The same symptoms recurred on the following days. The gouty pains in the joints lasted the longest, together with the burning in the skin, the shoots in the anus, and the cramp – like penetrating pains in the left mastoid process. (Ibid.)

20. a LORENZ KOSTLER, et. 25, first proved crude substance. Ten powders, each containing 5 gr., which he took in October, 1845, produced no effect. Nov. 4th. – 10 gr. towards evening headache and shooting in throat. 5th. – -10 gr. great confusion of head; difficulty of swallowing; stoppage of nose; anorexia; feeling of weight in stomach. In order to get rid of these symptoms, and to move the bowels, which had not acted for several day, he left off proving for 2 day and took an ounce of salts. This caused several motions, and gave him great relief. On 8th, 9th, and 10th, 10 gr. Beyond feeling of weight in stomach, no symptoms. 11th – Same. On right anterior border of tongue a hard raised red spot the size of a lentil; on moving tongue shooting pain in it. 12th. – No medicine. The swelling and pains in tongue were greatly diminishing, and the following day were quite gone. 13th. – 10 gr., disagreeable metallic taste; feeling of weight in stomach; eructations. 14th and 15th. – Same. The metallic taste and weight in stomach as on 13th, but no more eructations. Owing to a swelling of gum and cheek, caused by cutting a wisdom – tooth, which lasted some day and returned slightly at a later period, he left off proving until 20th Dec. On that and the 3 following day he took every m., and on 24th, 25th, and 26th every evening, 10 gr., but without any result. On 11th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, and 24th Jan., 1846, 20 gr. were taken. 15th. – Occasional eructations and sour taste in mouth, lasting several day 20th. – Feeling of weight and pressure in left side of chest, which increased daily, and was especially annoying on 26th. On that day there occurred violent shooting pains at every attempt to move chest forwards and to left, and on taking a breath. On the following days the chest symptoms declined, and gradually went off completely.

20b. “For 4 weeks,” says he, “I may have taken 3 times daily 5 globules moistened with the tinct., when I experienced a shooting pain here and there in the abdominal parietes, especially inguinal region, at one time in left, at another time in right side; this pain sometimes lasted a short time, sometimes longer, but regularly went off in the warmth of bed. As I did not believe that these wandering pains were caused by the S., I continued to take it. About a week after the first appearance of the shooting pains there occurred, on the slightest motion, a very troublesome feeling of fatigue. The shooting pains now gradually declined, but in their stead occurred contractive pains, especially in muscles of thighs, which often proved a serious obstacle to my walking. In 4 day these contractive pains were felt deeper, as if in the bones, especially in femora and right tibia. The head of right tibia became very painful, and could not bear the slightest touch, and after the slightest movement I had to go and lie down. Now, almost convinced that these symptoms must be the effect of the S., I intended to leave it off, but as I had a few more globules I took them all. The consequence of this was that the pains attained such a degree of intensity as almost to render walking impossible. the very next day, when I took no more globules, the pains became less intense, and in 3 day were all gone.” (Ibid.)

21. FRANZ KURZ, surgical student, et. 23, of sanguine – choleric temperament and robust make, suffered for some weeks in 1845 from an herpetic eruption. Oct. 16th, 1845, and the following 10 day, he took 5. gr. of S. without result. Twenty gr. which he took on the 27th, 28th and 30th were equally without effect. Nov. Ist, 6 a. m., 20 gr. About 4 p. m. some griping in bowels, soon followed by a soft, very fetid evacuation; disagreeable feeling of pressure in umbilical region, and, notwithstanding the expulsion of much flatus with smell of sulphuretted hydrogen, tympanitic distention of abdomen. 2nd, about 3 a. m., profuse perspiration. At 6 a. m. 20 gr. The same symptoms as yesterday; but they came on a. m., and persisted during whole day; at same time violent headache and loss of appetite. 3rd, at 3 a. m., profuse perspiration. At 6 a. m. 20 gr. Same symptoms as yesterday. 4th and 5th, 20 gr. No morning perspiration, otherwise same symptoms as the previous days. 12th to 16th, 20th, 21st, 30 gr. The motions were more liquid, and occurred twice a day; otherwise same symptoms as on 2nd. 22nd, 30 gr. Besides above symptoms, soft, small, quick pulse, 160; the disagreeable pressure in umbilical region went off, but in its stead there came troublesome pressure in left hypochondriac region, about 3 a. m., which went off when he got out of bed; in evening palpitation. 23rd and 24th, same dose. Pulse on these days was less quick; palpitation occurred not only in evening, but also after dinner, but did not last long; otherwise same symptoms as the day previous. 25th, 30 gr. The pressure in left hypochonder disappeared, but came in still greater degree in gastric region. About 3 p. m., for an hours remarkable dilatation of pupils; in other respects same symptoms as on previous days. 26th and 27th. – Same dose and same symptoms, with exception of dilated pupils. 28th to Dec. Ist, no medicine. The flatulent symptoms decreased; stool as copious as before; pulse normal. 2nd, 30 gr. The flatulent symptoms recurred to an excessive extent; motions were more fluid; the pressive pain in gastric region went off, but affected umbilical region; pulse more rapid; no palpitation. From 3rd to 11th inclusive, 30 gr. Same symptoms as on 2nd. No more medicine was taken. On 12th and following 4 day same symptoms as before. On 16th they declined, and by 20th they were nearly all gone. (Ibid.)

22. a. JACOB LANDESMANN, from 17th to 30 Sept., 1845, took daily 10 dr. of 4th dil. 18th. – A small vesicle appeared in middle of lower lip, which dried up after a few day 29th. – In m. he blew some blood – streaked mucus from nose. Along with some flatus several drops of diarrhoeic feces were involuntarily discharged. During day 2 watery stools with slight pinching in bowels. 30th. – About 10 p. m. some shoots in left palm.

22 b. From Ist to 17th Oct., he took 10 gr. daily of a 5-95 trit. Besides increased secretion of urine, and diminished consistence of feces, no symptoms until 14th, when a small painless vesicle appeared on each frontal protuberance, which remained there for several weeks.

22c. From 17th to 24th he took daily 5 gr. of S. rubbed up with sugar; from 25th to 28th 10 gr., and from 29th to 2nd Nov. 20 gr. On 18th, on awaking in m., feeling of roughness in throat, and shooting pains on swallowing. These symptoms disappeared completely by the next day 20th. – A very violent catarrh came on, which lasted an unusually long time, viz., until the 20th Nov. From 11th Nov. to 15th Dec. he took daily 30 gr. of pure S. 13th. – Very soft stool and emission on much flatus smelling of rotten eggs. 14th. – Same symptoms as yesterday. 15th. – On lip, near right commissure of mouth, there appeared a group of small painful vesicles standing close together. 16th. – The vesicles burst, and left behind them an equal number of small round spots, which, the following day, assumed a lardaceous ulcerated appearance; on 18th they began to dry up, and were covered with a scab, which fell off in 5 day 19th. – A.m., some sharp shoots in right chest. Excessively irritable disposition without cause. Short dry cough in fits, frequently recurring. 20th. – At n. he awoke with violent shooting pains in lower third of left shoulder – blade, much aggravated by movement, but also so violent when quite quiet that he could not sleep all n. 21st. – In m. these pains extended further upwards over scapula, whence they spread to muscles of nape and left ear, and were worst when moving or turning the neck. They were less violent than in the n., and not so distinctly shooting, more drawing and tearing; they diminished gradually during day, so that he thought he had quite lost them. But in this he was mistaken; for at n., in warmth of bed, they returned with renewed violence. At last he fell asleep, but on account of the pains he passed a very restless n. He had never before experienced anything similar. 22nd. – In m., 1 hours after getting up, the pain in left shoulder declined, and gave but little annoyance during d. There arose several small, painful elevations on different parts of forehead and vertex; one especially, on the skin between occiput and right mastoid process, was particularly sensitive, and, along with the other elevations, lasted several day, when they gradually went off. About 7 p. m. drawing in right spermatic cord and testicle. After lying down slight drawing in right ear, and fine drawing shooting in left occiput – they were but slight indications of pains, only noticeable because such had never been felt before. The pain in left shoulder continued in a slight degree, but did not much disturb the night’s rest. 23rd. – No new symptoms. 24th. – After dinner again a slight indication of the pain in right chest which occurred on 19th; afterwards slight feeling of pain in the centre of the external aspect of right thigh. At n., after going to bed, very troublesome dry cough, which lasted uninterruptedly nearly 1/4 hours, whereby one or two lumps of albuminous – looking blue mucus were expectorated. 25th. – He observed a semilunar furrow, about a line in breadth, which extended right across both thumb – nails, near their roots. The nail, both before and behind this furrow, formed an elevation. From 6 to 8 a. m. shooting pains in left tonsil, which, on swallowing, extend into left ear, and at same time (lasting till 9 p. m.) violent stitches, recurring every 10 or 15 m., through whole length of last joint of right index, at extremity of which an almost cartilaginous wart had existed for several years. 26th. – In m. in bed, he experienced the pain in left scapula, but less violent than before, had nearer joint; it lasted all day, and ceased towards e. The pain in last joint of right forefinger also returned, but was not so severe to – day. During his proving he had frequently felt a sensation in left upper arm, but never so distinctly as to – day. At noon dry cough, which lasted 1/4 h. The flatus occasionally expelled had a penetrating rotten – egg smell. The tool was very soft, and was preceded by griping in bowels. In evening drawing pain through first joint of left forefinger. 27th. – Frequent sneezing, discharge of fluid mucus from left nostril; a very severe catarrh, although that which dated from the 20th Oct. had only quite ceased a few day previously. At noon an attack of cough as yesterday. P. m. slight tearing pains in left eyebrow. 28th. – In m., itching, causing him to scratch, on outside of left elbow, where there are a large and several small pimples. In evening frequent tearing in first joint of left thumb; after going to bed very annoying itching on inside of left knee, where also are several small pimples, which, however, like those on elbow, went off by following day 29th. – He observed, on nail of the left little finger, furrows similar to those on thumb – nails. 30th. – No new symptoms. In n. of Ist – 2nd Dec., such violent itching on thighs and legs that he scratched till blood came. 2nd – In evening frequent sudden tearing in left cheek, in right nape muscles, and in right tibia. At n. again very violent itching in legs. 3rd. – In m. slight tearing in second joint of left little finger. Roughness of both cheeks, heat and burning in them, and sensation as if they had been exposed for several day to severe cold; this lasted several day, and was followed by a bran – like desquamation, which also lasted several d. P. m. occasional return of griping in bowels, and in evening a soft stool. 4th. – Colicky gripings in abdomen, which lasted all day and all n., caused restless sleep, and only ceased following m. after a thin pappy motion. Betwixt ring and middle fingers of left hand a small itching vesicle appeared. 5th. – The vesicle betwixt the finger is larger, but only; itches when touched. After dinner pretty severe tearing in left pectoralis major, lasting 5 m., aggravated by pressure. In nape on left side, superiorly, a small painful pimple appears. 6th. – In evening severe itching in left whisker; after scratching, soreness of part. Long of falling asleep; starting in a fright on dropping off to sleep; waking at 3 a. m. with aching in esophagus, great flow of saliva into mouth, and clammy taste (as from indigestion), although he had only taken a light supper, with appetite. 7th. – In m. the gastric symptoms were gone. Mucus brought away on blowing nose has streaks of blood in it. The vesicle betwixt fingers has attained size of a pin’s head, is filled with a clear fluid, and has exactly the appearance of a fully developed itch vesicle. 8th. – No change. 9th. – In evening tearing in left upper arm. During n. the vesicle between finger burst. 10th. – In evening tearing in right cheek. 11th. – Repeated flying tearing in both cheeks. 12th. – 15th. – With exception of being later in falling asleep (often not until 1 or 2 a. m.), and violent itching in thighs and legs at n., no symptoms. 16th. – A hard, red, painful pimple formed near angle of left lower jaw, and several itching pimples on outside of left elbow, which, together with that on jaw, lasted several day before disappearing. 18th – A.m., tearing pain on inside of left little finger, increased by pressure. The itching on legs in bed at n., and the late falling asleep, continue. 21st. – At n., in bed, tearing under nail of left thumb. 22nd and 23rd. – Throughout day feels quite well, but each evening for some hours continued colicky pains and increased flow of urine. 24th. – P. m., tearing in left tibia, and in evening drawing in left eyebrow. On two spots on vertex there are formed very tender, scabby elevations, size of a pea, which last several day 25th. – At n. very vivid anxious dream, as if he was pursued by wild beasts. 26th. – A hard pimple, size of a lentil, formed at angle of left lower jaw, and persisted until Ist Jan., 1846. The furrows on both thumb nails, and on the nails of left little finger, which appeared in Nov., gradually filled up and were pushed forward by the growth of the nail, so that after three or four cuttings of the nails no trace of them remained. During the months of Jan., Feb., and March, 1846, the symptoms produced by the S. taken became gradually weaker and rarer. They most consisted of occasional flying pains in some of the finger – joints and other parts of the body, but especially of pimples and scabby eruptions which appeared here and there. Thus, on 10th Feb. a furuncular pimple appeared on left temple, and several small ones on right mastoid process, which lasted until 18th. On the 16th there appeared a painful scabby spot on the skin covering parietal bone, which disappeared in the course of a few day in order to make way for a similar spot. The consistence of the stool was remarkably diminished during the whole time of proving, and the flow of urine increased. The sexual power was weakened all the time of the proving, and for long afterwards. The difficulty of falling asleep lasted some weeks after leaving off the S.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.