A lump seems to lie in the stomach after a meal, especially when standing. [Fz.]
345. Under the diaphragm, above the stomach, painful pinching, afterwards deeper, in the stomach itself. [Fz.]
A severe beating in the region of the stomach.
On the right side towards the stomach, a contractive pain.
A pushing forwards in the hypochindrium, with anxiety, as if about to die, when sitting in a stooping posture (aft. 9 h.). [Fz.]
A pushing in the abdomen as if the bowels were raised up towards the heart, when sitting (aft. 25 h.). [Fz.]
350. On rising up after stooping, a feeling as if the abdomen were distented, with warm feeling on the chest. [Mch.]
A pushing in the left side under the ribs. [Fz.]
Shooting from the right side towards the stomach.
Pressive shooting pain in the region of the stomach (whereby deep breathing was prevented).
Pain in the abdomen, like a lump lying oppressive and heavy in the belly.
355. When lying no pain in the abdomen, but when sitting the abdomen is painful as if it were pressed,
A pressive pain on a small apot in the abdomen, as if flatulence were displaced there, only when turning the body strongly, e.g. when going upstairs, but not when touching it.
Pinching in the right side of the umbilical region, with rush of chilliness in the upper arms. [Fz.]
Pinching in the abdomen when sitting with oppression rising up (aft. 25 h.). [Fz.]
A pinching in the right side under the ribs, which soon extended towards the umbilical region, as if he had worms in the abdomen, when sitting (aft. 2.3/4 h.). [Ln.]
360. (In the afternoon) when walking in the open air, pinching in the abdomen with displaced flatulence, which is not freely discharged (aft. 25 h.). [Fz.]
Almost twitching pinching in different parts of the abdomen. [Fz.]
During the evacuation of a natural stool, extraordinary pinching in the abdomen (aft. 25 h.). [Fz.]
Flatulent distension of the abdomen in the umbilical region, with violent pinching.[Ln.]
Digging pain in the right side of the abdomen. [Fz.]
365. A shooting from the navel to the cardiac region, as if a stitch darted up, repeated at every pulse (aft. 2.3/4 h.). [Ln.]
A shooting above to navel. [Fz.]
Drawing extending downwards from the umbilical region towards the pubes (aft. 27 h.). [Fz.]
Pain as from contusion below the navel. [Fz.]
A visible contraction in the middle of the abdomen above the navel, so that the abdomen below and above this contracted stripe was distented, hard and stiff to the feeling (aft. 3 h.). [Ln.]
370. A cramp-like drawing in the umbilical region. [Ln.]
Cutting in the left side of the navel on expiration while sitting. [Fz.]
In the morning, on getting a slight chill, spasmodic pains (spasms)in the right side of the abdomen, with moaning, timorous, disconsolate humour (aft. 24 h.).
First cutting in the abdomen, then a shooting in the right side of the abdomen.
Bellyache compounded of cutting, tearing and pinching, which involves the whole of the bowels without indication of much flatulence and without distension of the abdomen, and is worse when moving, but becomes gradually better when at rest (aft. 24 h.).
375. Painful distension of the abdomen, with pain in the belly as from much incarcerated flatulence, soon after a meal.
Enormous distension of the abdomen immediately after eating.
Up the abdomen a scarlet redness to four fingers’ breadth below the navel (the 11th d.). [Hb.Ts.]
The abdomen was distented all day long; there was a welling in it like fermentation.
Fermentation in the abdomen.
380. Very foetid flatus.
Burning in the abdomen and thirst.
A digging and twisting pain in the abdomen as if a worm moved in it.
In the left side of the abdomen a drawing pain when breathing.
Grumbling and rumbling in the abdomen with blows towards the pubes (aft. 36 h.). [Fz.]
385. Fulness and ferin the abdomen with hunger which all went off after eating (aft. 26 h.). [Fz.]
The flatulence excites a twitching in the abdomen. [Fz.]
Easy discharge of much flatus which seems to be produced only in the rectum (aft. 1 h.). [Fz.]
Much flatus in the abdomen which is not discharged, in the evening. [Fz.]
Rumbling, flatulent sufferings and pinching in the abdomen, without discharge of flatus. [Stf.]
390. Twitching and pinching pain in the abdomen. [ALDERSON, l. c.]
When walking the abdomen seems to be so relaxed internally, that there is a shaking in it at every step. [Fz.]
In the morning immediately after rising, on stretching the body, the abdomen is painful as if ulcerated, and the abdominal integuments seem to be too short (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]
In the right side of the hypogastrium a drawing pressive sensation, and in the abdominal integuments a feeling as if a cobweb were spread over them, when sitting (aft. ¼ h.). [Mch.]
Pressing on the pubes. [Fz.]
395. In the pubes sensation as if stretched, when walking in the open air. [Fz.]
In the region above the inguinal ring a drawing transversely across, when sitting.[Fz.]
In the left flank a tension with shooting. [Fz.]
In the left flank sensation as if a part (hernia) were protruded. [Fz.]
Outstretching in the right groin, as if a hernia would occur. [Fz.]
400. In the left flank, when walking, a weight as if a boil hung down there. [Fz.]
An out-pressing in the right groin, with ravenous hunger, and rumbling in the abdomen (aft. 11 h.). [Fz.]
Contractive pain in the left groin.
On the mons veneris two red excoriated spots from bursting of blosters (11 d.). [Hb.Ts.]
Pain and contraction in the abdomen, so that she must walk in a stooping attitude.
405. In the middle of the abdomen, before noon, cutting; at the same time she must often go to stool, when the evacuation was normal; the pain was alleviated by bending the body together, aggravated by walking (aft. 16 h.).
Constant urging to stool, with nausea and tearing in the bowels; the call to stool often resulted in nothing, often in a small quantity of watery fluid.
Along with greater pinching and digging in the hypogastrium frequent rapid evacuations, extremely foetid, first more consistent, then watery, mingled with flatus (aft. 1-1/3 h.). [Stf.]
After the faecal evacuation, remission of the pains in the abdomen, which, however, soon returned, exciting new evacuations. [Stf.]
Diarrhoea. [ALDERSON, l. c.]
410. Diarrhoea several times in an hour, for sixty hours (aft. 30 h.). [Fr.H-n.]
Stools mixed with blood. [Hbg.]
Stools with mucus, red, and yellow, like jelly and liquid. [Hbg.]
Quickly occurring, thin, yellow, frothy stools, with hardly any smell, not preceded by pain in the abdomen; the first portions pass involuntarily, as in paralysis of the sphincter ani (aft. 24 h.). [Stf.]
Connected but very soft whitish yellow stool (aft. 45 h.). [Stf.]
415. Before every stool a burning in the rectum.
Before every stool the child screams after each it is quiet.
She has four ordinary stools in rapid succession (aft. a few h.).
Seven diarrhoeic motions like jelly, yellow streaked with white, without pain in the belly (aft. 20 h.).
Three or four almost watery stools with much flatus (aft. 24 h.).
420. Diarrhoea.
(Thin stool, several times a day, followed by empty pressing, tenesmus.)
Diarrhoea, pinching before each stool (aft. 40 h.0.
Diarrhoa, stool as if chopped up.
(Perfectly white stool, neither too soft nor too hard.)
425. (Constipation)(aft 3 d.).
(Stool somewhat bloody).
Frequent call to stool, but he can pass only very little (aft. 68 h.).
After a soft stool, sore projecting piles; blind haemorrhoids (aft. 24 h.).
Sore pain at the anus at other times than when at stool.
430. When standing a labour-like drawing towards the uterus.
Drawing down the back, and tension and pressing in the rectum, as if all would come out there.
Creeping in the rectum, as from thread-worms (aft. some h.).
Itching deep in the rectum.
Itching pain at the anus, as from piles.
435. Burning pain posteriorly at the root of the urethra, when urinating.
When urging to urinate stitches from both sides upon the bladder.
He must pass urine every minute during the day.
Great discharge of urine (aft. 14 h.).
He must rise up three times to urinate at night.
440. When passing water he gets eructations.
Hot urine.
Dark urine.
The urine is already cloudy when it is passed.
Dark urine that soon becomes turbid.
445. Cloudy white urine, that became always more cloudy white the longer he urinated, so that the last drops were the most turbid, like flakes (aft. 24 h.).
Urine like water, with snow-white sediment.
(The urine passed in a double stream.)
Pain in the inguinal glands, only at night in bed, when she moves, on turning and rising up.
At the inguinal ring a simple pain, as if a hernia would protrude there.
450. Frightful eruption on the genitals, (From smearing the hands with the juice, and probably wetting the genitals with it.) closure of the urethra by swelling.(And death.) [Annalen der heilkunde, l. c.]
A profusely exuding eruption (From smearing the hands with the juice.) on the scrotum and swelling of the prepuce and glans penis. [Annalen der Heilkunde, l. c.]
Stiffness and swelling of the genitals (3rd d.). [Hb.Ts.]
Tympanitic swelling of the genitals, especially of the scrotum, with much itching(This and the previous symptom occurred in the same subject. He phrase “tympanitish” is applied only to the accompanying swelling of the face.)
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