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In the right thigh, a little above the knee, a twitching tearing (aft. 96 h.).

When he sits down after walking there is a humming and tingling in the knees and houghs.

Stiffness, especially in the knees and feet.

675. A drawing and tearing from the knee to the ankle-joint.

Drawing pain in the knee.

On the iside of both knees red burning spots and streaks, with small blisters that soon dry up. [Annalen der Heilkunde, l. c.]

On the inner side of the right knee a crawling, with tension of tendons (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

On the inner side of the right knee a stretching, with tension of tendons, which causes restlessness in the leg (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

680. Tension in the left knee and in the ankle-joint, chiefly when at rest. [Rkt.]

A drawing in the right hough when bending the knee (aft. 27 h.). [Fz.]

Tearing in the knee and in the ankle-joint, chiefly when at rest. [Rkt.]

Shooting just below the right knee. [Fz.]

Shooting whilst walking, first in the interior of the left, then of the right knee. [Fz.]

685. On the side of the knee an out-shooting when walking.

In the evening when drawing off the stockings great itching in the tendons of the hough; scratching caused pain.

Cramp-like aching in the left tibia on bending the knee, followed by burning. [Fz.]

Coldness on the left tibia. [Fz.]

Aching on the right tibia, followed by burning. [Fz.]

690. On account of the stiffness of the lower limbs he can scarcely walk in the street; he staggers in the street always towards the right (in the forenoon). [Fz.]

A drawing in the whole leg, like paralysis, when sitting.

In the morning in bed a great inclination to stretch out the thigh and leg.

In the houghs and calves such a great weight that he cannot bring the leg forwards.

The lower limbs are as heavy and tired as if she had had a long walk.

695. (In the afternoon) when walking in the open air very tired in the legs; he could hardly move them forwards, so heavy and bruised were they, but after sitting for an hour all the weariness was gone.

Fine pricking on the outer side of the leg (aft. 11 h.). [Fz.]

Pricking itching in the left calf. [Fz.]

In the interior of the right calf a drawing, which made the leg restless. [Fz.]

Feeling of tension of the skin of the calf, with shooting in it when sitting, which went off on walking. [Fz.]

700. Spasmodic drawing up in the left calf to the hough. [Fz.]

When walking tension in the calves, as if the ligaments of the knee were too short.

Twitching in the calves.

In the legs heaviness and tension when sitting, but when he walks merely weariness.

Painful weariness in the legs when sitting, which went off by walking (aft. 36 h.).

705. Tension in the knee as if were too short.

A heaviness in the legs when sitting, which went off by walking (aft. 36 h.).

705. Tension in the knee as if it were too short.

A heaviness in the legs from the region just above the knee to the ankle-joint, so that she cannot stand, which is diminished when walking and unobservable when sitting.

He only feels weary in the feet, so that she cannot ascend readily, just as if she had been running too quickly.

She is as if paralysed in the lower limbs (aft. 12 d.).

710. Cramp in the calf after midnight, when lying in bed and when seated after walking, it goes off on bending the knee.

Cramp in the calf when sitting, which goes off immediately on rising up and moving (immediately).

Just above the calf, in the tendons of the hough, a stitch during energetic moving, when getting up from a seat, and when the part is touched.

(In the outer side of the calf a throbbing for several hours.)

A tearing shooting on the tibia, at the same time exhausted and tired.

715. When she stands up after sitting she feels a stitch over the knee.

(In the affected leg, towards evening (6.30 p.c., suddenly a pain for half an hour a general throbbing and creeping, combined with cramp-like pain (something like an ulcer at the finger0nail), even per se, but increased by moving, and worst when touched externally; it went off suddenly.)

On the tibiae and loins an eruption with swelling and hardness, without pains. [Hb.Ts.]

At night when she crosses the legs pain in the shafts of the tibiae like a tingling in them; she must often change the position of the legs, and cannot sleep for it.

A jerking and throbbing on the dorsum of the foot.

720. Creeping in the foot in the morning, when lying in bed (and after getting up).

In the left ankle-joint a stab inwards as from a knife. [Fz.]

Drawing in the right ankle-joint. [Fz.]

Burning stitches and warm feeling on the dorsum of the right foot (aft. 2 d.). [Fz.]

On the left heel a drawing outwards with burning. [Fz.]

725. Hot feeling in the feet. [Rkt.]

Shooting in the left heel when sitting (after walking in the open air). [Fz.]

Dead feeling and numbness of the right foot; it felt to him as if made of wood.

On the left outer ankle and over the dorsum of the foot itching.

Swelling in the foot, which is painless when scratched, in the evening (aft. 48 h.).

730. On the lower part of the tendo Achillis stabs as with knives, worse when touched and after lying down.

On rising up from a seat shooting in the right inner ankle.

Spasmodic shooting in the ankle-joint.

In the morning, on rising, the foot is painful, as if dislocated or sprained.

Spasmodic contraction on the inner side of the sole, which is relieved by extending and flexing the foot (aft. 64 h.). [Fz.]

735. (Sweat on the feet.)

Pain in the right sole near the ball, as if a painful place were persistently pressed on always more and more strongly.

Tension and pressing in the sole.

(When treading the heels are painful, as if numb.)

Shooting in the heel when treading on it.

740. A short burning shooting between the little toe and the one next it, in the evening when walking, and also at night in bed (aft. 12 h.).

In the (affected) ball of the big toe jerking shooting, as in a boil about to burst; in the evening throbbing in it.

Pricking itching on the ball of the left big toe. [Fz.]

Drawing aching pain in the right big toe, with feeling of warmth. [Fz.]

Fine pricking in the left big toe. [Fz.]

745. Fine pricking in the fourth toe of the left foot.

When standing a stitch from the big toe to the middle of the left side of the chest.

Shooting in the right big toe.

Spasmodic contraction of the toes. [Sr.]

Recurrence of the chilblains of the previous year, three months and a half too soon; a burning tiching in them, in the afternoon and evening; when he forbears to scratch there is a shooting in them, so that he cannot refrain from scratching, and after scratching blains appear. (Comp. 747, 748.)

750. The corn has a burning sore pain from the pressure of the shoe (aft. 3 h.).

On first treading in the morning pain in both heels, as if he trod on pins.

In the evening pricking in the sole, as she walked on needles.

(Small, red, round spots on the ball of the foot.)

Shooting on a small spot of the limbs, which is aggravated by lying down.

755. Shooting in the joints, when at rest (and when reposing the limb, but not by extending it), not when touched nor at night when lying.

(Creeping pain in the face, back, and sternum.)

On applying the juice to the first phalanx of the index finger there appear two black spots after an hour, but twenty-five days afterwards severe burning in the mouth and throat, rapid swelling of the left cheek, upper lip, and eyelids; the following night great swelling of the forearm, the skin becomes of a leather character, and there occur intolerable itching and very great heat. After four days pustules on the hands and forearms, which burst and exude a clear fluid. [LAVINI, (Wrongly given as “Cavini.” From two drops of juice applied to the fingers for two minutes only.) in Orfila, I, pp. 596, 597.]

Creeping in the ulcer.

Depressing pains in the affected part, owing to which he sits moaning.

760. (Smarting pain in the ulcer, as from salt, only at night; she wakes up often on account of it; by day it went off, and only recurred when walking in the open air.)

In the morning on awaking a shooting in the seat of the cab.

(Pain in the ulcer as if bruised.)

Burning smarting pain in the ulcer, with weeping and moaning.

(A very transient burning on the affected part.)

756. The limbs whereon he lies, especially the arm, go to sleep.

During a whole afternoon extraordinary mobility and excessive corporeal liveliness (the 3rd d.). [Fz.]

A sensation resembling a trembling in the upper and lower extremities, even when at rest. [Rkt.]

Twitching in various parts of the body outside the joints. [Fz.]

Twitching in the limbs. [ALDERSON, l. c.]

770. Twitching of several muscles. [ALDERSON, l. c.]

Burning itching here and there. [DUDLEY, in Dufresnoy, l. c.]

Fine pricking pains (Literally, “formication.”) in the limbs. [ALDERSON, l. c.]

Severe formication in the paralysed parts. [NASSE, (Observation.) in the Preface to Dufresnoy.]

Swelling of the hands and feet. [ALDERSON, l. c.]

775. A wound inflamed and became surrounded by small vesicles (6th d.). [Hb. Ts.]

The blisters, which mostly contained a milky, but some of them also a watery fluid, ran together, this condition lasted three days, then the skin desquamated. [Hb. Ts.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.

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