29b. On 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 8th May, he took 5 dr. of the 403rd dil. On 12th. – 16th he took 10 dr. of same dilution without noticing any effect except a slight confusion of head on 13th and 14th, which was probably owning to the spirits of wine. Despairing of obtaining any results from this preparation he ceased taking any more of it.

29 c. 20th June. – In m. 5 dr. of the tinct. in a tablespoonful of water IN 1/2 hours, oppression of forehead (as if intoxicated), flow of water into mouth, and uncomfortable anxious feeling in stomach as yesterday, with this difference, that oppression was more on left side of forehead. In degree and duration it was same as yesterday. 22nd and 23rd. – 5th dr. No symptoms. 24th to 30th. – 10 dr. daily. 24th. – At noon increased appetite, but soon after eating disagreeable feeling of fulness in stomach, lasting 1/2 hours; afterwards, when walking in the open air, sour eructation. Towards evening crampy pain in lumbar and sacral vertebrae, which impeded every motion of body, lasted until bedtime in same intensity, and went off during n. The pain was not increased on pressure. 25th. – At noon uncommon appetite, which, however, he did not satisfying of yesterday. No stool; towards evening same crampy pain in vertebrae as yesterday. Sleep disturbed; waking up a 4 a. m., and inability to fall asleep again, which had never before happened. 26th. – The cramp pain had again gone off during n., but there remained a stiffness in spine which made it difficult to lean forward and compelled him to stretch out body frequently. Appetite remained as good as before for dinner and supper; p. m., after great straining, an evacuation. IN evening again crampy pain in lumbar and sacral regions, which went off in bed after occurrence of violent itching in rectum. At n. he slept quite tranquilly, but again awoke at 4 a. m., was quite wide awake, and did not again fall asleep. 27th. – In m. on changing his linen he observed that his skin desquamated more, or at least more easily than usual, so that a mere gentle stroking with the flat hand sufficed to separate large quantities of small loose scales from the morbid skin. He observed the same thing in the scalp, whence clouds of small scales could be brushed. No change was observable in the eruption. The stiffness of back which was present to – day was less tiresome than the day before; the crampy pain was quite gone. Appetite was rather increased than diminished, and he relished breakfast, dinner, and supper amazingly Spirits, too, were better than usual, he was more disposed for literary work than he had lately been. No stool. N. quiet, but he woke as usual at 4 a. m. and remained awake. 28th. – The scales fell from head and morbidly affected skin in smaller quantity than on previous day, but they were still more plentiful than usual. Appetite, spirits and day, but they were still more plentiful than usual. Appetite, spirits and pleasure in work were same as yesterday; but latter were much diminished towards evening by recurrence of sacro – lumbar crampy pain. Bowels were not moved. In course of day and in evening itching in rectum, which, m however, never lasts longer than a m. He fell asleep about 9:30 (nearly 2 hours sooner than usual), slept quietly and uninterruptedly, but woke up as usual at 4 a. m.l 29th. – Still no stool; occasional tickling in rectum. The cramp pain came on at noon and lasted till late at n. Appetite and spirits diminished in proportion as they were previously increased. He went to bed at midnight, soon fell asleep, and slept quietly, but again awoke soon after 4 a. m., and remained awake. 30th. – In m. soon after taking medicine went into country and walked 2.1/2 hours, when itching in rectum occurred more frequently and lasted longer. After dinner, which was taken with considerable appetite, he had call to stool, and at last after much effort an evacuation, whereupon itching in rectum ceased. In evening moderate crampy pain which lasted until he fell asleep (at night). Sleep quiet and uninterrupted until 4 a. m. precisely, when he awoke, but after lying wide awake for 1/2 hours again fell asleep until near 7 a. m. 1st July. – Still in the country, he took none of the medicine. He walked for 3 hours with the greatest comfort. During day he had nothing to complain of, except that bowels were not moved, and in evening he had a moderate amount of tension in sacrum. The night’s rest was frequent disturbed, and he slept no more after 4 a. m. On 2nd – 8th he took every evening 20 dr. in half a tumbler full of water. 2nd. 0 The scales on head in great numbers. Whilst taking a warm bath he noticed surface of water speedily covered with fine scales; on former occasions when taking a bath scales were much fewer in number, were in larger flakes, and only appeared after using soap. The patches of eruption appeared less red after the bath than usual. Appetite again much increased, spirits uncommonly good. After the bath bowels were moved; tension in sacrum did not recur. N. quiet; he awoke at 4:15 a. m., but afterwards fell asleep for 1/2 hours longer. 3rd. – P. m., in outer canthus of left eye slight tickling, which gradually increased to considerable itching, which compelled him to rub eye, and made all work in evening impossible. he attributed this to a glass of wine he had drunk at dinner contrary to custom No stool. Sleep twice interrupted, and each time itching in eye was present He awoke in m. at his usual time, viz. about 6. 4th. – Scales on head were less numerous this m. when he brushed his hair; but they became much more abundant during day, and were in form of infer dust. On patches of eruption on body no loosening of cuticle was perceptible, as was formerly the case during first few day after taking a bath. No itching in left eye a. m. He took no wine at dinner, which he ate with the best appetite. About 4 p. m. tickling in outer canthus of left eye, and soon afterwards itching in it so violent as to cause him to rub it. In evening by candlelight itching extended to inner canthus and changed into shooting pain He had a motion with great effort, unaccompanied by pain in rectum. On account of constant shooting in eye it was midnight before he fell asleep, and not until he had allayed the pain by means of cold compresses. N. was tranquil; he awoke about 6. 5th – Itching in external canthus of left eye recurred soon after walking in open air, it compelled him to close eye recurred soon after walking in open air, it compelled him to close eye repeatedly, and then occurred a considerable flow of tear. With some intervals this state lasted all day, and was worse during candlelight, but without such severe pains as the day before; and it did not keep him awake at night No stool. 6th. – In m. affected eyelid was covered with a dry cake of much. Upper lid felt stiff on first opening eyes; otherwise nothing morbid was visible. On going out eyes watered for a short time, but there was very little itching in left eye. 7th and 8th. – No symptoms except slight adhesion of lids at left external canthus. 10th. – 40 dr. of tinct in half a tumblerful of water daily till 17th. All day he felt quite well. At n. uncommonly profuse perspiration over whole body without any bad smell. After awaking at 5:15 a. m. and drying body he noticed that patches of eruption were paler, not so dry or wrinkled as usual; the scales, too, which were partly detached, mucus; upper lid less stiff. 1th. – In course of day, without any cause, very melancholy disposition, discontent with himself a d all about him, which made him unfit for any serious occupation and at same time very irascible. Still appetite was good, and on satisfying it his cheerfulness returned, but only for a short time; during whole evening he was absorbed in himself and unable to command his thoughts to read, so much so that he sat staring at same page for upwards of 2 h. At n. he had again perspiration like previous n., and in m. he observed that scales on head were diminished very much. 12th. – His spirits, which were as usual in m., underwent a change about noon; but it as less sadness than irritability which now affected him. In evening uncommon hunger; on satisfying his appetite, m and contrary to custom drinking a couple of glasses of beer, he became so overcome with sopor that he had to go to bed. 13th. With exception of some flying shoots, in left side of chest (judging by sensation, in intercostal muscles) which occurred when walking, and once when speaking, and compelled him to hold his breath for an instant, he felt no effects from medicine. At n. profuse sweat again. 14th. – Of the smaller scattered eruptive spots, several, especially those on left arm, were completely gone, and on larger patches were to be seen here and there little islands of healthy skin. The other eruptive spots were still colored like liver – marks, wrinkled, slightly elevated; but they scaled less, and felt less rough. On the 15th, 16th, and 17th his bowels moved every other day without effort, and the motion was moderately firm; which was very different from what took place on commencing to prove tinct. The eruption continued to make slight but perceptible progress to amendment, by the increase of number and size of healthy islands morbid skin. 20th, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. – 60 dr. in 4 oz. of water. As no effect was perceived from these doses he left off taking the tincture, thinking that he had lost his susceptibility to its action. Form 227th July the bowels were moved regularly every day, so that in this respect the medicine exhibited no secondary action. But this was not the case with respect to the early waking, for on 29th, 30th, and 31st July, as also on 5th and 6th August, although he did not go to bed earlier than usual (on 5th August not till 1 a. m.), he became quite wide awake exactly as the clock struck 4, and only on two of these n. could he again fall asleep. “But,” says S., “the most agreeable thing for me was to see my eruption disappearing from that time. This took place not by a gradual and uniform disappearing from that time. This took place not by a gradual and uniform return of the morbid skin to the normal state, but by the increase and extension of many healthy points (hair follicles) among the still morbid patches, whereby the latter were separated into many smaller groups, and were at last limited to a few separated into many smaller groups, and were at last limited to a few spots the size of hemp – seed or lentils – corresponding to single hair follicles – which by the end of September were quite gone from the arms and chest. There still remained some groups on the belly and back, and in the months of August and September some hew eruption spots appeared on the legs, which had hitherto remained free excepting a small spot on the right calf. Subsequently, however, these new spots disappeared unobserved by me.”

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.