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Pneumonia -6

Stitches deep in the chest while walking. Stitches in the left side of the upper chest when sitting bent. Stitches in the middle of the sternum, extending to back. Sharp stitches through right lung from nipple. Violent stitches in mid sternum extending to shoulders. Stitches deep in the middle chest. Pains in the chest as if cut to pieces. Stitches pain through-lungs, worse motion.



Type: Lobar pneumonia; pleurisy; neglected pneumonia; pleuro- pneumonia.

Stage: Second stage

Location: Right side. Both upper portions of the lungs hepatized, one or both lungs consolidated.

Causes: Drinking cold milk (?)

Expectoration: Copious, greenish; looks like soap suds; purulent.

Cough: Violent cough worse in the morning. Cough from constant irritation in throat; short suffocative; short hacking, from rawness in throat. Dry cough with feeling of soreness in larynx. Dry cough morning and evening. Dry hacking; deep hollow. Violent racking cough tearing in character, worse morning from 2 to 5 a.m.

Respiration: Oppression of breathing, worse from 3 to 5 a.m. Shortness of breath.

Pain: Stitches deep in the chest while walking. Stitches in the left side of the upper chest when sitting bent. Stitches in the middle of the sternum, extending to back. Sharp stitches through right lung from nipple. Violent stitches in mid sternum extending to shoulders. Stitches deep in the middle chest. Pains in the chest as if cut to pieces. Stitches pain through-lungs, worse motion.

Pulse: Accelerated, frequent, irregular, intermittent.

Patient: Tubercular. Mercurialized persons; syphilitic patients.

Conditions: When hepatization has commended, when disease localizes itself and infiltration begins. Hepatization with cerebral congestion with very red face; dilated pupils; drowsiness. Snoring loudly with closed eyes. Lies upon his back. Hot head. Bluish lips. Dry tongue. Extremities when raised, fall back as if paralyzed. Deep sleep with snoring sputa frothy like soap suds, or copious purulent green sputa.

Accompaniments: Small boils on face, neck, scalp, back, chest, suppurating and often leaving scars. Haemorrhages from nose, lungs, rectum, glands swollen, indurated. Bone pains worse at night, chronic rheumatism. Discharge from mucous surfaces, thin, ichorous, corroding, green. Great mental irritability. Rapid emaciation with loss of appetite. Complementary to Iodine in chest affections. It follows Ars-a. Iod. Merc. Every little noise makes him start. The lips are covered with viscid mucus in the morning. Burning of the tip of the tongue. Bloody saliva, with a sweetish taste in the mouth. Continual excessive thirst. Diarrhoea with pain in small of back, urine red as blood. Irresistible desire to go into the open air. Weeping during sleep.

Aggravation: During rest; evening; night 2 to 5 A.M.

Amelioration: Open air.

Remedies following: Hep-s. Lach. Pul. Sil. Sulph.


Type: Lobar pneumonia; pleurisy; typhoid-pneumonia; pleuro- pneumonia.

Stage: Second stage.

Location: Lower lobes of the lungs. Left chest.

Causes: From being exposed to cold damp air when perspiring. Cold. From wetting head; damp sheets. Bathing in fresh or salt water. Getting wet when heated. Strains; over exertion, over- lifting. Raising arms high to lift things. Drinking ice-water. Sudden and thorough drenching by a shower of rain. By getting wet in any way; cold damp weather.

Expectoration: Sputa bloody or colour of brick dust, or green cold mucus, of putrid smell. Expectoration of pale or clotted blood. Acrid pus. Grayish-green cold mucus, putrid; pale, plugs or mucus.

Bloody, bright red blood, brown blood, pale blood, cold expectoration.

Grayish; greenish; mucous; offensive; purulent; rusty; (rust- colored); sour; sweetish; viscid; violent; expectoration of blood; blood-streaked sputum.

Cough: Dry, teasing cough from midnight until morning, or when putting hands out of bed. Cough from tickling in the bronchia; short, dry, especially in the evening and before midnight. Cough in the evening with vomiting of ingesta. Cough in the morning soon after awaking. Cough with pains in abdomen. Cough with stitches in the chest, profuse general perspiration, and pain in stomach. Tormenting, teasing, dry cough, first dry, then frequent and loose.

Respiration: Hurried respiration, oppression of chest, very difficult and hard breathing, out of breath on exertion. Oppression of the chest, cannot get breath with sticking pains. Difficult breathing; hot breath.

Pain: Pneumonia and pleurisy with stitching pains (better motion, worse rest). Tingling in the chest worse during rest. Tension in intercostal muscles. Stitches in the chest and sides of the chest, worse when at rest and while sneezing and breathing, cough with stitches in the chest. Soreness in the chest. Sticking pains.

Pulse: Pulse irregular, generally accelerated but weak, soft; intermittent. Pulse quick, weak, irregular, intermittent.

Patient: Persons of rheumatic diathesis. The patient is worse from cold and better from warmth.

Conditions: Inflammation of the lungs and inflammation of the pleura with stitching pains, much fever progressing toward the typhoid state with aching in the bones. Restlessness. General amelioration from motion. Intense fever, much thirst, marked weakness and typhoid symptoms. Pneumonia of a low type, expectoration of blood from lungs, heart weak. Pneumonia and bronchitis with hurried respiration, oppression of chest, very difficult and hard breathing. Typhoid fever affecting lungs and producing pneumonia with cough, difficult breathing, rust-colored sputum. Rales all through the chest especially in the lower lobes of the lungs.

Fever: Intense fever. Heat on the left side and coldness of the right side of the body. Restless, constantly changing position. Head and hand hot, rest of body chilly or vice versa. Red triangular tip. Craving for milk. Fever blisters around mouth. Pains worse during repose and better by motion.

N C Das
N C Das