Thirst owing to feeling of dryness in the mouth, which remains in spite of drinking ever so much, in the afternoon and after midnight.
Perceptible dryness of the mouth, dry feeling with extreme thirst. [Stf.]
Accumulation of saliva.
240. Flow of saliva in the mouth after (customary) tobacco smoking. [Fz.]
Much saliva flows into the mouth. [Stf.]
Frequent spitting of very viscid mucus. [Stf.]
Much mucus in the mouth, without unusual taste. [Fz.]
Viscid mucus in the throat, which goes off after hawking a little, but leaves a kind of roughness.
245. Feeling of swelling in the throat combined with bruised pain, per se and when speaking, but on swallowing pressive pain as if swollen, with a prick as if something sharp had stuck in there (aft. 3 h.).
When swallowing and yawning there us a prick in her throat, as if she had swallowed a needle.
She cannot drink; every time she swallows liquids she chokes, just as if the epiglottis did not act or were paralysed; at the same time dry feeling in the back of the throat.
Severe pricks, which at their onset are obtuse, but and sharp and pointed, in the throat in the region of the epiglottis, not when swallowing but always removed by swallowing.
Sensation in the left tonsil, like roughness and excoriation, when swallowing (aft. 6 h.). [Fz.]
250. When the throat is dry he has pricking in it, but when it is moist aching in it, when swallowing.
When swallowing an aching in the throat, not so bad when swallowing food as during empty deglutition.
Throbbing pain in the back of the throat.
A pungent bitter-sour taste in the mouth.
A coppery taste in the mouth and a scrapy feeling extending deep down into the throat.
255. In the morning, after waking and after eating, a putrid taste in the mouth, but without bad smell from the mouth.
A greasy taste in the mouth, but the food tastes all right.
In the forenoon taste in the mouth as of putrid meat, as if the stomach had been deranges with putrid meat, but the food tastes all right and nice (after eating the putrid taste did not return).
Putrid slimy taste in the mouth, she must pit much.
Slimy taste in the mouth; the mouth feels as if covered with mucus. [Stf.]
260. Food is relished (in the evening) with the exception of bread, which tastes rough, dry, and scrapy. [Fz.]
Bread tastes bitter and rough. [Fz.]
Beer is not relished. [Fz.]
Flat taste in the mouth. [Stf.]
Bread and food generally are repugnant to him. [Stf.]
265. Aversion to meat and meat soup for several days. [Stf.]
Longing for cold milk, he swallows it hastily. [Stf.]
After a glass of wine he feels full; he gets a loathing at wine and at the same time heaviness of the head. [Stf.]
(All day long bitter in the mouth, the food even tastes bitter.)
In the morning bitterness in the mouth, which goes off on eating.
270. (Bread tastes bitter.)
(Sour things taste bitter to her.)
After partaking of milk a sourish taste comes into the mouth.
Aversion to coffee.
No relish for tobacco, and yet no loathing at it.
275. Frequently sudden appetite for dainties.
Complete want of appetite. [Fr.H-n.]
Complete anorexia for several days. [Hbg.]
Want of appetite; he eats little, is immediately satiated and yet has hunger.[Stf.]
At the time when healthy hunger might be expected there came complete anorexia, with much saliva in the mouth of a flat slimmy taste. [Fz.]
280. Anorexia in the palate and throat, with empty feeling in the stomach and at the same time ravenous hunger, which goes off after sitting for some time.[Fz.]
A peculiar heaviness in the abdomen, which seems to be quite empty with hunger, when sitting (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]
In the morning he was hungry, but when he sat down to table food was immediately indifferent to him, and it was all one to him whether he ate or not. [Fz.]
In the morning natural hunger, at noon indifference to food, which, however, he relished. [Fz.]
Appetite greater than usual (Curative action) (aft. 4 d.). [Fz.]
285. Little appetite, but at the same time hunger, with sensation as if the hunger affected the chest. [Fz.]
Occasionally a shudder of loathing and nauseous shaking all over the body without feeling of chilliness.
She has no appetite, but the food tastes all right; but when she has swallowed a mouthful a putrid taste comes into the mouth.
A fullness in the sub0steral region, with a feeling as if all appetite were for ever gone.
Complete loose of appetite for all food; nothing tasted well, neither food nor drink, nor tobacco (aft. 16 h.).
290. She ate without any desire to eat, and it tasted well.
Though food is tolerably relished yet she has no appetite for it, and her stomach always feels full.
Food will not go down in the morning on account of internal fulness.
He felt squeamish and sick, as if in the chest, in the morning after rising. [Fz.]
Nausea. [ALDERSON, l. c.]
295. Nausea, as if in the throat. [Fz.]
Nausea in the chest, with ravenous hunger, after sit the nausea went off. [Fz.]
Nausea in the stomach and qualmishness in the chest, which become worse on stooping (aft. 26 h.). [Fz.]
After moderate eating fulness and eructation.
A kind of ravenous hunger, and yet he has a soapy taste in the mouth; everything tastes like straw and is eructated, and after the smallest quantity of food the appetite is immediately gone, and he feels full.
300. A creeping in the stomach and excessive eructation, which was only allayed by lying, but every time he raised himself up it returns.
After eating and drinking there is empty eructation.
In the evening very violent eructation of wind, followed immediately by hiccup without sensation (aft. 36 h.).
Eructation from the stomach, which seems to be transferred to the right side of the chest, as if it settled there. [Fz.]
Frequent eructation, also of what had been eaten.
305. A sort of burning eructation.
Soon after eating giddy in the head.
Soon after dinner (drawing) toothache in an undecayed tooth (aft. 30 h.).
Mostly after eating an anxiety in the abdomen, with flatulent distension.
After dinner (when standing) suddenly such a weakness in the head and vertigo, that he thought e would fall forwards. (Comp. 4, 18, 19.)
310. Immediately after eating, headache (tension in the whole sinciput).
Soon after eating, headache.
(Immediately after eating, cough.)
(Immediately after eating, very tired.)
Immediately after eating, extraordinary drowsiness he could not refrain from sleeping.
315. Immediately after eating, enormous distension of the abdomen.
On drinking beer headache.
On drinking beer it goes to his head, as if it caused heat there.
Especially after eating shivering.
After eating stomachache, for several hours, as from indigestible food.
320. After eating and drinking some pinching in the upper part of the abdomen.
After eating and drinking and drinking some pinching in the upper part of the abdomen.
After eating and drinking nausea.
After eating and after coffee nausea and flow of saliva into the mouth.
(During dinner she got stomachache, which delayed her getting to sleep; after waking it was gone.)
In the morning after rising he got warm and qualmish as though he should vomit; after lying done again the nausea went off.
325. After a meal he became exhausted and giddy. [Fz.]
Pressive drawing forwards in the left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea on the chest (aft. 63 h.). [Fz.]
In the morning after rising nausea, with a kind of anxiety which gradually went off in the open air (aft. 27 h.). [Fz.]
Nausea, which became a little better after eating, but returned, with hunger without appetite. [Fz.]
After a moderate meal fulness in the stomach, as if it were overloaded, with persistent great appetite.[Fz.]
After a moderate meal fulness in the stomach, as if it were overloaded, with persistent great appetite. [Fz.]
330. Ravenous hunger and emptiness in the stomach, with anorexia in the palate and throat, which goes off after sitting for some time. [Fz.] (Repetition of 280, the ‘which” must refer to the “hunger,”)
In the night during sleep, she often rises up and heaves as though she would vomit, but nothing comes.
In the morning accumulation of saliva in the mouth, with nausea nearly coming to vomiting, and yet at the same time hunger.
In the evening several times a rising from the scrobiculus cordis to the pit of the thraot, which almost took away her breath for instants.
A pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, as if it were swollen there, which makes the breathing difficult (in the evening).
335. A pressure in the scrobiculus cordis as if a too large morsel had been swallowed.
An oppression in the stomach towards evening, as if all were drawn together in the region of the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 6 h.).
A kind of squeezing, as if full and tight in the scrobiculus cordis.
Aching in the scrobiculus cordis on moving.[Fz.]
A shooting pain in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. ¼ h.). [Ln.]
340. Simple shooting in the scrobiculus cordis at the right hypochodrium (aft. 10 h.). [Fz.]
Pinching in the scrobiculus cordis and thence quickly into the hypogastrium on a small spot (aft. 3 h.). [Stf.]
Violent beating under the scrobiculus cordis.
Pain in the stomach. (In the original, “slight stomachache.”) [DUFRESNOY, l. c.]
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