15. HAUSMANN prepared a series of 1/2 triturations, and took large doses of them-gr. xx – lxx, descending regularly from the 16th to the Ist in 9 d. The most marked and recurrent symptom throughout was a drawing pain, generally on the dorsal aspect of the limbs near the joints, penetrating somewhat in, once described as going like a stream of air over the part, and causing a feeling of paralysis, once (in the tibia) accompanied by sense as of cool breath on small of back. He also had, after the 14th, attacks of aching on right base of thorax behind, proceedings from inside, penetrating deeply and lasting some time, recurring periodically for 3. d., uninfluenced by movement or posture; after 13th – 10, great sleepiness post prandial, and on waking confusion on head till evening, diminished by walking in open air; after 6th and lower trits., diarrhoeic yet formed stools, mixed with much mucus. From 2nd and Ist tenesmus was added. After finally taking gr. xvij of Ist on April 10th he had much flatus in transverse colon; great confusion of head, worse when walking in open air; later, contractive pressure in abdomen;, loose stool with great anxieties, followed by sweat all over body, especially on forehead, which relieved head; on rising from stooping, vertigo and weight in head; on waking before midnight, pressure in left frontal eminence. From 14th to 19th had inflammation of point of nose, ending in an internal scab; a herpes circinatus on finger became on one day more swollen, red, and shining, and on next right cheek was covered with small red painless spots, lasting only 24 h. From 21st to 27th drawing pain only continued. On 28th, in lower front right chest dull stitches from within outwards like blows, ending within thorax, excited by deep breathing, sneezing, &c. From 29th to May 5th a whitlow on volar surface of point of right thumb, on ulnar side, finally bursting an discharging. (Ibid.)

16. a. WENZEL HUBER took gr. x of 6x daily from March 27th to April 6th without effect. From April 2nd to 7th took daily gr. x of 5x. On 5th had drawing tearing pains in right scapula, lasting 3d., and increased by every movement, also reddened tonsils and painful deglutition for 2d. From 7th to 12th, gr. x of 4x daily. On 8th, soon after taking medicine, bruised pain in small of back, annoying him all d. From 10th to 12th hoarseness and tightness of chest; on 11th also disgust and inclination to vomit all day; on 12th ill – humour, and recurrence of pain in back (increased by every motion). From 13th to 18th daily gr. x of 4x. On 16th, all day deep in centre of thorax a sore place of size of crown – piece, pain increased by movement and inspiration. From 17th to 19th, right nipple swollen, and painful to touch and on deep breathing; on 18th roughness in throat and inclination to cough all d. From 19th to 30th took daily gr. x of 1x. Every m. till 25th slight aching in forehead, but no other symptoms.

16 b. On Oct. 16th renewed proving with 50 gr. of 6x. In 30 m. palpitation for 2 m., with anxiety as if about to faint. On 17th took 100 gr. After 1 hours aching pain in forehead and confusion of head, as from too much alcohol; fullness and weariness after dinner, relieved by walking in open air; same dose next day caused repetition of symptoms in stronger degree. On 19th took 100 gr. of 5x, and repeated it on 20th, 22nd, and 23rd. Nothing save slight gastric disturbance and a pimple on upper lip occurred till the 23rd, when (and also on 24th) he had frontal aching in m., and later burning pains in occiput for some h. On 24th took 100 gr. of 4x. In 30 m. heat in occiput, and dull aching over whole head for 3 h. After dinner confusion of head, going off in open air; on returning to warm room heat in occiput; no sleep from 12 to 3, and great confusion on waking. Took another dose; head symptoms returned, but were slighter; restless sleep after midnight. Next day right nostril sensitive and reddish. On 27th, after same dose, occipital pain and heat recurred, and were more persistent; and inflammation had set in the nose, ending in desquamation on the 31st. Two stools, each followed by a few drops of red blood. All day fullness in hypogastrium; also tension in left great toe and its metatarsal bone, lasting 2 day longer. On 28th, after same dose, frequent sudden vertigo, especially when near a declivity; worse after beer. On 29th, occiput again affected as before, in sudden attacks. After dinner, when walking, great weariness and aching in stomach; weight and fullness in hypogastrium, with feeling as if something heavy pressed on bladder. On 30 took 100 gr. of 3x. Blood after morning stool; same head and stomach symptoms, but lighter. Nov. Ist, repeated dose. With the hypogastric pressure frequent passage of small quantities of clear urine. On 2nd, another dose; same head and bladder symptoms, with sense of obstruction in endeavouring to micturate. On 3rd, same dose; same symptoms, with some griping and looseness, and pressive pain on left eye. On 4th, pressive headache over eyebrows all day, somewhat severe; itching on scrotum and thighs, with sweat, which continued – involving also prepuce – to end of proving. On the 5th took 100 gr. of 2x, and repeated the dose on the 7th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 20th, and 21st. The toe symptoms recurred, as also those of head and stomach. Slight abrasions on hand caused inflammation and suppuration, and three boils and an itching pustule appeared. On 25th, 26th, 27th, and 29th he took 100 gr. of 1x. Besides the usual symptoms, there occurred pressure and asthmatic feeling in chest, with disturbed sleep and sour nocturnal perspirations. On 28th there were frequent sudden tearings in fingers of both hands and dorsa of both feet, and on 29th and 30th pain in ankles, so that at length he could hardly stand. “The confusion of the head, the aching in the occiput, the feeling of fullness in the stomach and hypogastrium, and the pressure on the bladder, lasted some day longer, but the symptoms that lasted longest were the perspiration and itching on the scrotum and prepuce.

16c. On Jan. 8th hours began proving of tinct. with 100 dr. in water, which he repeated next. and on the 10th. The symptoms of head and abdomen returned, and the feeling in the bladder extended to the rectum and anus; sleep was very dreamful. On 11th and 12th took twice 200 dr. Same symptoms; and on evening of 11th toothache in sound teeth for an h. On 15th took 400 dr.; same symptoms, with some eructation like heartburn, and irritated cross temper. Two doses of 200 dr. each on 16th elicited nothing new save constriction of chest, and the same has to be said of two of 400 each on 17th. On discontinuing medicine diarrhea came on, with gripings below navel, and burning and tenesmus at anus, lasting 4 d.

16d. From 23rd to 26th he several times rubbed in the tinct. on the thighs and arms. Desquamation and a papular eruption occurred on the seat of friction, and the head and stomach symptoms occurred to a slight degree. (Ibid.)

17. Madame HUBER took the trits. with her husband in his first series of experiments. She experienced nothing from 6th and 5th. While taking 4th and 3rd began dream anxiously. On April 16th catamenia occurred, at regular time, but, while usually lasting 3 day only and being scanty, they now flowed profusely of six; the blood was black, clotted, and as sticky as glue. While taking 2nd the anxious dreams recurred, and were very vivid, twice leading to micturition in sleep. On 23rd had contractive pains in uterine region towards pudenda, resembling sensation preceding catamenial flux, lasting from m. till n., and leaving bearing down next d. On 26th there was violent contractive pain, and p. m. the catamenia returned, this time occurring normally, but leaving her weak and irritable. From 24th to May 10th red burning spots came and went on palm of right hand (Ibid.)

18. Man, aet. 47, robust. From 15th to 23rd Oct. took 20 dr. of tinct. daily, on 24th 30 dr. Dull pain in head and dreamful sleep were noticed, but save these the symptoms produced were entirely seated in the tongue. Dull pain in its root occurred on 20th, when it looked somewhat red and swollen; this recurred with increasing severity every evening till the 24th, speech being obstructed, and one of the papillae felt enlarged. He left off the medicine from 25th to 30th, and symptoms disappeared; but on taking daily doses of 30 dr. from 31st to 7th Nov. pain returned and increased, with swelling as before, so that he discontinued the proving. In 3d. the tongue was again quite normal. (Ibid.)

19 a. WILHELM HUBER began with the high dils. June 6th, 1846, at 7 p. m., he took 5 dr. of the 101st. In 2 hours, when in bed, violent rush of blood to head, all arteries of which were felt beating, with heaviness and confusion in it, roaring in both ears, and dull drawing throbbing pain deep in right forehead, of varying violence; whole attack lasted 1/2 hours, and the slept well afterwards. Next m. woke at 5 (unusual) with throbbing ache in right occiput and pain in left sacrum; former went off in 1/2 hours latter after getting up. On stretching out legs in bed very painful cramp in right calf. At 8 a. m. every step upstairs caused shooting wrenching pain in metatarsal bone of right great toe; same pain felt p. m. while walking, but then beneath left outer ankle. 6 p. m., took 10 dr. In 2 hours, at every step cramp – like pain in left calf and pains in corns of left foot. 8th – No med. and no symptoms. 9th – Took 15 dr. at 6 p. m. After 4 hours, in bed, sense as of sand under eyelids, and of heat over surface, with tendency to perspire, and slight threatening of headache in left forehead. On going to sleep, uncomfortable dreams of murders, from which he woke at 4 feeling very tired, and with tensive aching in left sacrum. 10th. – Took 20 dr. at 3 p. m. After 4 hours, sudden, oft – recurring, dull drawing pain in left forehead, alternating with similar pain on right side; when walking, frequent wrenching pain in left inner ankle. At n. in bed, drawing pain penetrating deep into bones – as when ice is held long in hand – now in metacarpal bone of right index, now in right knee, lasting a few seconds only. N. undisturbed. 11th. – On walking in m. transient colic – like pains below umbilicus, as from flatus; wrenching pain in left knee while walking. 8, pressive pain on vertex. 10, shooting as if in left pleura. 7 p. m., when standing, several throbbing shoots from anus through rectum into right hip. 8, took 25 dr. Soon after fine stitches in left great toe. At n. great flow of water from mouth. 12th. – Frequent fine burning stitches in skin of left upper eyelid, as from sparks; cramp – like painful drawing (while at rest) from inner to outer right ankle. 13th. – Took 30 dr. in m. About noon, both at rest and when moving, frequently recurring, very troublesome, cramp – like drawing in muscles of ant. interior surface of right thigh, followed by sudden tensive aching in left occiput. 14th. – M., walking, tensive aching in whole of right calf, as if it were too short and were made of wood, lasting 1/2 hours, and then giving place to brief tensive aching in left occiput. About noon took 30 dr., after which he had sudden, oft – recurring, dull drawing, deep in left forehead. During following 8 day he ceased taking medicine, and felt perfectly well. On 23rd took 15 dr. of 102nd dil. No symptoms. 24th. – In m. 24 dr. During forenoon frequent recurrence of a dull, drawing, penetrative pain, now in r hip, now in left forehead or left occiput. 4 p. m., unusually hard stool. 5, dull digging pain in left forehead, with confusion of whole head and forgetfulness; both eyes dim, but very sensitive to bright daylight. 25th. – M., 25 dr. Frequent painful drawing, a. m., through metacarpal bone of left index. Itching shooting in outer canthus of right eye, and sense as of fine sparks in skin of right upper lid. 26th. – M., 25 dr. Towards noon, dull, drawing, frontal headache, after a few m. alternating with similar pain in right wrist. Between 4 and 5 p. m. boring, shooting pain, now in right groin, now in spermatic cord extending to testicles, now within inguinal ring; followed by sharp cutting pain in right great toe. 7 to 8 p. m., when walking, cramp – pains in left calf and wrenching pain in left ankle. 27th. – M., 30 dr. After dinner several fine stitches in right concha, and cramp – like drawing below right mastoid process; soon afterwards great flow of saliva and sudden softly digging pain in right parotid; followed by sharp stitches, now in left great toe, now in left thumb, and the spark sensation in left upper lid. 28th. – M., on waking, tensive aching in left sacrum, extending to near left great trochanter, going off on getting up. About 9 a. m. burning on spot about a hand’s breadth in extent in skin of left elbow, extending gradually over extensor side of joint, and lasting upwards of 10 m. About noon nausea coming up from stomach, with heat of face. P. m., confusion of head with rushing out at left ear, and dull drawing pain in left forehead, soon alternating with penetrative cramp – like pain in left knee or wrist, or with stitches on root of nail of of right great toe; at same time, while walking, frequent cramp – like pain in left calf. E. in bed, several very sharp shoots (as from a blunt nail) in rapid succession at same spot of right great toe. 29th. – M., after rising, wrenching pain on walking in left hip. An hours after taking 40 dr. confusion of head with dull aching in forehead, and great dimness of vision on reading as though cornea had lost its transparency, – at same time feeling of dryness as from fine sand between eyelids. P. m. frequent alternation of frontal headache with pain in joints described the day previous. 30th. – E. in bed, on stretching out legs, very painful cramp in left calf, causing him to cry out; it lasted 15 to 20 seconds. This cramp continued to annoy him long after completing proving.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.