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Pale face. [Sche.]

Frequent alternation of redness and paleness of the face.

Paleness of the face and nausea, with sensation of drowsiness and diminution of all secretion and excretions, often even of the perspiration. [A. THEUSSINK, l. c.]

85. Pale face and forehead, glassy eyes. (Observer adds : fixed” before “glassy” )[SAUVAGES, l. c.]

Earthy complexion. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Earthy pale complexion, dull eyes full of water; he slumbers with half open eyes, observes nothing, gives irrelevant answers, passes his faeces involuntarily, sinks down in a heap, and has short anxious respiration. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Bluish and earthy complexion. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Appearance of the face as if he had not slept enough, or had been dissipating during the night, with sunken, blinking eyes. [Ctz.]

90. All the facial muscles appear to be relaxed, whereby the countenance has a stupid expression; the lower lip has a tendency to hang down loosely, the nostrils are wide open, and the upper eyelid can with difficulty be raised. [Sche.]

Red spots on the pale cheeks. [MATHAEI, l. c.]

Bloated face. (“Somewhat swollen” would better represent the original.) [THOMPSON, l. c., p. 120. – Young, l. c.]

Bloated face, hot, dry skin, white tongue. Hoarseness, very oppressed breathing, haemoptysis. (From opium taken for an incipent cold when in a plethoric state (S. 144, 305, 316, 332, 578, all belong to this observation). [YOUNG, l. c.]

Dark red face. (Not found.) [VICAT, l. c.]

95. Quite red face. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Red, bloated, swollen face. [MURRAY, l. c. – MULLER, in Hufel. Journ., xviii, iv. (From a mixture of tinct. Thebaieca and Hoffmann’s anodyne given for a nervous affection(p. 55).]

Cherry-brown face. [SCHWEIKERT, in Hufel. Journ., viii, 3. (Not found.) ]

Distented blood-vessels in the face. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Red, bloated face and distented blood-vessels on the head. [HOFFMANN, l. c.]

100. Red face and red eyes. [BERGER, l. c.]

Red face and red inflamed eyes. [J. HUNTER, Ueber de vener. Krankh., p. 640. (Observations on patients.) ]

Uncommon redness of face with swollen lips. [HAMBERGER, Diss. de Opio, jen., 1749, § 16.(A general statement cited from Geoffroy.) ]

Face not merely red, but as if inflamed. [HECOUET, (Not accessible.) Reflexious sur l’usage de l’Opium, Paris, 1726, p. 184.]

Face quite red, with wild, projecting, red eyes. [STENTZEL, De Venenis, I, § 46. (Not accessible). ]

105. Distorted features, silence, open eyes. [AEPLI, sen., in Hufel. Journ., xxv, 3, (From mixture of opium and rhuburb given to a baby for colic.) ]

Spasms of the facial muscles. [KNEBEL, in Hufel. Journ., xxvi, 2. (Observation on a child with whooping-cough (p. 148.))]

Spasmodic movements of the facial muscles (aft. 7 d.). [LEVESQUE-BLASOURCE, in Journ. de Medec., 1808, July. From large doses in a man (vol. xvi, part I, pp. 21-24). ]

Convulsive trembling of the facial muscles, lips, tongue.[AEPLI, l. c.]

Bright, sparkling eyes. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

110. Staring eyes of excessive brightness. [MULLER, l. c.]

Glassy, projecting, immovable eyes that see nothing, like those of a dying person. [VICAT, Observationum Delectus, p. 242.]

Immobility of the pupils to light. [MURRAY, l. c.]

Dilated pupils (the first h.).

Pupils easily dilated.

115. Contracted pupils dilated, their contractility gone. [KILLIAN, in Medorrhinum Annal., 1800, Oct. (Not accessible.)]

Open eyes with pupils turned upwards. [PYL, l. c.]

Sensation in the eyes as if they were too large for the orbits. [CHARVET, l. c.]

He stares at those about him, with watery eyes, but he knows not what is going on, and cannot recognise people. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

120. Sparks before the eyes. (The original is – “he thought flashes of fire came from his eyes.”) [CLARCK, l. c.]

Dimness of vision, it is as if he saw through a veil. [MULLER, l. c.]

Blackness before his eyes and he is gidd. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

He is perfectly sensible, but complains that his eyes become dark and he is blind (Just before death.) (aft. 4 h.). [WILLIS, l. c.]

Swelling of the lower eyelids. [GRIMM, l. c.]

125. The eyelids hang down as if paralysed. [D’OUTREPONT, l. c.]

Trembling eyelids, which only half cover the globes. [GUIAND. (Not accessible.) ]

Dull roaring in the ears, after eating (aft. 4 h.). [CHARVET, l. c.]

Humming in the ears (very soon). [CHARVET, l. c.]

Ringing in the ears. [YOUNG, l. c. – MURRAY, l. c.]

130. The lower lip is painful when he touches it with the upper teeth or with the fingers. [Sche.]

Distortion of the mouth. (With delirium.) [LORRY, l. c.]

Trismus. [DE LA CROIX,-PYL, l. c.]

Violent pains of the lower jaw (These are described as “rapid and momentary.”) (aft. 7 d.). [LEVESQUE – BALSOURCE, l. c.]

Her mouth could only be opened by force, and she could with difficulty swallow some spoonfuls of fluid. [DE LA CROIX, l. c.]

135. Pain of the upper jaw (aft. 8 h.).


Looseness of the teeth.

Fine eroding pain in the nerves of the tooth (aft. 8 h.).

The lower jaw hangs down. [KILIAN, l. c.]

140. Paralysis of the tongue. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

The voice is weak when he speaks; he can only speak loud with an effort. [Ctz.]

He cannot speak with open mouth. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

He stammers. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

White tongue. [YOUNG, GRIMM, l. c.]

145. Black tongue. [LEVES UE- BLASOURCE, l. c.]

Flow of saliva. [HARGENS, in Hufel. Journ., ix, 2. (Observation on a patient, phthisical old woman, who had this symptom whenever she took opium to check a colliquative diarrhoea. Not found under Reineggs.) – REINEGGS, l. c.]

Profuse flow of saliva. [ALSTON, Edinb. Vers., v, l. (Just before death.)]

Flow of saliva as from mercury. [A THUESSINK, l. c.]

Saliva flowed constantly from the mouth. [KLIAN, l. c.]

150. Suppresses the secretion of the salivary glands, the nasal mucus, and that of the glands of the larynx. [MURRAY, l. c.]

Inspissates the salvia, the nasal mucus, the mucus of the windpipe, and makes the tongue dry. [YOUNG, l. c.]

Dryness of the tongue, palate and fauces, without desire to drink. [Ctz.]

Feeling of dryness of the anterior part of the tongue, without thirst, in the morning.

With dryness of the mouth, without desire for drink, chill over the abdomen.

155. Dryness of the whole mouth, with little thirst. [Sche.]

Dryness at the back of the throat. [BERGIUS, l. c.]

Dryness in the throat and on the tongue. [ETMULLER. Diss. de vi Opii diaphor., Lips., 1694, cap. I, § 5. (General statement.) – MURRAY, l. c.]

Dryness of the mouth, so that he can hardly utter a word. [SCHELHAMMER, l. c.]

Great thirst, especially for small beer. [MATHAEI, l. c.]

160. Urgent thirst. [ETTMULLER,-MURRAY, l. c.]

Produces small ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue. [MATTHUILUS, in Tralles, i. c., § iv, p. 190. (From lasting opium. [Rather, from retaining it some time in the mouth. The same holds good of S. 162.]) ]

Causes ulcers on the palate and tongue. [WEDEL, l. c., p. 26.]

When chewed it burns the mouth and tongue, and inflames the fauces. [LINDESTOLPE, De Venenis, p. 591. (General statement.) ]

Causes intolerable biting burning like pepper on the tongue. [BOERHAAVE, Praelect., iv, p. 529. (Taken into the mouth in some quantity.) ]

165. On the neck distented veins, and violently beating arteries. (No distention is made in the original between veins and arteries.) [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Difficulty of swallowing. [LASSUS, l. c.]

Impossibility of swallowing. [AEPLI, l. c.]

Bitterness of the mouth. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Insipid, flat, almost no taste.

170. Sout taste.

Bitter taste in the mouth, the next morning. [CHARVET, l. c.]


(In large doses) it takes away the appetite immediately. [WILLIS, l. c.]

Loss of appetite. [JOERDENS, in Hufel. Journ., xvii, 1. (Observation on self, when taking laudanum to secure sleep.) – REINEGGS,- BERGIUS, l. c.]

175. Want of appetite for food and drink. [MURRAY, l. c.]

He loathes everything. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

For a long time distate for all food. [TRALLES, § I, p. 142.]

Extreme loathing of food with great weakness. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Extreme loathing of animal food, with dirty tongue. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

180. He wishes to eat, but has scarcely taken a morsel when he desires no more. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Increased appetite.

Ravenous hunger in frequent fits, sometimes with insipid taste in the mouth (aft.3 and more h.).

Ravenous hunger. [KAMFER, (Observation on self in health.) Amoen, exot., fasc. iii, obs. 15.]

Ravenous hunger, with distension and oppression of the stomach after eating. [MANCHART, (From a grain of crude opium taken by self. Said by reporter to be a common occurrence with him. (Wrongly printed “Mouchard.”)Eph Nat. Cur., cent. I, obs. 15.]

185. Excessive hunger with great exhaustion. [WARD, in Neues Journ. d. Ausland. Medorrhinum Literatur, iv, 1. (From external application.) ]

Ravenous hunger with loathing of food. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Nausea. [GRIMM. MATTHAEI, l. c., viii, 4.]

Inclination to vomit. [MATTHAEI, l. c., xi, 2.]

Frequent loathing and vomiting. [J. J. WALDSCHMID, Monita Medica Circa opium, Marburg. 1679. (Not accessible).]

190. Violent, ineffectual efforts to vomit. [CHARVET, l. c.]

Ineffectual efforts to vomit. [CHARVET, l. c.]

Vomiting (after a few minutes).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.