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Cheerfulness, liveliness, contentment, increased strength. [FRIEND, l. c., p. 139.]

Strength, liveliness, self-satisfaction. [Hufel. Journ., xiii, 1. (Not found.) ]

Invigoration. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Cheerfulness, inclination for work, fearlessness, courage. [ALPIN, l. c.]

620. Courage, intrepidity, magnanimity.

Feeling of courage and merriment, so that he is as if he would carry out what was required with energy, without repugnance or fear, with a peculiar feeling of voluptuousness (but lasting only a few minutes)(aft. ¼ h.).; immediately afterwards dulness in the head, &c. [Ctz.]

Intrepidity in danger. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Opium inspires courage and resolution in one who is afraid of a surgical operation. [G. Young, l. c.]

Criminals (in India) lose their fear of death and go courageously to execution. [TRALLES, l. c. (The last nine symptoms are palliative primary actions of opium in otherwise melancholy timorous dispositions.) ]

625. Daring wildness. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Wildness, cruelty like furious beasts. (In larger doses than those that give palliatively courage and increase strength to the timid and week, opium causes daring, unruliness, anger, and fury. This palliative primary action brings the Turks during the first onslaught in the commencement of a battle into an almost irresistable fighting fury, which, however, in an hour or two passes into the most cowardly irresolution or stupefaction, in which they are more easily conquered than any other army.) ]

Fury. [LORRY, in Recueil period., p. 74.]

Insanity and fury. [BERGER, De vi Opii rarefacient.]

Furious madness and distortion of the mouth (from applying opium on the temples). [LORRY, l. c.]

630. Confusion of the reason. [CLARK,- DE GARTER, Medorrhinum Dogm., cap. 1. (Not accessible.) ]

Delirium. [PITCAIRNE, Element. Medorrhinum, lib. ii, cap. 6, § 8.]

The patient has visions. [MULLER, in Hufel. Journ., xviii, 4.]

Fearfulness and fright. [YOUNG,- TRALLES, l. c.]

Want of courage.

635. Fear (aft. 8, 12 h.).

Horrible pictures of fancy. ]CLARK, l. c.]

She was troubled when awake with the supposed sight of ghosts, devils and spectres, (In original, “ghosts, spectres, and chimaeras.”) which she elieve to be surrounding her bed and which annoyed her much, as she chattered deliriously [TRALLES, l. c. (Every time her morbid states – palpitation of the heart, vomiting, hiccup, precordial pain, bellyache, trembling and convulsive movements – are relieved palliatively pain, bellyache, trembling, and convulsive movements – are relieved palliatively by opium.)

He chattered all sort of unconnected stuff and pointed with his fingers to imaginary masked people approaching him; sometimes he broke out into loud laughter; sometimes he started at imaginary swordsmen, who might kill him; he became angry when one talked to him and wished to regard him as insane, but in his delirium he accused himself of folly. [TRALLES, l. c., p. 126. (After opium given in a case of dysenteric diarrhoea.) ]

Delirious, he raves about all sorts of events, with open eyes, and afterwards remembers his chatter only as if he had dreamt it. [MANCHART, l. c.]

640. Hot, anxious and intoxicated she talked all sorts of things mixed up together, retracted what she has said, sometimes suddenly started sometimes angrily laid hold of the hands of those about her, [TRALLES, l. c., p. 125. (From opium given for indescribable pain that tended to pass into convulsions.) ]

He does nonsensical things. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

The increasing hilarity and happy thoughts pass into nonsensical and irrational behavious. [TRALLES, l. c. §]

Violent mania with red face, sparkling eyes and greater activity of body. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

He throws himself about on the floor in am maniacal state, with burning anger and threatening expression, he does not know his friends; with swollen head and face, reddish blue, swollen lips, and projecting inflamed eyes. [TRALLES, l. c., p. 90.]

645. First ecstasy and thereafter sadness and dejection. [CHARDIN.]


Hopelessness, sulky disposition, moroseness (aft. 8, 12 h.).

Lamentable weeping and howling (in the first h.).

She is vexed about a pain so that she weeps.

650. Suspicion.

Fretfulness. [GRIMM.]

Melancholy. [BERGES, l. c.]

Anxiety. [RADEMACHER,- TRALLES, l. c.]

Horrible anxiety. [MUZELL, l. c.]

655. Praecordial anxiety and restlessness (aft. 2 h.). [YOUNG, l. c. (Ever renewed doses of opium were t only palliative relief for it, but only for a short time.)] raises a blister, erodes the skin and produces mortification. [BOERHAVE, De Morb. Nerv., .p 448.]

Eats into the skin, erodes the hair and causes itching. [JONES, l. c.]

660. eats into the skin, causes itching, erodes the skin and raises blisters. [GEOFFROY, l. c.]

Applied directly to the nerves, it does not take away their sensitiveness, but on the contrary increases the pain. [MONRO, Essays Phys. Amd Literar., vol. iii, p. 327 (Experiments on frogs. The author simply states that “when applied directly to a nerve, it does not diminish its functions.” (Name correctly given in 2nd edition, incorrectly as “Monno” in 3rd edition.)

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.