
Good appetite; thirst for hot water which does not relieve. Ineffectual urging to stool; cough with pain in rectum. Desire for cold milk; aversion to meat; early morning sudden diarrhoea (Sulph), urgent, watery, dark brown and offensive. Stool passing with great force; stool watery, painless, bright yellow, not weakening. Constant ineffectual desire for stool. Urine intermits, stops and starts, flows slowly; must strain at stool to pass urine. Scanty urine; excess of urates in urine. Greasy, dingy skin; pain in back with palpitation.

Trembling of hands and feet; aching in head back and limbs. Twitching in the limbs, cramps in calves; cold feet in bed. Sleeplessness on account of constant coughing; restlessness worse from 3 a.m. until morning. Dreams of snakes; Feeling of fatigue; tired; throbbing pain in parts affected; enlarged tonsils; smalls boils with great fetid pus.

Symptoms ever changing, they invade one organ, leave it and proceed to another, takes cold easily. Losing flesh while eating well; eczema over entire body; pains travel, worse from cold and from cold damp weather. Formication in skin, worse becoming cold; wants to be covered in all stages of fever. Heat with chilliness; complaints worse standing, keeping still, must move, better by motion. (Tuber. after failure of Rhus-t.). Pains better by heat; ringworm; talks in sleep; grinds teeth; constipation, stool large and hard, then diarrhoea (Calc-c, Lyc. Tuberculin). Persons on the borderland of insanity; anaemic nervous; waxy or pale persons; shivering when beginning to sleep. Rubbing causes itching to change place.

Aggravation: Slightest exertion; walking; rising; every movement (Pain in chest); morning (Purulent expectoration). 10 to 3 P.M. Evening; evening in bed; night; after dinner (weakness in limbs); music; rest; motion; before a storm; standing; draught; early in the morning; after sleep; cold; cold damp weather (Pais).

Amelioration: Open air. Cold air. Heat, Walking Motion.

N C Das
N C Das