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Aching as from inflammation in the left eye, which is red in the inner canthus, and in the evening is sealed up with eye gum.

Pressive and contractive pain in the eyes, in the evening.

Burning aching sensation in the eye from evening till morning; it goes off in the morning after getting up.

In the morning the white of the eye is red, with burning aching in it; the eyes seem to be protruded.

140. The eyes are red and stuck together with matter in the morning.

Her eyes are stuck together with muco-pus in the morning.

Inflammation of the eyes.

Blear eyes full of water.

In the evening weeping of the eyes; with burning pain.

145. A smarting in the eyes; in the morning they are sealed up with eye gum.

Smarting on the inner surface of the lower eyelids (aft. 2 h.).

The eyelids in cold air as if sore from salt smarting tears.

Dry sensation of the eyelids, especially in the inner canthus.

In the evening (about 8 o’clock) a heaviness and stiffness in the eyelids, like paralysis, as if it were difficult for him to move the eyelids.

150. Stitches below the eye.

On the inner side of the orbit, in the bone towards the nose, bruised pain.

An aching with fine pricking no the zygoma.

An aching on the frontal bone, which constantly increases and then suddenly ceases. [Fz.]

A dull drawing on the left side of the forehead, through the left cheek, down the jaw, through the muscles and teeth, as if toothache would ensue. [Ln.]

155. Fine painful tearing behind the left ear. [Hbg.]

Ringing in the right ear when walking (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Mch.]

Two violent cracks in the left ear at short intervals, as if the membrana tympani burst, when lying whilst going to sleep in the midday siesta, so that he started up trembling each time, but then soon went to sleep again (aft. 4 h.). [Mch.]

Painful beating at night in the inner ear.


160. A sudden drawing pain in the ears, as if a thread were drawn through. [Sr.]

Before the right ear sensation as if something were blown in or lay before it.

(Roaring in the ear.)

Squeaking before the ears, like young mice.

(An itching creeping in the ears, of something alive were in them; she must bore in them with finger.)

165. Swelling of the nose, ears, and neck. [Hb.Ts.]

Epistaxis frequently, almost only when stooping.

Epistaxis at night (aft. 4 h.).

Epistaxis. [Hbg.]

Feeling of hardness and swelling under the nose, going off when touched. [Fz.]

170. Tension under the right nostril. [Fz.]

The tip of the nose is red, and painful when touched, as if it would fester (aft. 8 d.). [Fz.]

Scabby eruption near the left ala nasi and under the nose (aft. 48 h.). [Fr.H-n.]

Hot burning under the left nostril, so that the breath seems to come out hot, which goes off in the open air. [Fz.]

In the morning epistaxis (aft. 40 h.).

175. Epistaxis on clearing the throat and hawking.

Sensation of excoriation at the nostrils.

A tettery eruption about the mouth and nose, sometimes with twitching and burning itching pain in it (aft. 24 h.).

(On the fold of the cheek a pustule, which, painless per se, pricks like fine needles when touched.)

(Vesicles about the mouth and nostrils which burn.)

180. Coldness in the shut mouth, as if wind blew into it, which roaring in the left ear. [Fz.]

A pimple on the lower lip, in the white skin below the red.

In the morning on rising, in the right side of the lower lip, a pinching point which gives rise to the sensation as if it were bleeding (aft. 48 h.). [Fz.]

Parched dry lips, covered by a red scab. [Fz.]

A conglomeration of pimples at first filled with a watery fluid, not far from both angles of the lips, on the border of the lower lip, smarting as from salt per se, and wit a sore feeling when touched (aft. 10 h.).

185. In the afternoon a fine burning cramp in the right cheek, as if all became ulcerated; at the same time the skin of the cheek became very hot and rough, as if an eruption were breaking out there; he must get out of bed and had much thirst.

Quick needle-pricks in the right cheek. [Fz.]

Cutting contraction in the right cheek. [Fz.]

On a spot of the cheek a cutting pain, thereafter itching and pricking there, which goes off by scratching (aft. 10, 11 h.). [Fz.]

Burning contracted feeling in the right cheek, with aching pain in the crowns of the three upper molars. [Fz.]

190. On the side of the chin pimples, which contain pus in their apices, which cause a pain like a knife blade pressed in, only when touched, and a burning which is persistent.

A pain at the maxillary-joint close to the ear, cramplike when at rest and when moving the part, which is alleviated by strong pressure from without, and partaking of warm things.

Pain is the maxillary-joint, as if bruised or as if it would break, when it is moved (aft. 1 h.).

During spasmodic yawning in the evening, pain in the maxillary-joint as if it would be dislocated (aft. 1 h.).

When moving the jaw to and fro, creaking in the joint (in the morning)(aft. 12 h.).

195. At every movement of the lower jaw, even when drinking, a cracking beside the ear (in the maxillary-joint).

The gland under the angle of the jaw is painful, even without movement, like aching and digging.

Sensation in the lower jaw as if the gums were squeezed in from both sides, with a very musty feeling in the mouth. [Fz.]

Cramp-like pain in the maxillary-joint. [Fz.]

Swollen hard parotid and submaxillary glands. [Hbg.]

200. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, swallowing causes a shooting in them.

In the evening (7 o’clock) a shooting twitching in single jerks, from the temple down into both jaws and rows of teeth, during which he became quite exhausted, with a bruised pain in the left temple; he yawned, but could not go to sleep immediately from fear lest the pain might return.

Slow shooting and at the same time twitching pain in the canine tooth, in the evening.

At night (about 10 o’clock) twitching toothache, it twitched up into the head; it was alleviated by laying a cold hand on the outside.

Twitching in the root nerves of the hollow teeth.

. Twitching in the dental nerve from below upwards, alleviated, but only transiently, by laying on the cold hand.

Aching on the outer side of the gums of the lower molars, and at the same time on the shoulder at the left clavicle. [Fz.]

Dull aching in the lower molars, and on the left shoulder at the clavicle. [Fz.]

Toothache in the right upper teeth, as if at the roots they were drawn into their alveoli. [Fz.]

Toothache in the lower molars: a sharp pressure and an obtuse pain, with feeling in the mouth as from a musty smell. [Fz.]

210. Sensation betwixt the teeth on the right side as if a tough body were betwixt them. [Fz.]

Toothache, like cutting and like a wound.

In the night (2.30 a.m.) intolerable sore pain combined with burning in the gums extending into the roots of the molars, compelling him to sit up in bed, with feeling of heat on the body, and especially on the head, and sweat on the forehead.

At the back of the palate, where the teeth terminate, a cutting throbbing pain, as if an ulcer were forming, per se, but on touching it there is shooting pain like an ulcer.

On the inside of the gums of the front teeth and in the periosteum of the teeth a pressure, moving hither and thither.

215. The teeth are loose, and there is occasionally a formication in them as in a limb that has gone to sleep.

A painful formication in the tooth, like scratching with a needle, a fine prickling scratching.

The teeth are painful only when biting and chewing, as if they were too high and loose, and yet they do not hurt or feel loose when touched.

Toothache (in the evening), first in the hollow tooth, which became higher and looser, then in the other teeth also, in which there was sometimes shooting, sometimes formication.

The front teeth are loose, and are painful from cold and warm drinks.

220. Pain in the front teeth on knocking against them with the tongue.

Visible looseness of the first two molars, of both canine teeth, and of the four lower incisors, with formicating pain in the gums, also when not chewing.

Looseness of the lower incisors, she cannot bite on them.

Great looseness of the four lower incisors; the gum recedes from these teeth, it can be pulled away from them and touched without pain, except when the teeth themselves are painful.

Water collects in his mouth; he must frequently spit it out.

225. Internal inclination to spit out, as if she had too much saliva in the mouth.

While sitting asleep in the afternoon the saliva runs out of his mouth.

In the afternoon sleep the mouth becomes full of water.

In the morning in bed the mouth was full of salt water.

He must spit out much saliva and mucus all day; at the same time something tasting sour comes up from the stomach into the mouth.

230. In the morning frequent hawking of mucus.

She must hawk much in the morning only, and the more she rinses the mouth the worse it is with the mucus in the throat.

In the morning the mucus and tongue are salt

Dry feeling in the throat.

Thirst and dryness in the throat. [Hb.Ts.]

235. The tongue is not furred, but very dry, which incites to drinking.

Dry feeling on the tip of the tongue (without visible dryness), and to this he attributes the thirst.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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