
Nash gives the symptoms of homeopathy drug Belladonna in relation to Catarrh, Laryngitis, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pertussis, Pneumonia, Pleuritis, Tuberculosis & Cough. Leaders in Respiratory Organs by E.B. Nash, 1909….

Respiratory organs

Cough – Short, dry, tearing, spasmodic, hoarse; generally little or no expectoration. Excited by – dryness, scraping, tickling or burning in the larynx. Aggravated by – worse evening and night, most violent after midnight; talking or crying; deep inspiration and when awaking. Ameliorated – better Eating or drinking warm things. Accompaniments – Crying before cough; red, injected sore throat; redness of the eyes; tightness or congested chest; congestion to head and chest with high fever, quick pulse, throbbing carotids, headache, often delirium. Belladonna like Aconite is oftenest found useful in the first stage of acute inflammatory affections of the respiratory organs. Aconite oftener in croup; Belladonna in bronchitis; Aconite with great excitement and fearful anguish; Belladonna with semi – stupor, strong head symptoms and delirium; twitching in sleep, or spasms. Aconite dry, hot skin, no sweat and does not want to be covered. Belladonna wants to be covered and sweats on covered parts, They follow each other well, but should not be alternated or combined, and will not be by a GOOD prescriber. Although so useful in acute diseases, they may often be called for in acute aggravations often arising during the course of chronic.

If in exceptional cases there are strong head symptoms as delirium, high fever and red hot skin, thirst, throbbing carotids and sweat on covered parts while uncovered parts remain hot and dry, the patient moaning and twitching in sleep, all worse at 3 P.M. or A.M., and Aconite does not modify these high grade inflammatory symptoms, Belladonna will often do it or so modify them that Bryonia, Mercurius, Rhus or Sulphur will again come in to take the case along when the stage of effusion is established in spite of the above treatment, or we are not called in time to prevent it, and the process of absorption is delayed if the patient shows signs of increasing prostration to an alarming degree.

Belladonna has sometimes served me when in the first or inflammatory or spasmodic stage of croup Aconite failed.

There was a condition of as great heat, with a semi-stupor, twitching and jerking and delirium.

Belladonna is to be preferred in this stage, if the fever and heat is fully as great as that of the Aconite case, but the patient is more stupid, not so anguished, but jerks and twitches in sleep, is delirious, the eyes are very red, the face dark red and bloated, especially upper lip; the carotids throb and beat visibly, and instead of the universally hot, dry skin there is sweat on the covered parts; the blood seems to mount to the brain as well as the chest, and it is sometimes, especially in children, difficult to tell whether the brain or lung is the center of the trouble, from outward signs. The Belladonna case is more apt to run into that condition which is called typhoid pneumonia. Pneumonia.

Belladonna may follow Aconite, or be preferable at the first, if instead of the fearfulness and anxiety there should be just as high or even higher temperature, the skin seeming fairly to radiate heat, or impart a burning feeling to the hand that touches it; there is drowsiness with twitching; spasmodic or barking cough, pain in the larynx, dark red, turgid face, throbbing carotids; dilated or contracted pupils; sweat on covered parts ( Aconite dry), all the disease or vascular excitement tending to the head. Delirium is common with this remedy, and it is especially indicated if there is dry soreness of the throat. Laryngitis.

Belladonna will follow well either of the two in those cases where Aconite has quieted the great excitement, so far as the anxious restlessness is concerned, but the heat still continues, though there is a disposition to sweat on the covered parts. The disease presents more brain symptoms, such as red eyes, flushed face, throbbing carotids and delirium, and especially if the child starts and jumps in sleep. One of these three remedies will often either check the disease in its first stage or so modify it. Acute bronchitis.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.