12. a. ARNETH. From 800th and 400th dils., taken from Oct. 11th – 24th, experienced no effects, save that sleep seemed rather less refreshing. Five dr, of 31st were then taken on 27th and 30th, Nov. 5th and 15th. During this time had periodically recurring but not very severe pains in temples, followed by acute screwing pains there. Nov. Ist. – Violent pains in left eye, as if rubbed against spiculae of glass and drawn in at pupil, with involuntary winking, followed by burning and lachrymation; attack lasting 2 m. On 3rd and 6th bleeding after easy motion, and raw pain at left commissure of mouth, lasting till 9th. On 15th frequent shoots in splenic region, and frequently recurring confusion of head. On 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 28th, took 5 dr. of 13th. On 22nd had severe cutting in right eye, and left commissure of mouth was again painful. On 24th painful contraction in last fingers of right hand. These were transient, but while taking 13th had also persistently light sleep; constant call to micturate, with feeling of warmth in urethra while doing so; painful confusion of head; and great excitement after drinking tea, though accustomed to it.

12 b. Ten gr. of 3rd cent., in solution, on Jan. 10th, 14, 17th, 23rd, and 26th, caused, on 10th, calm sleeplessness for 1/2 hours at a time; on 11th and 12th, towards n., eruption of 10 – 12 small bright red pimples on left forearm, which itched much when touched, easily burst, and let out some thickish fluid; on 12th, previous to good stool, violent cutting extending far up rectum; on n. of 14th sleep unrefreshing, disturbed by vivid dreams of ordinary occupations; on 15th soreness of left commissure of mouth, violent tearing contractive pains in right hand; on 17th – 19th frequent urination, and on n. of 17th vivid dreams of long – past events. After a month took 4 doses of same dry on tongue on 4 day from March 6th to 17th. On 7th commissure again sore, on 8th raw pain in anus, and after the 4 doses a peculiar roaring in ears and subjective odour as of a flower.

12 c. Ten gr. of crude substance taken on April 25th and 28th, and 20 gr. on 30th, caused on 26th 4 dose loose motions; on this and following day increased urine, and great appetite which could not be indulged – a little food causing troublesome distention; on 30th, violent digging pains in a right healthy molar, diminished by strong pressure, unaffected by cold or heat. At beginning of May prover had an attack of intermittent fever (rigor with thirst, long – continued heat without thirst, but with great rush of heat to head), lasting six weeks, leaving him very weak, and with (at beginning of September) caries in 5 sound teeth. Whether this (unique) occurrence can be traced to the S. must remain doubtful. (Ibid.)

13. a. GARAY. Jan. 22nd, noon, took 10 gr. of 6x trit. Soon after, loose fetid stool, followed by annoying, straining ulcerative pain in anus on touching it, and long – lasting feeling as if diarrhea would recur; slight left supra – orbital pain, and (15 m.) slight and transient vertigo. On going to bed, rigor and aching in right vertex, lasting till sleep came, and recurring for an hours on waking. On 23rd, took 20 gr. All day tickling at back of pharynx, causing tussiculation; at n., on micturating, violent shock through urethra to above pubes; rigor in bed. 24th. – All day scraping in throat, and cough with expectoration. At noon, aching in left forehead, and drawing pain in upper teeth, first of left then of right side, with sense of swelling and soreness of gums of former; also short rigors, frequently recurring (especially on movement or empty swallowing), with blue nails, pale face, giddy and heavy head, and sense as if humeri were broken; the cold is not removable by heat of fire, and there is sense of drought across abdomen above navel. After coffee, burning in right cheek and ear, rest of body remaining chilly. In afternoon great sleepiness; at times bruised pain in outer left tibia, and slight griping in bowels. On going to bed nervous excitement, with recurrence of symptoms of left upper gum and teeth. Painful chap in middle of upper lip, and troublesome itching all over body save inside of limbs, occurred, and lasted several d. On 29th, feeling well, took at 2 p. m. 40 gr. of 8x trit. Soon after former pains in left forehead and jaw, with slight griping in bowels, horripilation in both arms, and paralytic pain in left leg. At 10 p. m. sudden urging to stool, continuing after passing lump of hard feces, and merging into increasing and long – lasting gripings in right abdomen, with much flatus and itching at anus; compressive pain in glans penis, angle of left maxilla, and left and right auricle near meatus. On 30th and 31st, m., the frontal aching (r. also) and shoots in urethra; at noon, the rigor (first outside of arms, then down back to sacrum, then across abdomen), – it was lessened by warmth, increased by movement, and accompanied by weariness, pale and suffering countenance, and pains as if broken in upper arms, thighs, and legs, shooting in outside of feet. Appetite not impaired. At 3 violent tearing in right knee and ankle, boring squeezing pain in right forearm. At 11:30, while sitting, acute shoot in bend of first right then left knee, with horripilation at side of chest. Feb. Ist evening, very painful shoots along left scapula, frequently recurring, and long – lasting. On 2nd took 10 gr. of 8x. Immediately after, rigor. On 3rd, in bed at n., attacks in left shoulder of shooting throbbing pain so severe as to make him cry out. On Feb. 6th, at noon, took 20 gr. of 8x. During day, headache only; at n. and next m. griping in bowels and frequent urination. During 7th annoying paralytic feeling on outside of left leg and forearm; at noon, violent drawing along outer side of right forearm and leg. Hands had for days past felt unusually cold, and lips as if covered with salt. On 9th, much straining at stool, with aching in small of back. On 16 set in itching all over body, desquamation of skin of face, and humid eruption on vertex – small grain – like pustules filled with pus, and drying up into honey – like scabs (“achor granulatus”). These continued till 20th, when he had also roughness of throat and nervous sensation in it, compelling frequent hawking; shooting through pupil deep into left eye on attempting to read (lasting several d.) and in evening troublesome heat in eye; painful pimple on right ear, lasting 4 day; and violent itching in glans penis and mouth of urethra. On 26th several diarrhoeic stools with burning in anus preceded by gripes; much mucus in throat. (These symptoms aggravated by beer). In evening, great burning in anus and urethra, with frequent urging to micturition, and burning at urethral orifice during it. In bed every place appears too hard for his head.

13b. March 3rd, at 10 p. m., took 3ij of pure substance in water. At night heat all over body, especially in palms, continued erections, with vivid not lascivious, dreams; itching in bend of elbows, scratching which causes moisture to exude. On 4th, some headache; at n. loud borborygmus, followed by copious, pappy, yellowish – green, very fetid motion. On 7th took 3ss without effect. On 10th, took 3j, with recurrence of symptoms of 4th; after stool he felt quite well. After three weeks took another ounce, which caused legs and fingers to go readily to sleep on pressure; painful twitchings of left peroneus longus, lasting for weeks, and hindering walking; for some time nightly itching all over in bed; his food cannot be sufficiently salted. On April 5th, intolerable burning along urethra, as from pepper, immediately relieved by a. dr. of cantharis 0/. On 9th at n. horrible dreams with great palpitation; on waking, sometimes rigor, sometimes heat and fear of robbers. On 16th took 3ij in water. In evening jerking cutting in right eye, spreading to temple, lasting several hours, and renewable by touching right side of point of nose. In bed, slight shivering, then general heat, then profuse sweat with odour of drug. On 17th, early, four soft stools. Therewith heat and salivation, afterwards thirst; before, during, and after, inclination to vomit and burning at anus. There was burning also in left ala nasi, but a few m., but frequently recurring; occasional shoots in urethra; dry feeling and tensive pain on left side of palate, extending to right and lasting 2 d. Thence forward quite well.

13c. Daughter, aet. 7 1/2. Doses of gr. v and xx of 6x both caused violent pains in umbilical region. (Ibid.)

14. F. GOTTWALD, aet.37. Healthy save for occasional mild gouty symptoms. On June 9th took 3j of 1x. Soon after, dryness in mouth and throat, and aching in left eye; after dinner deafness of left ear. On 8th, m., rheumatic pains in nucha; griping relieved by a liquid motion; after dinner aching and shooting in precordia; in evening aching of left eye, twitching of lids, and violent tensive pain in left tendo Achillis. This subsided during n., but on 9th, another 3j being taken, it returned with increased intensity, was especially bad at rest, and resembled gouty pains of years gone by. Had also great sleepiness after dinner; frontal itching; and sensation as if hair on vertex were pulled, though he had long been bald there. On 10th was weary and feverish; had itching at urethral orifice, straining at stool, and tension of skin of face. On 11th, in m., much thirst; dryness and warmth in throat; itching of left eye, aggravated and extending on being rubbed. At noon, tearing pains in left tibia. P. m., burning in anus and tenesmus. In evening, dryness and heat of skin. At n. perspiration, with relief of skin. On 12th took 3j of 3x. Same symptoms of mouth and throat of anus and of stools, and on 2 day stiffness and tearing in wrists and ankles when at rest, going off immediately on motion. On 2nd n., painful aching in small of back and restless sleep. On 14th, after another scruple, same dryness of throat, and liquid, griping stools; frequent sneezing and coughing; shivering and weariness after dinner; involuntary stool when sneezing or laughing; at n. tenesmus and swollen piles, unknown for nine years. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.