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Dreams of subjects of which he had heard and thought the previous evening (aft. 72 h.). [Fz.]

At night slight dreams of things thought of and done the day before. [Fz.]

At night dreams of the accomplishment of ideas entertained the day before, in connection with subjects whence they were derived. [Fz.]

Frightful dreams, e.g. that the world was consumed by fire, and on awaking palpitation of the heart.

860. Dreams of fire.

After 3 a.m. he cannot go to sleep again, and if he falls asleep he dreams in a very vivid manner, and after he awakes he feels as if he had not slept at all.

She sleeps with her mouth open.

At night very short breathing.

At night he can only lie on his back.

865. At night he feels as if something forced him out of bed.

Great anxiety at night; he cannot remain in bed.

Disagreeable feeling of heat in the whole body, all night, without thirst.

After midnight no sound sleep; she tosses restlessly about on account of a disagreeable feeling as of burning all over the body, without thirst; at the same time dreams full of anxious striving and urging.

870. At night he talks in his sleep about his business, wishes to throw away everything, and longs for one thing or another.

In the morning he talks in his sleep about his business, wishes to throw away everything, and longs for one thing or another.

Starting in affright on going to sleep, as if he had let something important fall.

During the forenoon sleep he jerked together every quarter of an hour.

In sleep expiration is easy and blowing, inspiration inaudible.

In the morning in bed on awaking very dizzy in the head; this soon went off after getting up.

875. Very easily waking, with cross peevish disposition. [Stf.]

Peevishness in the open air; he felt like to fall asleep when walking. [Fz.]

Sensitiveness to the open cool air (aft. 4 h.). [Stf.]

Chilliness with dry lips, and less thirst than hunger. [Fz.]

Constant chilliness. [Fr.H-n.]

880. Rigor, on coming out of the open air into the warm room, without thirst. [Fz.]

Excessively cold hands and feet all day. [Fz.]

On getting out of bed in the morning feeling of shivering.

Feeling of internal coldness in the limbs (e.g. dying away of a finger, or as if all limb would go to sleep, or like the disagreeable feeling of coldness that seizes upon the inward parts of the limbs at the ushering in of a paroxysm of intermittent fever) and yet no external coldness is perceptible.

He is very sensitive to the cold open air, and the skin is as it were painful, though there is no dislike to cold air.

885. In the evening in bed, icy cold feet that cannot get warm, whilst the rest of the body is warm (aft. 3 h.0.

When she goes to a distance from the stove she is immediately attacked by shivering.

In the cold air when walking he cannot get warm though well wrapped up, he has rigor in the open air, with great thirst, and slime betwixt the lips which seals them together.

Chilliness in the room towards evening; coldness ran all over her.

Chill (immediately).

890. Shivering in the back (immediately).

In the evening (about 5 o’clock) chilliness and shivering in the room, with throbbing toothache and accumulation of saliva in the mouth, without thirst; in the open air still greater rigor; then in the warm room, even close to the hot stove, continued rigor with great thirst and cessation of the flow of saliva; the chilliness went off only in bed, whereas the thirst continued; then stupid sleep, like confusion of the head; in the morning the thirst and confusion of the head are still there, they go off after getting up (aft. 6 d.).

Towards evening chill; he must lie down in bed and cover himself up; then he got warmer.

In the evening (about 7 o’clock) external chill and sensation of coldness, without shivering or externally perceptible coldness, no internal coldness; he cannot drink anything old without suffering; immediately after lying down in bed, external heat, which does not permit him to uncover himself, without thirst, with watery mouth and dry lips; then about midnight general transpiration during half slumber, and after midnight perspiration, first in the face, then on the hairy scalp and neck to the chest.

Chilliness in the open air without thirst.

895. After a walk in the open air, shivering and heat at the same time all over the body, without thirst, also rather warm swat all over the skin; the palms perspire most.

All day long she is hot inwardly and chilly externally, and yet she feels normally warm to the touch, and without any remarkable thirst; coffee increases the inward heat.

Pinching chill in the feet and betwixt the shoulders, and a quarter of an hour afterwards much external heat and burning pain on the left arm and on the left side of the upper part of the body, with redness of cheeks.

In the evening chill and heat; her face felt very hot, and yet the cheeks were pale and cold to the touch, but the breath came very hot out of the mouth;- for two successive afternoons.

Her face looks red and she feels a burning heat in the skin, and yet she feels only moderately warm to the touch.

900. Evening fever with diarrhoea: at 8 p.m. chill; then, in bed, dry heat with much thirst for several hours, with cutting in the bowels as with knives, and diarrhoea during the heat, for some hours; then sleep; in the morning again diarrhoea (aft. 24 h.).

Evening fever with diarrhoea (as a second paroxysm); in the evening, after 6 o’clock, chill for an hour (without thirst) through all the limbs; then first dry heat, then heat with profuse sweat, altogether lasting three hours, with thirst; diarrhoea of mucus only with violent cutting in the abdomen, followed by tenesmus and accompanied by headache, a pressing from both temples towards the middle, and accumulation of blood and heat in the head (aft. 48 h.).

Fever: first (in the forenoon) sleepy weariness and yawning; while walking he feels as if he could go to sleep, with anxiety; then stool with cutting, then extreme heat throughout the body (about 10 a.m.), without thirst; she felt (though with shivering intermixed) as if warm water were thrown over him, or as if the blood coursed hot through the blood-vessels and too strongly through the head, and as if the head were pressed down to bow, with throbbing headache; about 7 p.m. chilliness; hfelt as if cold through its vessels; after lying down and covering himself up he immediately became hot, but at night also a kind of drawing in the spine, betwixt the shoulders and in the limbs, as if he must always extend and stretch himself; in the morning perspiration.

Fever: towards noon he is attacked by a feverish coldness through every limb, with violent earache and vertigo (somewhat allayed by taking a walk); towards evening once more chilliness, he must lie down; he cannot sleep at night, he lies in continual vertigo and constant perspiration (aft. 48 h.).

Fever: (about 5 o’clock) in the afternoon a stretching in the limbs, a shivering all through the body with much thirst, cold hands, heat and redness of face; also shivering in the evening in bed; in the morning he had transpired all over, and at the same time had a pressing in the temples.

905. Fever, accompanied by twitchings. [Hb. Ts.]

Chilliness in the feet and betwixt the scapulae; so on afterwards heat on the left side and in the left arm (immediately).

Fever: in the afternoon, (about 6 o’clock) warmth of the body, with inward and outward heat of the head and shivering over the body, without thirst; at the same time stretching, drawing and exhaustion in the limbs, and headache like confusion and compression at the side of the occiput; also violent cough with very short breath, and pain in the throat as if the tonsils were swollen; slight transpiration all over the body towards morning.

Warmth in the face and fingers with rigor in the scapulae, without thirst. [Fz.]

Heat and great thirst. [Hbg.]

910. In the evening in bed, after the rigor, slight warmth, without thirst. [Fz.]

Double tertain fever with jaundice. (Not found in either french or german edition.) [DUFRESNOY, l. c.]

Heat on the left side of the body and coldness no the right side, without chilliness.

Chilliness on the head and back, heat on the anterior part of the body.

Occasionally cold shivering in the middle of the sweat, at night in bed, and during the shivering spasms in the abdomen.

915. First sick, with heat on the head and hands and chilliness no the rest of the body, then, along with inclination to vomit, chilliness all over.

Feeling of heat and heat perceptible outwardly, with distented blood-vessels, with such weakness that she must lean back while sitting, with intense thirst, also frequent nocturnal thirst; the following day shivering on the upper part of the body; especially the arms.

In the evening an inward heat in the forehead and the whole head, less perceptible outwardly to the touch.

In the evening an unnatural heat, especially in the hands, with dull headache.

(When seated heat comes over him.)

920. When he has been walking in the open air and comes into the house, heat and sweat come all over the body.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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