In larger doses than those that cause cheerfulness, opium excites intoxication. [TRALLES, l. c.]

Cloudiness of the head (immediately). [DE LA CROIX, Journ. de Medorrhinum, xxxix. (From two grains taken by a woman in a clyster (p.313). Preceded by a feeling as if something mounted to her head.) ]

Dulness in the head, with a dry hot feeling in the eyes, and inclination of the eyes to shut, without sleepiness, with a sensation as if he had not slept the previous night. [Ctz.]

The head is heavy, and as if intoxicated (for 12 hours). [TRALLES, l. c., p. 101.]

15. Confusion of the head. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Confusion of the head, as if smoke had got into the brain. (From a mixture of Hoffmann’s anodyne and opium; momentarily occuring.) . [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Stupor. [BERGIUS, (From a mixture of Hoffmann’s anodyne and opium; momentarily occuring.) Mat. Medorrhinum, p. 482.]

Stupefaction of the intellect, as if he had a board in front of the head, and vertigo compelling him to lie down; then trembling of the body for some time. (As S. 16.) . [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Violent stupefaction and intoxication (from the smell of a large quantity of opium). [LORRY, Journ. Encyclop., I, part ii, p. 72. (Observations and statement.) ]

20. Dull stupefaction, with dull eyes and excessive powerlessness.. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Stupefaction and insensibility, and yet he answers rationally. [VICAT, Plantes Veneuses de la Suisse, p. 226. (From overdose of laudanum mixed with amber and nitre. (All the symptoms referred to Vicat belong to this case.) (Comp. with 40.)

Sensation in the head as if he had slept off a severe wine debauch and awake. [TRALLES, l. c., p. 101.]

Obtuseness of the intellect, short anxious respiration, in which the chest is raised high; the eyes look dead and are full of water.. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Copious flow of ideas with gaiety.

25. It makes his mind livelier and more disposed to serious, important work. [WEDEL, Opiologia, p. 165. (Not accessible.) ]

More disposed to elevated contemplations all night, without sleep. [Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. X, obs. 80. (Statement (wrongly given Eph. Nat. Cur.)]

All inclination to sleep disappeared (after taking opium the previous evening), the imaginative faculty and the memory became exalted to a wonderful degree, so that he was compelled, as it were, to pass the night in the most profound meditations; at day dawn he slumbered for some hours, but then could no longer recall all that he had been thinking of at night. (The symptoms of the mind and disposition caused by opium cannot be so easily separated as those caused by other medicines, so that we can place the former at the commencement among the head symptoms, and the latter at the end of all the other symptoms, because in opium both generally occur together. When opium is used for palliatively suppressing pains, spasms, and the opposite mental and moral states (as in Ss. 619, 25, 612, 613, 611, 605, 614 0, or even for dispelling natural night-sleep (in this latter case in some degree homoeopathically), it produces in their stead usually such mental ecstasises and transports often closely resemble the inner lucid waking of the somnambulists (clairvoyance). )[RUDGERI, Ouwens Noctes Haganoe Vorr., p. 14. (From laudonum taken for spasms of legs.) ]

Slow recollection, stupidity, senselessness. [WILLIS, Pharm. Rat., p. 305.]

Keeping silence. [BERGIUS, l. c.]

30. Weakness of mind. [F. C. GRIMM, Acta. Nat. Cur., iii, obs. 19. (Experiments on self with gr. J – iij.) [F. C. GRIMM, Acta. Nat. Cur., iii, obs. 19. (Experiments on self with gr. J. iij.) ]

The mental faculties depart. [BERGUIS, l. c.]

Obtuse senses. [SAUVAGES, Nosol. Method. I, p. 847. (From Diss of laudanum drunk by a boy of 15.) ]

Obtuseness of the mind. [BOHN, De officio med., p. 362. (Symptoms not found.) ]

All the faculties of the mind, all the senses, are blunted. [CHARDIN, Voyage en Perse, Amst., 1771, tom. iv, pp. 203, 204. (Statements as to opium-eaters.) ]

35. Indifference to pain and to pleasure. [REINEGGS, (Account of the effects of opium-eating) in Blumenbach’s Medorrhinum Bibl. I, l]

Stupefaction, indifference. [EV. JO. THOMPASSEN A THEUSSINK, Diss. de Opii usu in Syphilitide, L. B. 1785, 8. (Not accessible).]

Confusion of the head; he has no true conception of anything, and cannot understand the sense of what he reads. [SCHELHAMMER, l. c.]

Obtuseness of the senses (aft. 8, 12 h.).

He does not know his nearest relatives, nor the most familiar objects.

40. Obtuseness of senses, insensible, almost unconsciousness of his existence, and yet his answers are tolerably appropriate. [SCHELHAMMER, l. c.](comp. with 21).

Is not in his right consciousness. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Stupefaction of the senses and loss of reason. [FR. HOFFMANN, Diss. de operatione Opii, Hal., 1700, p. 5. (General statement.)

35. Indifference to pain and to pleasure. [REINE, in Blumen. [TRALLES, l. c.]

She knew not what was going on around her and gave no sign of feeling; the limbs were flexible and all muscles were relaxed. [LASSUS, in Mem. de l’Inst National des sc. Et arts tom. ii. (From twenty-six grains taken by a woman of 60.) ]

45. Obscuration and weakness of the understanding; self-deception, as if his eyes were four times larger and his body (Observer says nothing about his body.) of gigantic size. [SCHELHAMMER, l. c.]

He feels as if he flew or floated in the air, and as if all turned round to him. [SCHELHAMMER, l. c.]

He is no destitute of sight and hearing, but of the senses of taste, smell, and touch in regard to external objects; and yet he feels the coldness of his own body (The last clause in the original is – “He felt his cheeks cold when he touched them.”) (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [SCHELHAMMER, l. c.]

Stupidity. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Stupidity, indifference to external objects. [CRUMPE, Natur und Eigensch. des Opium (General statement(p. 38.) ]

50. Stupidity and imbecility. [HALLER, in Proelect. In Boerh. Instit., iv, p. 519. (General statement.) ]

Opium eaters are drowsy and almost stupid. [ALPIN, (General statements as to Egypten opium – eaters.) Medorrhinum Aegypt. Iv, cap. i.]

Opium eaters are always lazy and intoxicated. [ALPIN, l. c.]

Want of memory. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Loss of memory. [BERGIUS, l. c.]

55. Often weakness of memory (from the frequent use of opium). [WILLIS, (Observations and statements.) l. c.]

Loss of memory for several weeks. [WILLIS, l. c.]

Long continued loss of memory. [COCQ, (Symptoms not found.) in STALPAART VAN DER WIEL, Observ., cent. ii, obs. 41.]

Lost memory. [BONET, Sepilcret. Anatom., lib. I, sect. L, p. 214. (General statement.)(Note to 48, 49. 50, 51, 52, 53, 45, 55, 56, 57, 58. – If all these states are long continued they become permanent after a prolonged repetition of indulgence in opium; they then amount to the chronic disease, to a kind of paralysis of the mental organs, which may well be incurable (53 to 58 secondary action). ]

Fluctating conceptions. [SCHELHAMMER, l. c.]

60. Insensibility to modesty and the finer feelings. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

The power of the will was lost at the merest trifle. [DE RUEF, (General statement.) App. Ad Nova Acta Nat. Cur., v., p. 63.]

Opium eaters have a reputation for fickleness; they often promise what they hesitate to perform (every one guards himself from them, no one will have anything to do with them). [ALPIN, l. c., cap. 2.]

Rush of blood to the brain. [HALLER, l. c., iv, p. 509.]

(The cerebral vessels were distented with blood.) [MEAD, (General statement. This is merely an hypothesis thrown out by the author.) De Venenis, in Opera, t. ii, p. 190, edit. Gotting.]

65. Pulsation of the arteries of the head. [CHARVET, (Experiments with various doses (act. de l’ Opium, Paris, 1826). L. c.]

He hears the arteries bringing the blood to the brain. [CHSRVET, l. c.]

Very painful headache, involving the occiput. [D’ OUTERPONT. (From a large dose taken by a woman eight months gone in pregnancy (Deutsche Zeitschrift f. Geburtskunde, i, I, 99). ]

One sided headache in the forehead as if it pressed out, diminished by external pressure.

Headache like outward pressure in the forehead.

70. Tearing and pecking in the forehead, sour vomiting, she must lie down and then she perspired.

Single twitches in the temporal muscles.

A kind of pressure in the forehead that seemed to extend to the eyes and nose. [CHARVET, l. c.]

A sensation of tension in the head. [CHARVET, l. c.]

Headache. [MATTHAEI, l. c., viii, 4.]

75. Violent headache. [MUZELL, (From a mixture of opium and spiritus cornu cervi.) Wahrnehmungen, ii, p. 131.]

Aching pain in the head. [MATTEHAEI, l. c., viii, 4; and xi, 2.]

Pain as if all were lacerated in the head and sensation as if all turned round in the body, with cross discomfort. [Ctz.]

Heaviness of the head. [MURRAY, l. c. – BERGIUS, l. c., p. 482. – Gn.]

For several days very heavy head, the occiput like lead, so that the head always fell back and he could not hold it up. [TRALLES, l. c., p. 87.]

80. He cannot hold the head up; it sways to and fro. [TRALLES, l. c., I, p. 283.]

Sunken, pale face. [PYL, Aufsatze, samml. I, p. 95. (From a large dose of the extract in a man of 50-60) ]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.