*Vertigo. *His head turns; *vertigo attended with nausea, as is experienced when turning quickly round in a circle, or when waking from the morning sleep, after spending the night in revelry. *Sense as of turning in the head and in the pit of the stomach, becoming so excessive after rising that everything vanished from before her sight. *Vertigo, as though everything turned in a circle. Sense as of turning in the head, relieved in the open air, aggravated in the room. Fits of vertigo, both when at rest and in motion. *Sense as of a reeling in the head, while sitting, resembling vertigo. *She totters to and fro, as if intoxicated. Fits of vertigo attended with dullness of the mind; *accompanied with loss of consciousness and falling; *with anguish and luminous vibrations before the eyes; *when rising from a recumbent posture; *when stooping, *early after rising from bed. Cloudiness of the head, with glandular swellings in the nape of the neck. Dullness of the head, increasing during motion. Reluctance to all sorts of mental labor. Lassitude of both mind and body. Mental weakness. *Stupefaction. Confusion of the mind and sense. Illusion of the senses. *He imagines he sees things which are not present. *He does not recognize his own relatives. *He wants to pull out his teeth; *he walks about as if very busy; * he gathers herbs, which he names wrong, and then offers for sale; *he converses with his late sister in the church-yard. *Loss of consciousness. *Highest degree of stupor. *Loss of sense, with convulsions of the extremities. *Loss of intellect, for some weeks. Insensibility. She has a headache, during which she loses her ideas. Absence of mind.


Headache, as if the brain were stunned. *His whole head feels heavy as from intoxication. His head feels heavy as if he were going to fall asleep;h e is not disposed to do anything. *His head aches, but only above the eyes; the headache is like a weight in the head, and is experienced early on waking up. Sense of weight with violent pressure in the whole of the occiput. *Heaviness of the head as though it were about to fall down. *Early in the morning, headache, as if something were descending in the forehead from above the eye-brows, by which the opening of the eyes is prevented. *Headache, especially in the forehead. Continuous dull headache in one of the sides of the head. Aching in the head, especially in the lower part of the forehead, close above the nose, becoming insufferable on setting the foot down for the purpose of standing or walking. headache above the orbits, as though the brain were pressed into a smaller space; *this pain obliges him to close his eyes. Violent pressure and aching pain in the forehead. Pressure in the head, extending over large surfaces. *Aching in the forehead; during motion it increased so much that it caused his eye-lids to close; the headache became milder when seated or lying down; as soon as he walks into the open air the forehead feels pressed upon, as though it would be crushed, *as if a heavy stone were pressing upon the forehead; aching, deep in the brain which is felt over the whole head, both when walking and after having walked in the open air. Tension and pressure in the left vertex, and in the forehead. Headache, as though the head were screwed together from side to side. *Continuous and forcible dilatation of the whole brain. Violent pressing in the whole head, from within outwards, as though it would be dashed to pieces, increased by coughing, and in the open air. *Headache, close above the orbits as though the brain were pressed out; the eyes remain forcibly closed on account of the pain, the pupils being contracted. pain when stooping, as though everything would press out at the forehead. *An aching in the forehead frequently obliges him to stand still when walking; at every step the brain feels as if it were ascending and descending in the forehead; the pain decreased by strongly pressing upon the parts. Violent pulsations in the forehead, with pain as if the bone were being raised. Pulsations in the head and in most parts of the body, when waking. Violent throbbing in the brain from before backwards and towards both sides; this throbbing terminates in the shape of painful stitches. *Pressure, with a sense as of lacerating, in the head, especially in the frontal and temporal region, the pain is wandering. *Drawing in the head, extending towards the forehead, as if the brain would dilate. *Drawing pain extending from the temple across and over the right orbit. Boring and throbbing in the head, in the cheek; increased by motion. *Stitches in the head. *Sharp stitches through both frontal eminences from within

outwards. Excessive headache; dull stitches dart through the brain in all directions. Lancination, as with a knife, from one temple to the other. Cutting and lacerating pain in the head, wandering from one temple to other. Cutting and lacerating pain in the head, wandering from one place to another. Burning and lacerating pain in the left frontal eminence. lacerating pain in the right side of the vertex; it is more violent during motion. *Lacerating over the eye-brows. *Sense of cold in the brain, in the centre of the forehead. *Drawing in the forehead. Drawing pain in the frontal bone and in the nape of the neck, both when at rest and in motion. *Sensation as of swashing in the brain. *When stooping, the blood rushes to the head; the head feels heavy and giddy. *Congestion of blood rushes to the head; without any internal heat. *Heat in the head. Pain, externally, over the whole head, as is felt in the integuments after pulling the hair. Violently gnawing pain, externally, in the region of the frontal eminences. Cramp-like pain. *Headache, which is aggravated by moving the eyes, by concussion, and by a current of air. *Hemicrania. Hysteric headache. Headache after a cold. Titillating itching of the forehead. Swelling of the head. The integuments of the head are so painful that even the pressure of the hair gives pain. Uneasy look. *Convulsive shaking and bending backwards of the head. *Boring with the head into the pillow. *Profuse sweat of the hairy scalp.


Lacerating and drawing below the malar bone. Distracted features. *Paleness of the face; anxious countenance, with thirst, with an increased appetite. *An extreme paleness of the face is instantaneously changed to redness, with cold cheeks and hot forehead. Feeling of burning heat in the face, without redness or thirst, with a moderately warm body and cold feet. *Sensation of a tingling heat in the face, under the skin. *Uncommon redness of the face. *Violent redness of the cheeks. *The face is very much swollen and hot. *Dark-red face. Thickening of the skin the face, as if an eruption would break out. *Bluish-red face, with great heat of the body in the evening. *Scarlet redness of the skin of the body, especially the face, accompanied by great cerebral action. *Scarlet-red spots in the face, with a strong pulse. Sudden shivering, with great cloudiness of the head and face, red eyes, and swelling of the face, which is covered with small, dark-red spots. Red and swollen face, with staring eyes. *Swelling of the cheeks, with burning pain. Hard, large swelling in the face, and especially of the lips, *with induration and stinging in rough weather. *Erysipelas of the face. *Nervous prosopalgia, with violent cutting pains; pressure, cramp-feeling, lacerating, and drawing in the malar bone. *Ulcerated corners of the mouth, near the commissure, with lacerating pains round about, even when left untouched or unmoved. Small pimples on the lips, covered with a scurf, and smarting as if they had been touched by saltish water.

*Scirrhous induration and cancer of the lips. Spasmodic movements of the lips. The right corner of the mouth is drawn outwards. Risus-sardonicus: spasmodic distortion of the mouth. Bloody foam at the mouth, vacillation of the head, and gnashing of the teeth from morning till noon. A number of small pimples on the chin, resembling rash, and burning when touched. *Swelling of the submaxillary glands; red blotch in the angle of the lower jaw, with stinging when pressing upon it.


*Entropion. continual trembling and winking of the eye-lids. Throbbing pain in the lower eye-lid, towards the inner canthus; the spot where the pain is swollen and inflamed. *After waking in the morning her eye-lids close again spontaneously, (*ptosis). itching stitches in the inner canthi, which only go off for a while by rubbing. *The inner canthus of the left eye is very painful even when slightly touched. *Smarting in both eyes. *Involuntary lachrymation. *Saltish water continually runs out of the eyes. *Feeling of burning dryness in both eyes. *Pain and burning in the eyes *Photophobia, with spasmodic movement of the eyes, occasioned by the light. Burning of the eyes, accompanied by an intensely painful itching, disappearing by the eyes, being pressed upwards. *Inflammation of the eyes *in scrofulous and gouty individuals. *Interstitial distention of the sclerotica; *specks, thickening, and ulcers of the cornea; *fungus-medullaris in the eye; *haemorrhage and ecchymosis of the eye; *stitches in the eye, from without inwards. *Early in the morning, the eye-lids are completely agglutinated. Swelling and suppurative inflammation of the left caruncula-lachrymalis; the pain being first burning. *General pressure in both eyes. When closing the eyes, she feels an aching deep in the eye-ball. *Pressure in the eyes, with lachrymation, especially early in the morning. *Tingling and pressure in the eyes; they felt as if they had been full of sand. Pain in the orbits; the eyes sometimes feel as if being torn out; sometimes as if pressed into the head. Lacerating in the eyes, which extends from the inner canthi. Contraction of the pupils. *Dilatation of the pupils in the evening, even when the light is held quite near. *Dilated, immovable pupils. *The power of vision is at times entirely extinct, at times only diminished, the pupils being immovable and enormously dilated. *Obscuration of sight, with great dilatation of the pupils. *The eyes see dim and black. *Amaurosis, he cannot read anything printed. On waking, he is blind. *Excessive weakness of sight. Transitory blindness, with headache. *Dimness of sight, alternating with cramps of the hands and feet; cloudiness of the head, and languid feeling in the limbs. Dullness of sight, with trembling of all the limbs. Presbyopia, as exists in old age. *Obscuration of sight, as if fog were before the eyes. *When reading, the letters look blurred, and appear blue and gold-colored. *The eyes see a large ring around the light, of several colors, especially red. When moving the eye-lids, he sees sparks, like electric sparks. *One sees things double; multiplied and dark. *He sees things wrong side up, or they look red. *The eyes feel as if protruded. The eyes protrude, with dilated pupils. *Staring and sparkling, shining, glistening eyes. *The eyes are red, glistening, and turn in their sockets. *The eye-balls turn convulsively in a circle. *The eyes become distorted. *Spasms of the eyes. Eyes and hands are constantly in a sort of spasmodic motion. *Squinting. *Weakness of sight from doing fine work.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.