots on outside of I, heel – bone; sore feeling, burning and smarting on glans and inner surface of prepuce, which parts are somewhat reddened. 4th.. – No medicine. On glans and prepuce same symptoms as yesterday, and in addition a small pimple on glans. Respecting his sensations from 5th to 28th aug., during which time he took no medicine, he says: “the itching and smarting on prepuce and glans continued to increase; it is with the greatest difficulty I can refrain from scratching and rubbing; pimple on glans is gone. During this time skin of prepuce desquamated; inflammation extended along whole penis to pubes; the itching and smarting was very violent and tiresome. the desquamation of the epidermis, which recurred every 6 or 7 day, lasted several months, and only went off entirely at the beginning of November.”

30 b. 15th Nov. At 9 a. m., 10 dr. of 20th; on 19th dr., and 2 day later 100 dr. No symptoms. the 15th and 12th dils. were taken in a similar manner, without effect. 8th De. – 5 dr. of 6th. No symptoms. 11th. – 50 dr. In m. after awaking itching and smarting all over body, but especially on eyelids, foreskin, glans, and legs. In evening violent pains in occiput. Night’s rest disturbed by many vivid dreams. 12th. – No medicine. Yesterday’s symptoms recurred to – day, but in slighter degree. 13th. – 100 dr. No symptoms. He was prevented going on with his trials in consequence of becoming ill from taking cold. (Ibid.) 31. ADOPHUS SEYDL, medical student, proved S. in substance and in tincture.

31 a.. From 15th to 24th aug., 1846, he took daily (with exception of 22nd), about 7 a. m., as much as would lie on the point of a knife of flowers of S.; and from 29th Aug. top 5th Sept. daily (with exception of the 26th Aug.); at 7 a. m., a teaspoonful of same substance. 15th. – Throughout forenoon eructations smelling of s.; no other symptoms. 16th. – Same. 17th. – sulphurous eructations; no stool. 18th. – Same as yesterday. 19th. – In sulphurous eructations; p. m., heat of whole body; perspiration in axillae and palms In evening a hard evacuations. 20th and 21st. – sulphurous eructations; no other symptoms. 23rd. – A.M., sulphurous eructations; p.m., great heat in whole body, with much sweat in axillae and palms; no stool; at n. profuse sweat and restless sleep. 24th. – Same as yesterday. 25th. – Very troublesome sulphurous eructations. In evening a firm motion. 28th. – Drawing in small of back, especially when sitting, lasting all day 29th. – Drawing in back recurred, but more mildly. 1st Sept. – No stool. No other symptom. 2nd. – No stool; towards evening very violent drawing in small of back; at n. heat and considerable perspiration. 3rd. – Anorexia. No stool. the next 2 day no symptoms.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.