Dull intensely painful drawing in the whole circumference the pelvis. Intense cramp pain in the small of the back and the os coccygis; he can only sit for a short while, unable to lie upon the back, and relieved mostly by standing and walking about slowly. Rheumatic pain in the back. Lancinations from without inwards in the vertebrae, resembling stabs with a knife. Pain, as from a sprain, in the right side of the back and the spinal column. Cramplike, oppressive sensation in the middle of the spinal column, becoming tensive when attempting to straighten the back. The back, especially the scapulae, are covered with large red pimples; the whole skin looks red, and feels sore when touched. Aching under the left scapula, more towards the outer side. Pain between the scapulae, as if the parts had been strained by lifting. Itching stinging of the scapula. Stitching with pressure on the top of the left shoulder. Painful stiffness between the scapulae and in the nape of the neck when turning the neck and head to and fro, early in the morning. Aching pain in the outer side of the neck, when bending the head backwards or when touching the parts. Glandular swelling on the nape of the neck, with cloudiness of the head. Painful swelling of one of the left axillary glands. Painful swelling and stiffness of the nape of the neck; crampy tension, drawing, and drawing pressure in the muscles; perceptible throbbing of the vessels; distended veins, *sour sweat on the neck; lacerating in the axilla.


Lacerating with pressure, in the shoulder, *darting suddenly along the arm, particularly painful at night, relieved by pressing upon the parts, excited by movement. Extension and stretching of the upper limbs. Rheumatic pains of the arm with tingling, followed by convulsions of the same arm. The arm feels stunned and painful. Swelling of the arm. Great languor in the arms, especially in the hands. Weight in both arms. Weight and lameness of the upper limbs, more however of the left one. Lameness and pressure of the arms with weakness. Lameness with lacerating and pressure in the anterior surface of the left upper arm. Concussive spasms of the upper limbs. Drawing pain in the inner side of the left upper arm. Lacerating pain in the humerus. Pain, as from bruises, in the upper arms. Creeping along the left arm. Lameness and drawing pain in the elbow and the fingers. Stitches in the fore-arm. Cutting lacerating in the lower muscles of he right fore-arm. Lameness and lacerating in the carpal bones and bones of the band. Copious, cold sweat of the hands. Swelling of the hands. Feeling of stiffness in the hand and the fingers.


*Coxalgia, with burning stinging in the articulation, must violent at night and by contact; *stiffness in the hip-joints, after sitting with difficulty in rising from the seat. Pain of the thighs and legs as if bruised. Occasional lassitude of the lower limbs, with drawing pain. Heaviness of the thighs and legs when walking, accompanied by stiffness of the knee-joints. Paralytic drawing in the right lower limb. Lameness of the lower limbs; she had to lie down, suffering with nausea, tremor, anxiety, and vertigo. Pain of the left hip, with limping. Tension in the hip-joints when walking, as if they were sprained. Cutting and darting lacerating in the muscles of the thigh when sitting. Excessive weight and stitches in the thighs, when walking; also when sitting. Painful throbbing in the upper and inner part of the left thigh. Violent pains in the knee. Tremor of the knees. Disagreeable sensation in the joints of the limbs, especially the knee-joints, as if they would give way, especially when walking, and mostly when going down a weight. Lassitude of the legs when going up-stairs, especially of the calves. Creeping in the legs from below upwards, externally, accompanied with sensation as of innumerable stitches, internally. Pain in the leg, as if jammed, with a dull lacerating and confused commotion internally, especially in the right, relieved by letting the leg hang down. Burning lacerating along the leg, through the inner side of the patella. Tremulous weight of the legs. Dull lacerating in the legs. Excessive pain in the legs, obliging one to extend them. Drawing weight in the legs. Lacerating pain in the tibia. Cramp in the calf when bending the leg, in the evening when in bed, going off by extending the leg. Lacerating and pressure in the middle of the inner side of the leg. Sweat of the feet, without any warmth, when sitting. Corrosive itching of the feet. Pain as from a sprain in the tarsal bones, when walking or bending the foot inwards. Cramp in the sole of the foot, in the evening when in bed. Burning and digging sensation in the soles of the feet. Tingling in the feet from below upwards. Swelling of the feet. Heat, especially in the feet. Stinging pain in the soles of the feet. Pain, as from a bruise, in the ball of the heel, when treading upon it.


Rigidity of the whole body. The fingers, particularly the thumbs, are spasmodically clenched. Great distention of the whole body. Rapid decay of the body. Absence of putrefaction. horrible smell of the body. The blood is generally in a state of decomposition. Frothy blood from the eyes, nose, and mouth; discharge of a watery, brown-yellow, disgustingly-smelling fluid form the nose, mouth, genitals, and anus. Expression of fear and dread in the countenance. The mouth is tightly closed. Hard abdomen and distended to such a degree that it seems as if it would burst; the abdomen, penis, and genitals are hard as a stone, emitting a frothy, fetid water when opened; effusion of a yellowish serum into the abdominal cavity. The veins of the abdomen are turgid with a black-red blood. Intense inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach, which can be easily detached. Yellow coating in the stomach of bile and mucus.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.