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Itching on the head. [Sr.]

Eruption resembling nettel-rash. [Hb. Ts.]

Black pustules with inflammation and itching, which in a short time spread all over the body. [JOS. MONTI, (Observation.- The “black” is not in the original.) in Actea Instit. Bonon. Sc. Et Art., iii, p. 165.]

780. Scabby eruption all over the body. [SYBEL, (Not accessible.) in Medic. Annalen, 1811, Jul.]

Burning eruption of small vesicles filled with water, and redness of the skin all over the body, except on the hairy scalp, the palms and soles. [SYBEL, l. c.]

Very painful, violent burning and itching eruption, which appeared particularly on the scrotum, prepuce, eyelids and eyes, causing at the same time swelling in these parts, and consisted of small yellowish vesicles, which coalesced here and there, exuded moisture; also single ones on the arms and loins after some days attained the size of lentils, and burst by the scratching of the patient. Many of these larger pustules or ulcers slowly suppurated, and had a red areola, became broader, and healed more slowly suppurated, had a red areola, became broader, and healed more slowly (in the third week), whilst the smaller confluent pustules dried more rapidly, preliminary vomiting, nausea, or fever, in a healthy man if forty, who four-and twenty hours previously had pulled up a plant of rhus. Tox. In his garden, consequently had been much on contact with it, one of his fingers having a small wound on it. [WICHMANN, (Observation.) Ideen zur Diagnostik, t. I, p. 74 v.]

Itching all over the body, especially on the hairy parts, on the hairy scalp and genitals. [DUFRESNOY, l. c.]

Red spots the size of the largest lentils, with small water-vesicles in their centre. [Fr.H-n.]

785. A black spot on the part touched by the juice (aft. 3 d.). [FONTANA, l. c.]

The parts of the skin touched by the juice became stiff and hard like leather. [GLEDITSCGH, (Observation.) in Beshaft. D. Berlin. Naturf. Fr. Iv, p. 299.]

The juice makes the skin it touches hard like tanned leather; after some days the indurated parts desquamated. [DOSSIE, (Not accessible). Institutes of Experimental Chemistry, 1759.]

Great exhaustion in the whole body. [Hbg.]

Very great weakness. [ZADIG, l. c.]

790. Some fell into syncope. (From fumigation with the wood of rhus radicans, in five or six persons.) [SHERARD, in Dufresnoy, l. c., p. 204.]

He is exhausted, bruised, as if he had been up all night. [Stf.]

Uncommon weakness of the lower limbs, chiefly when at rest. [Rkt.]

The left arm and leg are somewhat contracted and as if stiff. [Fr.H-n.]

Paralysis of the lower extremities for three days; he walked with the greatest effort, dragging himself slowly along. (From touching the finger with a strong tincture of rhus radicans.) [Stf.]

795. During and after a walk all the limbs feel stiff and paralysed; he has a feeling as if a great weight lay on the nape. [Fz.]

Inclination to lie down. [Stf.]

She cannot remain out of bed. [Fr.H-n.]

The arm on which his head lay when slumbering, goes to sleep.

When lying a drawing in all the limbs.

800. In the evening (8 o’clock) constant tearing drawing pain, when she sits still; but when she walks it goes off (she feels nothing more of it after lying down).

The pains in the joints are worse in the open air.

When going down hill he feels stiff, the stiffness goes off when walking on the level.

When she rises from a seat she feels stiff.

Feeling of stiffness on first commencing to move the limb after resting.

805. Weariness, worst when sitting, it diminishes when walking; but there is marked stiffness on rising up from sitting.

Great exhaustion, as if the bones were painful; she always sits or lies.

During the chill, unsteadiness of the limbs; owing to which standing was impossible.

Paralysis of the whole body, in the joints, worst when he attempts to rise after sitting, and towards evening.

After walking an hour in the open air, he felt pain in the feet, and became as if incapable of moving, this was relieved by sitting.

810. The lower limbs feel bruised they are so tired.

In the evening (9 o’clock) sudden faintness, with perfect consciousness; he could not feel his heart beating, was more cold than warm; in the interior he was quite easy; his mind was calm, but he could hardly walk (aft. 48 h.).

After some exertion the limbs used tremble.

He clutches hastily at things and trembles.

In the morning on rising, she staggers and cannot stand upright (aft. 20 h.).

815. When lying in bed in the morning, pain as if bruised in those limbs and joints that are opposite to the ones on which he lying.

When sitting after walking, immediate inclination to sleep.

In the morning much yawning, as if sleepy, and the same also in the evening.

He wants always to lie down; drowsiness by day, anxiety, restlessness, sadness, dry lips.

Drowsiness by day; even in the morning in bed, when about to get up, she is extremely sleepy.

820. During the day sleep restlessness; he moves his hands to and fro in sleep and plays with the fingers and hands.

When sitting up he feels sick.

Exhausted and tired; desire to lie down; sitting is not enough for him.

In the morning he is unwilling to get up and dress himself.

In the evening (about 6 o’clock) sleep suddenly overtakes her, so that she is not able to undress herself; at the same time paralysed in all her limbs.

825. Yawning so violent and spasmodic (The masticating muscles in the neck seem to gain a spasmodic ascenancy, often of such intensity, that the lower jaw must be held with the hand, in order to prevent it being drawn down too deeply. This symptom is also produced by ignatia, and by the north pole of the magnet.) that it causes pain in the maxillary joint, which is in danger of being dislocated, in the morning and at all times.

In the morning on rising from bed, frequent yawning. [Fr.H-n.]

Some were attacked by yawning. [SHERARD, l. c.]

He had no rest at night. [Hbg.]

Restless broken sleep, with much turning about. [Ln.]

830. At night great sleeplessness. [Fr.H-n.]

Restless sleep with tossing about, throwing off and airing the bedclothes. [Fz.]

Late of falling asleep and tossing about on bed. [Stf.]

Loud weeping in sleep. [Fr.H-n.]

Violent pain in the belly at night (aft. 5 d.). [Fr.H-n.]

835. Waking about midnight from very violent, pinching, digging pain in the hypogastrium, with a sensation of relaxation and emptiness in the scrobiculus cordis, and very transient inclination to vomit. [Stf.]

Anxiety at night; he felt inclined to get out of bed and seek assistance on account of an indescribable disagreeable feeling. [Stf.]

After waking from sleep, along with convulsive, irregular movements of the limbs, crying out about dreadful headache, arising from a sensation in the limbs as if they were forcibly stretched out. (The original is:- “Some twitching across the abdomen, with irregular and convulsive motion in the limbs; and when the nervous influx seemed to pass to the extremities, it excited in the brain such a sensation of pain as made him frequently exclaim most violently; but, when any one asked him where his pain was, he answered, he could not mention any particular place, but all his limbs were as if stretched forcibly. This was more especially after sleep.”) [ALDERSON, l. c.]

In the evening in bed, nausea on the chest, and in the stomach, goes off after falling asleep. [Fz.]

Before midnight, sleeplessness, with or without sweat.

840. Sleeplessness until midnight, without heat; he remained merely wide awake.

He cannot go to sleep at night; as soon as he lay done he broke out in perspiration, without thirst, and could get no rest on account of it.

In the forenoon in bed, very painful cramp first in one then in the other leg, which is not removed either by flexing or extending the limb, not yet by pushing the sole of the foot against something, for half an hour (aft. 12 h.).

In the evening he cannot go to sleep on account of great wakefulness and intolerable hot feeling, without thirst – (he was chilled by throwing off the clothes)- and ebullition in the blood, throbbing of the arteries, and appearances in the eyes as if thick’ cloud passed before his sight; after midnight he became quiet and slept well.

On lying down in the evening she became sick; she had no rest in bed and must always turn from side to side.

845. Sleeplessness for four whole nights; she could not remain in bed.

Great nocturnal restlessness. [Hb. Ts.]

On account of burning of the eruption, restless sleep. [Hb. Ts.]

Twitching on the part of the head on which he lay at night.

At night she wakes often on account of a nasty bitter taste, with dry feelng in the mouth.

850. Thirst at night, without desire to drink, with slimy mouth.

When about to go to sleep she had violent pain in the stomach, which did not allow her to go to sleep for a long time.

When he tried to go to sleep his business itself to him in a dream, in an anxious manner.

In the evening when asleep he talks half aloud about his daily business (aft. 12 h.).

Soporous slumber full of tiresome uninterrupted dreams.

855. After midnight restless slumber, full of vexatious disagreeable ideas and thoughts.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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