26. Dr. N -, 27, years of age, of sanguine temperament, made a series of provings with the tinct. 21st July, 1846, at 6 a. m., he took 3 dr. Immediately afterwards slight scraping in fauces, making him hawk; this lasted about an hour 22nd. – 5 dr. The scraping returned immediately; it alternated with a drawing pain in r shoulder, which went off by rubbing. 23rd. Same dose and same symptoms as yesterday 24th. – 10 dr. Distension of abdomen, rumbling in bowels. In evening 2 liquid stools, with relief to distension. 25th. – 10 dr. No discomfort in abdomen; no motion. At n. restless sleep; frequent waking from disagreeable anxious dreams. 26th. – In m., after getting up, bruised feeling over whole body; a. m., drawing downwards on inside of left thigh. No stool. 27th and 28th. – No medicine, no symptoms. 29th. – 10 dr. Immediately after taking them disagreeable tension in abdomen; no appetite for dinner. In evening 2 liquid evacuations, causing relief to tension. 30th and 31st. – 5 dr. The abdominal symptoms did not return; only a flying drawing and tearing in left shoulder reminded the prover occasionally that he had taken S. “I now, ” writes N -, “continued the proving by taking 5 dr. of tinct. daily, but until 6th August I only felt increased lassitude, sleepiness, and tendency to perspire on the least exertion. I sometimes felt so exhausted in evening that I fell asleep sitting on a chair, though people were taking loudly all round me. ” 7th Aug. – In m. 10 dr. In evening without any previous rigor, violent febrile heat, quickened pulse, confusion of head, and such great lassitude that he had to go to bed. Hew slept but little during n., tossed restlessly about in bed, and had many anxious dreams. 8th. – Bruised feeling all over body; yellow complexion. 10th. In evening 5 dr. Immediately afterwards violent drawing in left upper arm, extending from shoulder to elbow, and lasting an h. In evening troublesome tension in abdomen, followed by a diarrhoeic evacuation. 12th. – In m., on waking, left eyelids stuck together lachrymation from both eyes; and along with these symptoms so much photophobia that he could not look towards window On looking into mirror, after getting up, he found left eyelids swelled and conjunctivae of both eyes red. In course of day he had feeling of dryness and heat in both eyes; on opening and shutting eyes he felt as if lids rubbed against eyeball. 13th. – In m. l. eye was again closed up, lids reddened, photophobia worse then yesterday; conjunctiva and sclerotic of both eyes much injected; least light caused a copious flow of tears. The inflammation of the yes lasted, in the same intensity, until 20th, during which time 5 dr. of tinct. were taken daily. The appearance grew daily worse, and during all the time he had great lassitude, tendency to perspiration, and drowsiness. 21st. – The ophthalmic affection declined; he could look at the light better; the redness and heat of eyes were less. Some pimples appeared on shoulder and forehead. 22nd – In m. heat and redness of eyes stead the disagreeable tension in abdomen recurred, it was only alleviated by diarrhoeic motions. From 23rd to 26th, each day, in m., feeling of heat in eyes and some photophobia, symptoms which regularly declined towards latter part of day. In evening, although he felt no pain in eyes, he could not rad long by lamp – light without fatigue and watering of them. The general health was much as usual. The disposition was variable, but on the whole rather inclined to be dull lachrymose. 27th. – In m. 5 dr. About 7 p. m. violent febrile rigor, without shuddering or thirst, which lasted 1/2 hours, although he went to bed and covered himself with the bedclothes. This was followed by great heat, which lasted 1 1/2 hours, with full rapid pulse. Along with the febrile heat there occurred disagreeable aching pain in forehead and great restless, which went of sweat broke out. After this he feel asleep and passed a quiet n., without dreaming or walking, which had not been the case for a long time.28th. 31st. – Without medicine. The derangement of general health continued On 31st, in m., there appeared on j. check, near ala nasi, a small red spot, which attained the size of a lentil. 1st Sept. – 5 dr. On awaking in m. he remembered that in a half – sleeping state he had scratched away at his left cheek, owning to itching there. About 20 elevations, the size of millet – seeds were to be seen there; they itched slightly when touched, and became more visible after dinner, when cheek was also somewhat redder and hotter. 2nd. – 5 dr. Eruption on left cheek was also somewhat redder and hotter. 2nd. – 5 dr. Eruption on left cheek has increased in extent, especially near ala nasi. Traces of a similar eruption were also visible on right cheek. After dinner, and in evening after taking a little wine, eruption became remarkably increased. 3rd – 5 dr. “Last n.,” writes N., ” I again scratched my self violently (during d. I abstained from scratching for fear of making eruption raw). On looking at eruption in m. with a lens, I found, on spots first formed, epidermis coming off and found it was of circular form, scarcely above a line in diameter, thickened towards edges, and in center thin and transparent. Skin beneath the detached scale was elevated, red, and sensitive.” After dinner, the same aggravated of the eruption as on previous day 4th. – 5 dr. Desquamation appeared on several of the spots; on right cheek eruption is extending. “The following days, ” writes N -, “eruption remained the same, but I noticed with disgust that new scales constantly appeared on those spots that had already desquamated. One of my colleagues, who had pain great attention to skin diseases, declared the eruption to be a seborrhoea congestive, and prescribed cold douches for it. As I had, at that time particular objections to an eruption on my face, I discontinued the use of the S(>), but in spite of that the efflorescence lasted, in great or less intensity, throughout Oct. and Nov., and was always remarkably aggravated after taking even very small quantities of alcoholic liquors. The eruption subsequently went away without anything being done for it.” (Ibid.)

27. a SIGMOND REISS, army surgeon, 20th November, 1245, in m. took 10 gr. of powdered S. Beyond feeling of fulness in stomach and as yesterday. In evening a shooting pains in left hip, which extend to upper third of thigh, are worse when at rest, and are relieved by motion and by pressure. General lassitude, confusion of head, and intolerance of noise. From 22nd Nov. to 9th Dec he took daily about an hours before his breakfast of milk 20 gr. 23rd. – After dinner pressure in stomach; frequent eructation of air during day; in evening great lassitude and some confusion of head. 24th. General feeling of illness; great sensitiveness to every breath of air; about 2 p. m. he was so tired he must lie down; he fell asleep, but his sleep was disturbed by confused dreams. On awaking an hour afterward, violent pain in forehead, alleviated in evening after sneezing several times. 25th. – About 3 p. m., recurrence of the severe pain in forehead, with considerable congestion of face and coldness of extremities. Later in day frequent sneezing, which always gave relief to head. In evening itching in anus; general lassitude. 26th. – At 8 p. m.. pressive frontal headache with flying shoots in left orbit. 27th. – During day colicky pains in abdomen, which became particularly bad at n. in bed until relieved by discharge of flatus. At n. before falling asleep shooting in right hip, I shoulder and both thighs; disagreeable feeling of lassitude, as if he had ridden or swum a great deal. 28th. – About 7 p. m. aching in forehead. Before going to sleep colicky pains in abdomen and shooting in left chest. 29th. – In m., on awaking, itching in right hand, especially betwixt fingers. P. m., rumbling and griping in bowels, with relief by discharge of very fetid flatus, accompanied by feeling as if a loose motion were being passed. In evening two loose stools. 30th. – Immediately after taking medicine, gripings in belly, which frequently return during day, with feeling as if diarrhoea were about to ensue, and then with fruitless call to stool. “it is remarkable,” writes R -, ” that from the commencement of this proving I have awaked every m. at 5 a. m., and have been unable to fall asleep again, a thing that never happened to me before.” 1st and 2nd Dec. – Same symptoms as on the 30th Nov. 3rd. – Frequent fruitless call to stool. P. m., frequent violent sneezing. Towards evening sudden shoots in orifice of urethra. At n. a remarkable quantity of urine passed. 4th. – P. m., flying shoots in left supra – orbital ridge for 5 m. 5th. – In evening severe shooting in right calf and right upper arm.. For some day past he has observed a remarkable distraction, and particularly a very great loss of memory with respect to well – known local circumstances. 7th. – Immediately after taking medicine, symptoms in abdomen the same as those that occurred a few day before, with relief from emission of flatus. Four hours later a loose stool with itching in anus. 8th. – In m., on awaking, sensation as if a worm crept out of anus. Uncommonly late of falling asleep, and early waking in m. (4 a. m.) since 3rd. From 9th to 13th Dec. inclusive, proving was discontinued, but from 14th (with the exception of the 25th and 28th) to 30th, 20 gr. were taken daily. 10th and 11th. At n. before falling asleep, sudden shooting pains in the right half of head, with glowing hot cheeks and ears. at n. heavy confused dreams. 12th. – No symptoms. 13th. – On awaking from afternoon nap sensation as if hair were in throat, but without difficulty of swallowing. 14th. – At n., before falling asleep, for a 1/4 hours shooting pain in left forehead, extending to occiput, and relieved by external pressure. 15th. – In m., after awaking, shooting betwixt nd and 5th left ribs. Immediately after swallowing the S, eructation of wind, and the usual abdominal symptoms. At n. before falling asleep, itching all over body, headache as yesterday, but much milder, and slight shooting in chest as in m. 16th. – After constipation had continued for 2 days a copious loose motion, with burning in anus. 17th. – In evening violent pain, as if head were screwed together from without, with flying heat in face. At n. shooting in right forehead, extending to orbit. 18th. – Immediately after taking medicine same abdominal symptoms as above described. At n., in bed, flying shooting in right ribs, extending to the shoulder. “Since 15th,” he observes, ” I have awaked every m. at 4 o’clock, and have been unable to fall asleep again. “19th. – Two hours after taking medicine aching in stomach, which lasted 1/2 hours, and was conjoined with disagreeable feeling of repletion. For the first time for a week head is free from pain. 20th. – In m., 1/4 hours after taking medicine, burning in fauces; after 1.1/4 hours, on stooping and raising up the body, bruised pain in small of back, which recurs several times during d. At n., in bed, icy coldness of feet. 21st. – At n. before falling asleep, icy coldness of feet, with glowing heat in head and hands; violent stupefying headache and shooting in left chest, lasting more than 1/4 h. He tossed about uneasily in bed, and could not help thinking he was going to be seriously ill. 22nd. – A vesicle on left border of tongue. A.m., flying stitches in left chest, increased by walking quickly and going upstairs. 23rd. – Traces of the stitches in chest of yesterday, but only when walking. In evening, the bowels, which had been constipated for 2 days, were opened unsatisfactorily.. Before falling region of right sacro – iliac symphysis, and in right shoulder. A.m., shoots in right knee – joint when standing. In evening shooting in right ribs. 25th. – A.m., on inspiring cold air, tearing pain in a loose healthy incisor tooth. 26th. – During day dull headache. At n., before failing asleep, shooting in left thigh, in direction of crural nerve, for more than 1/2 hours 27th. – In m., on awaking, pain in left thigh recurred more violently than on preceding night; it was conjoined with great weakness almost approaching to paralysis, but was relieved by getting up, and went off in course of d. P. m., stupefying headache. At n. traces of pain in thigh. 28th. – Shooting pains in right knee – joint, especially when standing. At n. again symptoms in abdomen. During day shooting pains in left hip – joint and in ball of left hand.30th. – During day feeling of weakness and dislocation of right wrist. At n. feeling of great weakness of left leg, and shooting pains in hip – joint. 31st. – In evening bruised pain in small of back.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.