Extreme hoarseness. [YOUNG, l. c.]

Hoarseness, as from mucus in the windpipe.

She coughed while swallowing fluid. [DE lA CROIN, l. c.]

310. The cough becomes worse after eating.

Hollow, very dry cough (immediately after taking it); it goes off again quickly.

Attack of violent, dry cough; thereafter yawning and sudden loud cry (aft. 36 h.).

He becomes suddenly blue in the face and wants to cough, but the breathing stops (suffocative spasm); thereafter deep sleep with cold sweat of the body (aft. 30 h.).

Cough when swallowing. [DE LA CROIX, l. c.]

315. He coughs up frothy mucus. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Haemoptysis. [YOUNG, l. c.]

Expectoration of thick. Bloody mucus. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Keeps back bloody expectoration and stool. [THOMPSON, l. c.]

Quick breathing. [BUCHNER, l. c., § 45.]

320. Quick, oppressed, anxious breathing. [GRIMM, l. c.]

More rapid, difficult breathing. [MURRAY, l. c.]

Breathing always shorter and shorter. [SAUVAGES, l. c.]

Slow breathing.

Difficult, tight breath, especially at night.

325. Sometimes single deep respirations, sometimes cessation of breathing for a minute at a time.

The respirations are long and sighing. [CHARVET, l. c.]

Short, stertorous (Instead of :schnarchendes,” snoring, Pyl says “rochelndes,” rattling.) respiration, which from time to time ceases for half a minute. [PYL, l. c., p. 95.]

Difficult respiration. [TRALLES, l. c.]

Attacks of anxiety of short and duration, with short, tight respiration, and trembling of arms and hands. [Ctz.]

330. Difficult breathing and anxiety. (“Anxiety” not found in original.) [HAMBERGER, l. c., §§ 10 and 49.]

Anxiety with contraction and tightness of the chest. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Constriction of the chest, as if it were stiff; difficult respiration. [YOUNG, l. c.]

Tigof the chest as if pleurisy were about to occur, and tension in the shoulder-blade. [GABR. CLAUDER, in Eph. Nat. Cur., dec. ii, ann. 5, obs. 178. (Experiment with an extract prepared with sulphuric acid.)]

Spasmodic tightness of the chest. (In the original,”asthma.”) [YOUNG, l. c.]

335. Tightened and difficult respiration and praecordial anxiety. [FR. HOFFMANN, Medorrhinum Rat. Syst., ii, p. 270. (General statement (p.273). “Praecordial anxiety” not found.) ]

Obstructed respiration, tightness of the chest. [STUTZ, in Hufel. Journ., viii, 3. (From opium given in a convulsive attack (X. 4, 35-7).) ]

Difficult obstructed respiration. [VICAT, Pl. Venen., l. c.]

Deep stertorous breathing. [SAUVAGES, l. c.]

Difficult deep breathing. [DE LA CROIX, l. c.]

340. Panting, loud breathing. (Not found.) [WILLIS, Pharm, rat., p. 305.]

Loud, difficult breathing. [LASSUS, l. c.]

He fetches his breath with the greatest effort and anxiety, with open mouth. [GRIMM. l. c.]

The respiration was sometimes stertorous and loud, sometimes difficult and very weak. [LEROUX, l. c.]

Loud, laboured, rattling respiration. [DE LA CROIX, l. c.]

345. Slow, difficult, stertorous breathing. [CRUMPE, l. c.]

Groaning, slow breathing (aft. 4 h.). [MUZELL, l. c.]

Groaning, (Rather, “sobbing.” ) interrupted respiration. [AEPLI, l. c.]

The inspiration is interrupted. [ALIBERT, l. c. (Not accessible.)]

Respiration imperceptible, sometimes with a noise. [VERMENDOIS. (Not accessible.) ]

350. Irregular breathing threatening suffocation. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Oppressed and not merely difficult, but also irregular breathing. [WILLIS, l. c.]

Breathing ceasing for some minutes, (Rather, “for a minute at a time.”) then returning with a deep sigh. [SAUVAGES, l. c.]

Cessation of respiration; he was for five minutes as if dead, then short, sudden snatches of breath, as if hiccup would come on. [SCHWEIKERT, l. c.]

The respiration ceases for a longer and longer time until death. [SAUVAGES, l. c.]

355. Excessive aching pain in the right side of the chest, also when not breathing, with stitches in the same side while inspiring (aft. 1 h.).

Drawing tearing pain in the side of the chest.

Contractive (squeezing) pain in the sternum and back, felt when moving.

He feels heat in the chest (on himself). [BELLONIUS, libr. 3, Observ., cap. 15. (from opium eating(p. 431).]

In the heart, burning as from live coals, so that he thinks he must die. [JUNCKER and BOHMER, l. c., p. 7.]

360. Pain in the hypochondria, especially the right. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Tension of the region below the ribs, which is very painful when touched (aft. 4 h.). [GRIMM, l. c.]

Tensive pain under the short ribs along where the diaphragm is attached, whilst breathing.

Single twitches in the arms. [RADMACHER, l. c.]

Single twitches in the arms.

In one or other arm a convulsive moving to and fro.

Trembling of the left arm in fits (aft. 3 h.).

Formication as if asleep in the fingers, increased by grasping anything.

Itching in the arms and on the shoulder. [MATHHAEI, l. c.]

Trembling of the hands. [A. THEUSSINK, l. c.]

270. The (left) arm is paralyzed (aft. 48 h.). [LEVESQUE-BLASOURCE, l. c.]

Disagreeable formication in the hands and feet, which changed into a frightful, intolerable rolling. [MULLER, l. c.]

Almost no feeling in the legs. [YOUNG, l. c.]

Severe itching in the legs, in the evening. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Weakness if the legs. [GRIMM, l. c.]

375. Sensation sometimes as if flashes of fire, sometimes as if ice-cold water flowed through the blood-vessels. [JUNCKER and BOHMER, l. c.]

Drawing tearing pain in the back.

He kicks his feet up and down as in convulsion, with sudden loud cry.

Numbness in the foot.

The foot is so stiff and sensitive that he cannot tread on it nor walk.

380. Swelling of the foot.

Heaviness of the feet after eating )aft. 2 h.).

Frightful pains, that penetrate through the marrow of his bones. (In confirmed opium-eaters.) [CHARDIN, l. c.]

Emaciation of the body. [BERGIUS, l. c.]

Dropsical state of the body. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

385. Intolerance of the open air and feeling as I he would catch cold.

Pale, bluish colour of the skin. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Blueness of the skin of the body, especially of the genitals. [AEPLI, l. c.]

Blue spots here and there on the body (aft. 15 h.). [Histoire de l’ Academie des Sc., 1735. (Not accessible.)

Redness of the whole body. [J. HUNTER, l. c.]

390. Burning pain, (In the original simply “burning.”) sometimes itching of the skin. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Burning, itching and elevation of he epidermis into pustules. [HECQUET, l. c. (From taking opium frequently.) ]

Here and there in the skin pricking itching.

Itching, especially on the upper part of the body, from the chest up over the face, especially the nose. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Very tiresome itching. [WILLIS, l. c.]

395. Tiresome itching all over the body. [BERGERm, l. c., § 3.]

Redness and itching of the skin. [GEOFFROY, l. c.]

Itching all over the body; after scratching there come thick red lumps (wheals) which itch much, but soon go off. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Cutaneous eruption and occasional itching. [FRIEND, (General statement.) opera, tom. I, Emmenol., cap. 14, p. 139.]

After perspirations, frequent cutaneous eruptions and smarting itching on the skin. [TRALLES, l. c.]

400. Small red, (Matthaei adds :thick” to “red”) itching spots here and there on the skin. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Itching and formication in all the limbs (Schelhammer simply speaks of “pruritus.”) (aft. 5 h.). [SCHELHAMMER, l. c.]

First diminution of sensibility, afterwards diminution of the irritability.

Obtuseness and insensibility of the limbs. [STUTZ, l. c., x, 4.]

Numbness and insensibility of the limbs with coldness of the whole body (aft. 2 h.). [SCHERLHAMMER, l. c.]

405. Cold, stiff body. (“The whole body paralysed and stiff” is Pyl’s statement.) [PYL, l. c.]

Tetanus. [MUZELL, l. c.]

Beginning of opisthotonos. [AEPLI, l. c.]

Head bent backwards (a kind of tetanus of the nape)(aft. 1 h.).

The back is stiff and straight (a kind of tetanus)(between 1 and 2 h.).

410. Bending of the trunk like a bow from the violent trembling movement in the limbs, which strains all the nerves. [JUNCKER and BOHMER, l. c.]

Stiffness of the whole body (aft. 1 h.). [LEVESQUE-BLASOURCE, l. c.]

Tetanus and epileptic convulsions. [STENTZELIUS, de Venen. I, § 46. (Shortly before death.) ]

Convulsions. [VAN SWIETEN, (General statement.) l. c., p. 372.- Acta Nat. Cur., cent. I, obs. 54. (General statement.) – SCHWEIKERT, l. c. (From large doses.) ]

Spasmodic movements accompanied by crying. [LEVESQUE-BLASOURCE, l. c.]

415. Convulsive movements. [MUZELL, l. c.]

Epilepsy. [MUZELL, l. c.]

Epileptic fits, with violent delirium. [MUZELL, l. c.]

Foam before the mouth. [REINEGGS, l. c.]

Restlessness in the sound limbs, which cannot remain a moment in one place. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

420. Trembling in the whole body, as if he had been frigthened, with single jerks of the body and twitchings in the limbs, in which only the flexor muscles are involved, with external coldness of the body.

Convulsive trembling of the limbs. [AEPLI, l. c.]

Spasmodic trembling of the limbs. [STUTZ, l. c.]

Trembling movement in all the limbs, which distorts all the nerves. [JUNCKER and BOHMER, l. c.]

Staggering. [REINEGGS,- GRIMM, l. c.]

425. Unsteadiness; he cannot walk without staggering. [SCHELHAMMER, l. c.]

Agreeable lassitude, as from intoxication. [MATTHAEI, l. c.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.