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Pressure on the right scapula. [Fz.]

570. Pain in the nape, as from a heavy weight, like lead, on account of which he cannot lie (aft. 4 d.).

Tearing between both shoulders, and drawing together as if were from both sides.

Violent rheumatic pain between the scapulae, neither relieved nor aggravated by movement or by rest, only alleviated by warmth, but increased by cold (aft. 48 h.).

When stooping shooting in the back (in the evening).

Pressive stitches in the back, worse when walking than when sitting; also when stooping, but more when raising himself up again.

575. In the evening drawing pain in the back; he must sit up straight.

Drawing pain in the back when sitting; ot goes off when walking.

When sitting a constrictive pain in the dorsal muscles, diminished by leaning back, increased by bending forwards.

When sitting the sacrum is painful, as from too much stooping and bending the back.

Pain in the sacrum as if bruised wen he lies still upon it, or sits still; he feels nothing when moving.

580. Shooting jerks in the sacrum (when walking).

Stiffness of the sacrum, painful when moving.

Pain in the sacrum when grasping it, as if the flesh were torn away.

In the right side of the lumbar vertebrae and in the sacrum, sensation as if bruised. [Fz.]

Sacrum as if bruised. [Fz.]

585. Stiffness in the sacrum. [Fz.]

Across the sacrum a pressure as with a knife, when standing and bending backwards. [Fz.]

At the bottom of the sacrum a burning point tthe right side.

Heaviness and pressure in the sacrum, as if he had had a blow there, when sitting (aft. 6 d.). [Fz.]

Drawing twitching shooting, as with a nail, in the coccyx. [Hbg.]

590. (When walking and standing a kind of tearing and drawing from the hip to the knee.)

When he lies on the side the hip is painful, and when he lies on the back the sacrum is painful.

Shooting in the shoulder when lying, which goes off on moving.

Swelling of the axillary glands, painful when touched and when not touched.

From the shoulder down into the hand a sensation as if something rolled down in it, but it os neither warm nor cold.

595. On the left shoulder, near the clavicle, sensation as if someone pressed there. [Fz.]

Tearing in the shoulder-joint and the top of the scapula. [Rkt.]

Burning shooting under the left axilla, on the arm. [Fz.]

When raising the left arm a drawing under the axilla, which goes down into the middle of the upper arm. [Fz.]

Sensation as if hot water ran through the arm. [ALDERSON, l. c.]

600. On moderate exertion of the arm a trembling of it.

In the arms, from the shoulder downwards, drawing stitches.

Needle-pricks in the left upper arm (aft. 5 d.). [Fz.]

A violent stitch on the right upper arm, as if it came from without. [Fz.]

In the open air tension in the left upper arm (aft. 10 h.). [Fz.]

605. Twitching sensation in the left arm. [Fz.]

Boring stitches in the upper arm (when standing).

Tearing in both upper arms; it becomes worse when working, she must let the arm hang down; it is still more painful when under the bedclothes, and when it is touched the bone is painful.

Pain and swelling of the arms. [Hb.Ts.]

On the upper arm single, small round, red spots. [Hb.Ts.]

610. On the left elbow a painless throbbing.

A drawing and tearing from the elbow-joint to the wrist-joint.

Tension in the elbow-joint when she extends the arm; she could with difficulty raise the arm.

On moving, a cramp-like drawing in the left elbow-joint (aft. 76 h.). [Fz.]

Burning itching pain on the left elbow, which compels scratching, and goes off after scratching (aft. ½ h.). [Mch.]

615. In the left forearm, on moving, a digging pain in the bone and twitching in the right wrist; the whole forearm feels stiff. [Fz.]

Powerlessness and stiffness of the forearms and fingers on moving them (aft. 25 h.). [Fz.]

Coldness of the forearms. [Fz.]

Eroding burning in the right forearm (aft. 4 d.). [Fz.]

Twitching tearing in the elbow-joint and wrist-joint, even when at rest, better when moving (aft. 5, 6 h.). [Rkt.]

620. In the arm violent tearing pain, worst when lying still. [Fr.H-n.]

Feeling of powerlessness in the upper part of the right forearm when moving, and a pain as of dislocation in the wrist on grasping (aft. 27 h.). [Fz.]

The left forearm is painful as if bruised (aft. 48 h.). [Fz.]

Erysipelas, swelling. Pustules with burning and itching on the arms and hands. [FONTANA and DUFRESNOY, l. c.]

Sensation on the skin of the left forearm, as if it were rubbed with a woolen cloth or scraped with a knife, accompanied by a cold feeling in it. [Fz.]

625. In the upper side of the left wrist, on flexing it sensation as if it were sprained. [Fz.]

A tearing shooting in the left wrist.

Drawing pain in the right palm.

On the wrist, which is normally warm, sensation of coldness, as from a cold wind.

The back of the hand is covered with chaps and hot; the skin is hard, rough, and stiff.

630. In the evening hot swelling of the hands and face.

(A fine twitching lasting several hours in the right hand between it and the thumb.)

On the hands hard pimples, with burning eroding itching.

Burning in the flesh betwixt the left thumb and index (aft. 11 h.). [Fz.]

Involuntary painless jerking inwards of both thumbs, only on and third fingers of the left hand. [Mch.]

Shooting on the back of the index, as after having gone to sleep. [Fz.]

Over the middle joint of the ring finger an inflamed lump, with itching burning pain, which sometimes changes into a slow prick; not removed by rubbing and scratching.

Blisters on the right wrist-joint, which continued to increase, on a pale red surface of four fingers’ breadth; they were mostly the size of a pin’s head or a lentil, and increased to the size of a pea, and became so numerous that not only was every salient point covered, but all seemed to present the appearance of a big bunch of grapes, the several depressions of which – intervals they could not be called- had a brownish shining look, owing to the dried secretion which the patient pressed out of the blisters in the form of water as clear as crystal (5th d.). [Hb.Ts.]

640. Four fingers’ breadth round about the wrist there was an appearance as if a blister had been applied to a stiff skin, in the form of a bracelet, which had caused vesicles to be heaped upon vesicles. The nearer they were to the hand the more separate they were; some bright and clear on the outer border of the hand, and these had no red areola; when opened they poured out the clearest lymph, and this immediately forms a shining yellow gum on the parts on which it flowed (11th d.). [Hb.Ts.]

Violent itching of the hands (4th d.). [Hb.Ts.]

First betwixt the fingers, then on the whole hand, small vesicles, which exactly resembled Willan’s water-blebs (pompholyx), except that there was more swelling with them (2nd d.). [Hb.Ts.]

On account of great swelling the fingers could only be moved with pain (4th d.). [Hb. Ts.]

On the inside of the wrist and on the lower part of the cheek, papules like itch, which are the seat of burning itching, and after scratching are sore.

645. (On the backs of the fingers, on the outer parts of the arms, and on the back of the head, nipping and pinching.)

Fine pricking pain in the fingers. [ALDERSON, l. c.]

Sensation in the tips of the fingers (in the warm room)as if they were too full of blood, with cold backs of the hands (aft. 10 h.). [Fz.]

Creeping like gone-to-sleep state in the tips of the fingers. [Fr.H-n.]

(Spasmodic drawing inwards of the fingers.)

650. In the morning the index and middle finger of one hand were as if numb and gone to sleep.

Tearing in all the finger-joints. [Rkt.]

Drawing pain in the right natis just below the sacrum, which goes off on pressing on it. [Fz.]

Cramp-like contraction in the right natis. [Fz.]

Cramp-like pain in the left natis, when standing (aft. 29 h.). [Fz.]

655. Cramp in the left natis and thigh. [Fz.]

In the groin at the left hip, when sitting, a tension, as if the skin were insufficient. [Fz.]

In the right hip a pain compounded of tension and drawing. [Fz.]

Tension in the left hip-joint when sitting. [Fz.]

A down-drawing tension in the left thigh, down from the joint. [Fz.]

660. Tearing pain on the middle outer part of the thigh when sitting, which went off by moving. [Mch.]

In the upper part of the right thigh, internally towards the groin, a sensation like what is felt on spreading out the fingers when the wrist-joint is sprained or dislocated (aft. 58 h.). [Fz.]

On crossing the legs a tension on the posterior aspect of the thigh (aft. 6 d.). [Fz.]

In the right thigh pain as if bruised and drawing (aft. 56 h.). [Fz.]

On the right thigh under the groin on a spot, a cramp-like pressure, when sitting. [Fz.]

665. A burning point on the right thigh, on the inner side near the testicle (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

In both hip-joints an aching pain at every step, and like a paralysis in the anterior muscles of the thigh.

On the right hip a red very hot spot with burning pain.

Twitching in the thigh, with trembling of the knees.

Stitches in the thigh outwards.

670. Boring stitches in the thigh when standing.

Sometimes a pain in the thigh like a drawing, so that she must crouch together, when rising from a seat and when standing, but not when sitting (aft. 96 h.).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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