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Inclination to vomit on moving. [CHARVET, l. c.]

Vomiting after eating. [CHARVET, l. c.]

195. Efforts to vomit, haematemesis. [HECQUET, l. c., p. 314.]

Excites vomiting. [WEDEL, l. c.]

Along with stomachache and convulsive movements she vomits. [JUNCKER and BOEHMER, Diss. sistens casum Matronoe largissimo usu Opii tractoe, Halae, 1744, p. 7. (Not accessible).]

Constant vomiting. [PYL, l. c., p. 94.]

Vomiting of green matter. [DE LA CROIX, l. c.]

200. Insensibility of the stomach to emetics. [MURRAY, l. c.]

Eructation (aft. 5 h.). [GRIMM, l. c.]

Full in the stomach. [JOERDENS, l. c.]

Stomachache. [BOHN, l. c.]

Hiccough continued, with short interruptions. [SCHWEIKERT, in Hufel. Journ., viii, 3.]

205. Great aching in the stomach (immediately). [WILLIS, l. c.]

Pressure in the stomach, as if a stone lay there (aft. 2 h.).

Immediately after a meal violent pressure in the gastric region relieved by walking. [Ctz.]

Painful (i.e. to touch.) distension of the stomach. [D’ OUTREPONT, l. c.]

210. After dinner, extremely annoying pressure over the stomach, as if he had eaten too much or too hard food, which was relieved by movement in the open air. [Sche.]

Violent pains in the stomach. [LEVESQUE – BLASOURCE, l. c.]

Quickly, stomachache and compression of the diaphragm. [FR. HOFFMANN, Diss. de corrections Opii., hal., 1702, § 16. (Not accessible.) ]

Constrictive pain in the stomach, which is intolerable and causes deathly anxiety. [YOUNG, l. c. (From opium taken immediately after dinner. [Young’s statement is that the man took his dose ‘after a plentiful supper and load of liquor.”) ]

Weakens the stomach. [HALLER, l. c., p. 519.]

215. Makes the digestion slower and diminishes the appetite. [GEOFFROY, Mat. Medorrhinum, ii. (General statement.) ]

Slow digestion. [WILLIS, l. c. cap. 2.]

Deranges the digestion, excites a feeling of weight and compression in the stomach, and an indescribable uneasiness in the scrobiculus cordis. [ETTMULLER, l. c.]

Painful distension of the scrobiculus cordis. [TRALLES, l. c., p. 142.]

The abdomen is distented especially in the umbilical region. [De LA CROIX, l. c.]

220. Feeling of distension of the abdomen and particularly of the stomach.

In the stomach and bowels accumulation of flatulence. [MURRAY, l. c.]

Distented abdomen. [DE LA CROIX,- TRALLES, l. c.]

Abdomen tense and painful. [J. HUNTER, l. c.]

Bellyache, as from a purgative (aft. ½ h.).

225. Bellyache, as from a chill.

Bellyache of simple pain, as if bruised (aft. 2 h.).

Aching and pressing distension of the abdomen as if it would burst; it was relieved by bodily exertion, on sitting down the aching returned (aft. 2 h.). [Gn.]

Constant development of flatulence. [TRALLES, l. c., pp. 142, 148,- REINEGGS, l. c.]

Frequent discharge of flatus (aft. 24 h.). [Gn.]

230. Sensation ofa weight in the abdomen, in the umbilical region, with anxiety, sensation of transient, internal heat, and stupefaction of the head (aft. 1 h.).

Throbbing in the abdomen.

Aching and tensive pain in the abdomen (aft. 24 h.).

Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, also when not breathing (aft. 3 h.).

Bellyache before and after evacuation of the bowels.

235. Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen as from a stone. [CH G. BUTTNER, Unterr, uber d. Todtlichk. D. Wunden, p. 224. (Observation (p. 204). ]

Drawing pain in the abdomen. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Pain in the abdomen, as if the bowels were cut to pieces. [JUNCKER and BOHMER, l. c., p. 8.]

Inactivity of the bowels and retained stool. (In the original – “dulness or difficulty of evacuation.”) [WILLIS, l. c.]

Paralysis of the bowels. (Rather – “the intestines seemed paralysed.”) [PYL, l. c., p. 94.]

240. Almost always binds the bowels. [TRALLES, l. c., p. 145.]

Rare evacuations. [MURRAY, l. c.]

Constant retention of the stool and costiveness. [TRALLES, l. c., p. 144.]

Retention of the intestinal evacuations.

Faeces and urine interrupted. [KILIAN, l. c.]

245. Constipation for ten days (ending in death). [PYL, l. c.]

Hard stool only passed with an effort, for six days. [Ctz.]

Costiveness for six or eight weeks, with anorexia; the excrements only come away with clysters, and in the form of small hard balls. [JUNCKER and BOHMER, l. c., p. 8.]

250. Costiveness for several months. [TRALLES, l. c., p. 145.]

Stool in small hard lumps, with labour-like pains, as in parturition. [TRALLES, l. c., p. 146.]

Almost incurable, chronic costiveness. [WALDSCHMID, l. c., p. 17.]

Opium sometimes causes diarrhoea (in its secondary action). [HAMBERGER, l. c., § 15.]

Evacuation of the bowels, pappy stool (Immediately or within ½ h.).

255. Very foetid stool (aft. 20 h.).

Increased faecal evacuation. [BAURR, (Observation). In (Acta Nat. Cur., ii, obs. 93.)

Watery diarrhoea. [BAUTZMANN, (Observation (Obs.44.) in Misc. Nat. Cur.,Dec. ii, ann. 8. (When ever she uses opium for her toothache.)

Evacuation of a black matter by stool (aft. 24 h.). [LEVESQUE – BLASOURCE, l. c.]

Fluid frothy stools, with itching burning in the anus and violent tenesmus. [GRIMM, l. c.]

260. Very foetid diarrhoea. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Violent painful movements of the foetid, often remitting for hours, but recurring in still greater intensity. [D’OUTERPONT, l. c.]

The uterus as soft. (In the original – “The utherus was so soft that the movements of the child”- see previous symptom – “could be felt externally.” This was coincident with a general paralysed state.)

Horrible labour-like pains in the uterus, which compelled her to bend the abdomen double, with anxious, almost ineffectual urging to stool (aft. ¼ h.).

Horrible pressing-asunder pain in the rectum (between 4 and 6 h.).

265. Lemon-coloured urine, with much sediment. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Dark coloured urine. [RIEDLIN, Lin. Medorrhinum, ann. Iv, þDecemb., obs. 16. (Observation.)]

Dark urine and dry tongue (in himself). [YOUNG, l. c.]

Very dark red urine, which deposits a sediment. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Haematuria. [HECQUET, l. c.]

270. Very scanty, very red urine, without cloudiness. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

The urine has a brick-coloured sediment. [CHARVET, l. c.]

Sensation when straining to pass urine as if the passage to the urethra were closed.

Involuntary interruption of the stream when urinating. [CHARVET, l. c.]

He can only pass the urine after long straining. [CHARVET, l. c.]

275. He passes little urine of very dark red colour, with cutting pains while urinating. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Suppresses the evacuation of urine.[MURRAY, l. c.]

Urine suppressed. [KILIAN, l. c.]

Retention of urine. [MATTHAEI, l. c. – HUNTER, l. c., p. 641.]

Opium suppresses the secretion of urine. [PITCRAINE, Diss. de Circulatione in Animalibus genitis et non genitis, L. B., § 13. (Observations.) ]

280. Retention of urine, with quite dry mouth and increased thirst. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Keeps back the evacuation of urine. [ETTMULLER, l. c., §§ 3. 4.]

Weakens the contractile power of the bladder. [DE HALLER, De Partib. Corp. irritab. Et sensib., sect. 2. (Not found.) ]

Opium sometimes suppresses sometimes promotes the urine. [GEOFFROY, l. c.]

Excites the urinary secretion. [WILLIS, l. c. – BERGER, l. c., § 2.]

285. Stiffness of the penis during sleep, and after waking complete impotence. [SRALPAART VAN DER WIEL, cent. ii, obs. 41. (From 3ss of solid opium.) ]

Excessive stiffness of the penis. [MOSES CHARAS, Pharm., Reg., cap. 51. (Symptoms not found.) ]

Exalted sexual desire, with erections, pollutions, and lascivious dreams. [MURRAY, l. c.]

Exaltation of the sexual desire, with erections, pollutions, and lascivious dreams. [MURRAY, l. c.]

Exaltation of the sexual desire, erections of the penis, nocturnal emissions of semen. [GEOFFROY, l. c.]

Lascivious dreams and nocturnal emissions of semen. [WEDEL, l. c., ii, 3.]

200. It excites the sexual desire. [WEDEL, l. c.]

Amorous ecstasy, erection of the penis for twenty-four hours, lascivious dreams, nocturnal seminal emmisions. [TRALLES, l. c., I, p. 131.]

Nocturnal seminal emission (the 1st n.).

At night amorous pictures of fancy, pollutions. [CH. DE HELLWICH, bresl. Sammlungen, 1702. (Not accessible).

Uncontrollable lechery. [JOH. JAC. SAAR, Reise nach dem Orient. (Statement as to use of opium by Chinese.) ]

295. In some excitation, in others diminution of the sexual desire. [SACHS VON LEWENHEIM, in Misc. Nat. Cur., ann. 2, obs. 69. (General statement.) ]

Sluggishness of the sexual desire. [RENODAEUS, Mat. Medorrhinum, lib. 1, sect. 13, cap. 2.(Statement.) ]

Is considered as emasculating and weakening the sexual desire. [WEDEL, l. c.]

Excitation of the sexual passion.

Impotence. [CHARVET, l. c.]

300. Impotence of the lame. [REINEGGS, l. c. – GARCIAS AB HORTO, hist. Aromat., cap. 4. (Observation.) ]

Cooling of the sexual desire. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Increased menstrual flux (aft. 2 h.).

Opium left the menses regular, even in a case where the patient had swallowed for thirty years a drachm and more daily, on account of very painful and spasmodic attacks. [JUNCKER and BOHMER, l. c.]

In the warm room, after walking in the open air, stoppage of the nose like a stuffed cold. [Gn.]

305. Hoarseness. [YOUNG, l. c.]

Hoarseness, with very dry mouth and white tongue. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.