27 b. Of the 3x dil. he took on 8th Jan., 1846, before going to bed, 20 dr., without any result. 19th. – In evening 2 scruples of same dil. (After this he took no more.)Immediately after, metallic taste in border of left orbit. 20th. – In m great itching in anus. IN evening, before going to sleep, sudden shoots in left thigh, in course of crural nerve, relieved by walking. At n. sudden shooting in middle joint of right little finger; 1/2 hours afterwards numbed feeling and great lassitude in left ankle joint 21st. – About noon, bowels having been constipated for 2 day, fruitless call to stool. At n., before going to sleep, aching squeezing pains in left ankle, which after lasting a short time, give place to shooting pains in left sole. 22nd. – In m., on awaking, confusion of head, which went off after discharge of flatulence and going into open air. About noon, feeling of fulness in stomach and violent hiccup, lasting 1/4 h. P. m., after violent straining and cutting in anus, a scanty evacuation, and afterwards sensation as if mucous membrane of rectum were pressed out About 6 p. m. flying shoots in vesical region, and feeling of soreness on pressing on it. Before going to sleep crampy pain in lower third of left thigh, m and disagreeable feeling of lassitude. 23rd. – About 4 p. m. excessively violent pains in small of back, compelling him to go to bed. At n. very restless sleep. 24th. – In m. great weariness. During day he felt quite well. 25th. – No symptoms. 26th. – About 4 p. m. violent aching pains in frontal region, which he ascribed to the constipation that had already lasted 3 day, whereupon he took a cold water enema. This produced an evacuation, but had no effect on the headache. About 2 a. m. there occurred by fits drawing pains in lower third of thigh, and feeling of tension in left parietal bone, as if skin there were too tight and covered with ulcers. 27th. – In m., after awaking, tearing pains in left shoulder – joint. 28th. – At n., before after awaking, tearing pains in left shoulder – joint 28th. – At n., before falling asleep, shooting in left hip – joint. (Ibid.)

28. a. Dr. RIEDLINGER, 27 years old, of sanguine temperament, has always enjoyed good health. Hew took 1 dr., of tinct. mixed with an oz. of water every m. from 8th Aug. to 3rd Sept. inclusive. The following effects were observed: 8th. – Hoarseness; rumbling and pains in abdomen; night’s rest disturbed by vivid dreams. 9th. – Great lassitude after walking. Headache; shooting in anus. 10th. – In m. hoarseness; urgent call to stool, two loose motion. 11th. – Very great lassitude; pains in abdomen; towards evening tiresome long continued burning and itching over right ankle; at n. many disturbing dreams. 12th. – Great sensitiveness to every breath of air; frequent dreams. 12th. – Great sensitiveness to every breath of air; frequent urgent call to stool; appearance of a small boil on left shoulder. 13th. – Uncommon lassitude; heaviness of and burning in feet; colicky pains. 14th. – Formation of an erythematous patch, size of palm, on outside of leg, which, especially at n. in bed, itches constantly compelling him to scratch, but afterward is very sore. 15th. – Dyspnoea when walking quickly; weakness of chest on reading aloud; pains in abdomen; two itching in anus; erythema continues; at n. vivid, disturbing dreams. 17th. – Great prostration; low spirits; urgent call to stool, two evacuations. 18th. – Pains in abdomen with every draught of air; tendency to perspiration, especially in face; erythema continues. 19th. – Looks ill; emaciation; falling out of hair; marked loss of sexual power; sleep disturbed by dream. 20th. – Great lassitude; l voracious hunger; feeling of weakness in chest; frequent call to stool frequent emission of flatus smelling of rotten eggs; two motions; erythema continues. 21st. – Uncommon cheerfulness; very importunate sexual excitement. 22nd. – Cutting in the bowels after a motion that is at first hard and afterwards soft. Erythema goes off, but leaves behind it troublesome smarting in leg, which compelled him to throw the clothes off legs at n., as heat aggravated it. 23rd – Great lassitude; the clothes off legs as n., as heat aggravated it. 23rd. – Great lassitude; rumbling in bowels, two liquid motion. 24th. – Burning in right eye for a short time, which recurs at short intervals. 25th. – In evening burning feet. After midnight he must get up to pass water; on doing to so he has pain in front of urethra. 26th. – Itching between fingers; a loose motion; p. m. in the open air, without any cause, great depression of spirits 27th. – In evening severe cold in head with headache; boring above root of nose; vision as through a veil; stoppage of nose; violent sneezing; quick pulse; great lassitude and sleepiness, so that he could not help falling asleep. 28th. – The cold in head continues; great lassitude; drawing pains in shoulder; a hard motion. 29th. – In evening immediately after taking medicine, flow of water into mouth; rumbling in bowels, and in an hours afterwards a loose motion. The coryza continues. 30th. – Shooting above left eye; small dark specks before eyes; eyes dazzled after looking long at an object. Coryza continues. 31st. – Coryza diminished; toothache and inflammatory swelling of gum in vicinity of a stump almost entirely destroyed. 1st Sept. – Continued weariness; heaviness of legs in bed in evening; stiffness and weight in knees, especially on rising from his seat; the weariness goes off on walking about for some time in open air. 2nd. – Great anxiety in chest; frequent attacks of hoarseness; shooting in left chest, then loose motion. 3rd. – Great burning in hands. The itching on legs (especially l.) comes on every e. Pain in corns. At n. (as was the case on several previous nights) a pollution. The next four weeks he left off taking medicine; the lassitude and drowsiness did not quite go off, but were much less, the spirits better, the coryza and itching on legs ceased, and he had a firm evacuation every d.

28b. A drop of the tinct. mixed with 3 oz. of water was taken every m. from 4th to 22nd Oct. 4th. – Scraping in throat; violent sneezing; flying shoots in chest; at n. vivid dreams. 5th. – Great lassitude and drowsiness by day; burning hands; two loose stools. 6th. – Great lassitude; submaxillary gland somewhat swollen; tiresome pressing and shooting in inguinal region; at n. vivid dreams. 7th. – Hoarseness; itching in right leg; coldness of soles; a loose motion. 8th. – Great lassitude; pressing in the groin continues, and is combined with a feeling a heat; burning in hands; after a glass of beer immediately ebullition of blood and great sleepiness. 9th. Drawing pains in right tibia, and frequent prickling in legs; a loose motion. 10th. – After eating but little, tiresome feeling of fulness in abdomen; rumbling and two loose motion. At n. very vivid dreams; he felt as if falling from a height. 11th. – In evening confusion of head and pressing in forehead. 12th. – Very troublesome lassitude; constriction of chest and occasional shooting in it; at n. horrible dreams. 13th. – Shooting pains in teeth; painful swallowing; two loose motions. 14th. – Weariness; burning in hands; in evening great itching on legs. 15th. – Swelling of left submaxillary gland; itching in eyelids and burning in eyes; burning in skin of whole body; two loose motion. 16th. – Great sensitiveness they are not fastened tighter than usual. 17th – Easy bleeding of gums; at noon, disgust at meat; after eating but a little, fulness in stomach; shooting in anus; a loose stool. 18th. – Weight in head; pressing pain in forehead; vertigo on stooping; coryza with very frequent sneezing. 19th. – Great weariness; anxiety in chest; dyspnoea on walking quickly; nose much stopped up; ringing in ears. In evening flying heat; quick pulse and burning in hand. At n. very vivid dreams. 20th. – Heaviness in head; palpitation of heart without any reasons.; burning in skin all over back; tension in knees and calves on going upstairs; two loose motions. In evening sudden sadness and disinclination for everything. 21st. – Hoarseness; tiresome itching in nose, which is still stuffed; feeling of heart in back; sudden pinching in eyes and feet; on least exertion perspiration in face and nape of neck; itching on fingers; dread of catching cold. (Ibid.)

29. Dr. HERMANN SCHLESINGER, healthy, except that for the last 18 months he has been afflicted with a yellow scaly eruption (psoriasis discolor) extending over arms and body, but not causing him the slightest inconvenience, proved S. in substance, in high potencies, in tincture, and in trituration.

29 a. From 5th to 14th Feb., 1846, he took daily 5 grains of flowers of S., which produced no particular effect except violent boring pain in a hollow tooth, which on 8th, 9th, and 10th always occurred in evening, and tormented him until late at n. But as he had no more toothache during whole time of proving, he was disposed to attribute it rather to the wet weather then prevailing than to the S. From 20th to 24th inclusive daily 10 gr.; with exception of eructations smelling of S. (not of sulphurated hydrogen) soon after taking it, and costive motions, no symptoms occurred. 25th. Feb. – He took j; this was followed by eructations of gas, smelling of S. The appetite, which had been increasing for several day, was uncommonly good to – day. 26th and 27th. – Same dose; no symptoms. On 2nd March he took 3ss and on 3rd ij of S. This produced increased appetite, so much so that contrary to custom he must eat at other times than the accustomed meals. Motions not so hard, easily passed 4th. – 3j. AN hours after taking this he late, with his usual appetite, his usual breakfast, consisting of a cup of coffee and a roll, whereupon there occurred first eructation of wind, then of what he had eaten; nausea; and in 1/2 hours vomiting which brought up both breakfast and S. 6th. – Same dose. Except eructations smelling of sulphurated hydrogen, which occurred in evening, no symptoms. 7th. – About 10 a. m., same dose. In 1/2 hours rumbling becoming ever louder, and great inflation of belly, so that he had to unbutton his clothes. Appetite was somewhat diminished; soon after eating he had a copious, loose, yellow motion, accompanied by emission of a great deal of flatus smelling of sulphurated hydrogen. After emptying mingled urine and faeces out of the utensil he found a thin sediment, which proved to be S. 8th. – A.m. dose was repeated. Soon afterwards eructation mixed with mucous shreds, with burning pain in anus. 9th. – Three more liquid stools, followed by constipation for next 3 day 13th. – A.m., 3ij. During day felt quite well. In evening pricking pains in umbilical region, which intermittent from time to time, but always recurred more severely, and compelled him to draw up legs. Two hours afterwards sudden urgent call to stool, which could scarcely be complied with quickly enough. Diarrhoea now set in as on the 8th, which lasted with equal severity on following day; it declined gradually on 15th, but continued till 18th without any repetition of S. The pains in abdomen ceased on occurrence of the diarrhoea, and did not return. The prover being convinced that S. in substance produced nothing but mechanical irritation of his bowels, and had not the slightest effect on his skin disease, left off his trials for two months.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.