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Essential Symptoms – 1

Asiatic cholera, extreme prostration, chilliness; cold sweat, hippocratic face; cold tongue; violent thirst, frequent bilious vomiting; incessant cramps in stomach. Hard tense abdomen; frequent whitish watery stools or bilions, bloody stools, urine suppressed; voice hoarse; pulse hardly perceptible. Cold extremities; cramps in legs, feet and calves; convulsions. Vertigo on rising up, respirations short.



(1) Sensation in the cardiac end of the stomach or in the oesophagus where it enters the stomach, as if a hard body, a hard boiled egg had lodged there.

Painful sensation as if something were lodged in the chest and had to be coughed up.

(2) Pain in stomach always comes on after eating.

(3) Total loss of appetite in the morning but great craving for food at noon and night.

(4) Dyspepsia of the aged, esp. after tea or tobacco.

Low spirited, eructations, dyspnoea after lying down.

Symptoms worse after eating, constipation.

Useful in dyspepsia; cough; lung-disease; constipation.



(1) Marasmus esp. of lower extremities with good appetite.

(2) Metastasis, metastasis of rheumatism from joints to heart, to spine.

(3) Aggravation of haemorrhoids when rheumatism improves. Rheumatism after checked diarrhoea.

(4) Oozing of blood and moisture from navel of newborn.

(5) Hydrocele, epistaxis, emaciation in little boys.

(6) Stomach feels as if swimming in water.

(7) Emaciation, good appetite, food passes undigested, hunger and whining; face wrinkled, old-looking, blue rings round eyes, child cross, depressed, very peevish; comedones on face; abdomen distended, hard lumps in different parts of abdomen.

(8) Pleurisy, after Aco. and Bryonia.

(9) Worms esp. ascarides.

Useful in marasmus, haemorrhoids, hydrocele, indigestion, rheumatism, gout, paralysis, worms, nose-bleed.



(1) Epileptiform convulsions, preceded by trembling; unconscious, falls, bites tongue, foams; jaws fixed, vertigo with tendency to fall backward; wants to lie with head low; opisthotonos.

(2) Otorrhoea esp. after hemicrania.



(1) Incipient phthisis, haemorrhages of the lungs, worse in the morning, blood bright red and not profuse in the morning, dark and clotted in the evening. Dry hard cough followed by haemoptysis. Constant and severe pain in chest. Cough worse nights; very weak in the morning. Progressive emaciation.

(2) Spluttering diarrhoea with forcible expulsion of noisy flatus. Rumbling, distention, rectal haemorrhage.



(1) Large quantities of pale urine, intense thirst, dry hot skin; burning dry skin.

(2) Dropsy, intense thirst, debility, pale waxen skin, oedema of lower extremities, face pale, waxen, emaciated. Profound anaemia.

(3) Chronic diarrhoea of children with great emaciation. Stools often undigested. Diarrhoea with great thirst, drinking large quantities, bloated abdomen, great debility.

(4) Constipation with great thirst and excess of pale urine.

(5) Diabetes with intense burning, unending and unquenchable thirst and great debility.

(6) Pain in back relieved only by lying on the abdomen.

(7) Vomits after every kind of food, salivation, fermentation in stomach. Cancer of stomach with burning.

(8) Anaemia of nursing mothers. Milk impoverished, bluish, transparent, sour, breasts painfully enlarged, distended with milk.

Useful in dropsy, oedema of feet and legs, phthisis, diabetes, warts, nodules (1x solution for application)



(1) Acute, sudden and violent invasion with fever.

(2) Complaints caused by exposure to dry cold weather, draught of cold air, checked sweat, from very hot weather.

(3) Great and uncontrollable anguish, anxiety, great fear, fear of death, predicts the expected day of his death.

(4) Extreme restlessness, tossing about; intense thirst; fear of death; anxiety, worry.

(5) Skin dry, hot. Face very red while lying.

(6) Effects of fright.

(7) Head hot, vertigo on assuming an upright position, great aversion to light or great desire for it, noise and music trouble and worry the patient. Tingling sensations in different parts; everything tastes bitter except water, he drinks, vomits, knows he is going to die.

(8) Retention of urine in the children.

(9) Haemorrhages, blood comes with great ease by hemming and hawking; quantity great, pure bright red; great fear of death.

(10) Great sleeplessness, restlessness, constant tossing.

(11) Lying on back ameliorates cough and stitches in chest. Lying on side aggravates stitches in chest and cough.

(12) Sweat on affected or covered parts.

(13) Lying relieves the headache and vertigo.

(14) Facial paralysis from exposure to cold dry winds.

(15) Diarrhoea, dysentery or cholera in summer when days are hot and nights are cold. Restless, thirsty, anxious face, fear of death, abdomen hot, stool hot, sensation of cold stone in stomach.

Aggravation: Dry cold air, suppressed perspiration; from fright, evening (chest); when lying on the side; when rising, in the warm room. Cannot lie on the left side in affections of the chest. From music; during inspiration. Lying on affected side. Night. About midnight. Exposure to sun (headache); open air (toothache and cough); drinking, motions (pains in muscles, joints).

Amelioration: In the open air, when sitting still (rheumatism) uncovering; rest; lying (headache, vertigo); bending double (colic).

Useful: Coryza, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera, paralysis, rheumatism, fever, effects of surgical operation, shock; effects of fear and fright. Effects of heat, especially of sun; all acute diseases in the beginning.



(1) Rheumatism, of small joints with tearing tingling pains, wrist-rheumatism; worse touch, motion; joints swell after slight fatigue; worse cold air, the cheek he lies on sweats.



(1) Very painful, dark, purple external haemorrhoids. Hard knotty stools, very painful. Weakness of sacrum and lower limbs.


(1) Haemorrhoids, blind or bleeding; bleeding relieves; feeling of dryness in rectum as if little sticks or splinters were pricking, worse winter. Backache affecting sacrum and hips, worse walking or stooping. It is almost impossible to walk.

(2) Pharyngitis, throat sensitive to inspired air, burning, stinging in fauces; feeling as if something hard lodged in fauces causing constant inclination to swallow: feeling of dryness and roughness in throat; chronic sorethroat with piles. Hawking of ropy mucus of sweetish taste.

(3) Burning in anus with chills up and down back.

(4) Leucorrhoea, after menses, dark yellow, sticky, corroding, characteristic backache, cannot walk.

(5) Piles in climacteric years. Chronic diarrhoea with backache. Better summer.

(6) Discharge of prostatic fluid at every stool and at micturition.



(1) Scrofulous, herpetic, eczematous eruptions and discharges. Favus-like eruptions, eruptions from fright. Painful, irritating, scabby eruptions on face. Hereditary syphilis.

(2) Scrofulous ophthalmia, scrofulous otorrhoea, offensive. Use third trituration.



(1) Inability to think or fix the attention.

(2) Intolerance of milk, vomiting of everything taken, especially milk, which is ejected in yellowish or greenish curds; great weakness and exhaustion after vomiting; the child is so exhausted it falls asleep at once. It awakens hungry, eats, and vomits again. Hungry after vomiting. Sudden and violent vomiting immediately after nursing milk is thrown up just as it was swallowed or in curds so large as to almost choke the child.

(3) Heat causes all eruptions to itch intolerably.

(4) Violent startings during sleep. Spasms, thumbs clenched, eyes turned down, pupils fixed, dilated, eyes staring, foam at mouth, red face, locked jaw; surface of body cold and covered with clammy sweat.

(5) A surface of pearly whiteness on upper lip bounded by distinct lines from wings of nose to angles of mouth – linea nasalis.

(6) Swelling of glands round neck like a string of beads.

(7) Great weakness, children cannot stand, cannot hold up their heads. Black and blue spots all over body. Absence of thirst with fever. Vomiting often looks oily and greenish.

Useful in brainfag, cholera infantum, convulsions vomiting, diarrhoea.



(1) Severe vertigo, not able to sit or stand, must be carried to bed.

(2) Longing for ice-water.

(3) All symptoms better cold water.

(4) Violent vomiting with ice-cold sweat on face < motion of head; sensation as if stomach were suspended on a string, burning pains in stomach.



(1) Vertigo with tendency to fall backward.

(2) Rolling of the head in brain affections and fever.

(3) Muscular jerking and twitching, in the eyes, eyelids, facial muscles. Chorea, twitching ceases during sleep, twitching of eyelids and eyeballs.

(4) Pains as if touched or pierced by needles of ice.

(5) Symptoms appear right upper and left lower or vice versa.

(6) Great sensitiveness to cold air.

(7) Toothache and pain in limbs when looking out of an open window.

(8) Symptoms are worse in cold weather; drinking cold water; before a thunderstorm; when walking in open air; coitus, frost, sun. Fright; mental application, over exertion, sexual excesses.

(9) Sensation of icy coldness in head.

(10) Eructations already with hiccough; desire to vomit soon after a meal.

(11) Heart symptoms with paralysed feeling in left arm and hand.

N C Das
N C Das