Paralysis – 4

Pale, wretched look of face. Sunken eyes with blue margins. Yellow colour of face. Red spots on cheeks. Red lips. Lips dry, rough and cracked. Burning of lips. Trembling and twitching of the lips. Cold perspiration on the face. Peeling lips. Swelling of upper lip. The skin on the innerside of the cheek peels off. Dryness in the mouth after eating. Mouth dry and sticky in the morning. Taste of blood in mouth. Bloody saliva, with sweet taste in throat and mouth. Salty saliva. Bad smell from mouth. Tongue red, white.

Tongue white with red tip and borders. Bitter taste of mouth in morning. Very dry tongue in the morning. Sweetish taste in the mouth while fasting. All food tastes bitter; too salty like straw. Sensation of emptiness in the stomach at 11oclock in the afternoon. Aversion to meat, she feels like vomiting after it, aversion to sour and to sweets things. After milk sourish taste in mouth and sour eructations. Milk disagrees. Irresistible craving for sweets, sugar. During a meal perspiration in the face. After a meal redness in the face and perspiration.

After eating but little, the abdomen at once feels full, as if overloaded. After a meal chilliness; burning in hands Heartburn all the day. Nausea every morning. Diarrhoea after midnight painless, driving out of bed early in morning, involuntary. Very offensive stool, the odor of stool follows him around all day. Constipation, unsuccessful desire for stool, stool hard, knotty; insufficient. Parts around anus red, excoriated, all the orifices of the body are very red. Throbbing or pulsation in rectum after stool continues all day. Increased urination at night. Redness of the orifice of urethra. Coldness of genitals in the morning. Male impotence, watery semen. Pollution in aged men.

N C Das
N C Das