Stitches extending from the upper jaw into the internal ear. *Stitches in the parotid gland. *Lacerating in the external right ear, from before backwards. *Lacerating from above downwards in the external and internal ear. Lacerating pain in the external ear of the right side, and in the whole side of the face, from above downwards. Feeling in the right ear as if it were violently torn out of the head. Pain in the ears and temples, which is alternately lacerating from within outwards, and pressing from without inwards; this pain alternates with a similar pain in the orbits. Sharp thrusts in the internal ear, like a painful dragging. The muscles behind the left ear are painful, the pain extending as far as the neck. Stitches in the external ear, occurring during eructations tasting of the ingesta. Drawing pain from the ears as far as the nape of the neck. Puriform liquid exuding from the ears. *Tingling in the ears. Din in the ears as of trumpets and cymbals, also like the whizzing of the wind (immediately); afterwards *humming and murmuring, worst when sitting, relieved when standing or lying, still better when walking. *Roaring in the ears. Vertigo mad dull colic. Wind rushes out at the ears. Deafness, as if a skin had been drawn over the ears. *Hard hearing. *Acute otitis. *Hardness of hearing from a cold, after cutting the hair. *Inflammatory swelling of the parotid glands.


Small red blotches near, the root of the nose, painful only when touched, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Pimples on the cheeks and nose, becoming quickly filled with pus, and covered with a crust. Cold nose. Diminished or increased smell. *Bleeding at the nose. *Tingling in the tip of the nose, going off by friction. *Fine stitches in the tip of the nose, the whole night, beginning in the evening. *Sudden redness of the tip of the nose, with a burning sensation. *Ulcerated state of the nostrils and the corners of the lips; but they neither itch nor pain. *Great dryness of the nose; at times it is stopped up, at times water flows from it. *Coryza, *with cough; fluent coryza of one nostril, with smell as of herring brine.


*Lock-jaw. Lock-jaw, accompanied by convulsions in all the limbs, and chilliness. Stitches and tension of the jaw, in the direction of the ear. Excessive pain when biting. Swelling of the cervical glands, painful at night; not painful during deglutition. Cramp-like, tensive sensations of the left cervical muscles, even during rest. *Grinding of the teeth, with foam at the mouth, smelling like rotten eggs. Spasm of the right arm. *Painful swelling of the right side of the gums, with fever and sensation of chilliness. Vesicles on the gums, painful like burns. Ulcerative pain of the gums when touched. Heat in the gums; itching and throbbing. The gums of a hollow tooth are bleeding. Toothache more drawing than lancinating. Toothache, with drawing in the ear. *He wakes after midnight, with a violent lacerating in the teeth. Uniform, simple toothache, resembling a sore pain, brought on by the contact of the open air. Toothache in the evening after lying down, and when engaged in some kind of intellectual activity; a numb pain in the dental nerve, almost resembling a sore pain, or a continuous lancination in severe cases. Toothache; sharp drawing from the ear down into the hollow teeth of the upper jaw; in the teeth, the pain became boring, less when eating, increasing after the meal, worst at night, and hindering sleep. Dull drawing in the upper and right row of teeth, the whole night; painful jerks were occasionally felt in the teeth. *[Digging (searching) toothache (lasting only a short while.)] *The fore-teeth feel too long. The teeth are painful when biting, as if the roots were ulcerated, and would break off immediately. Painful dartings in the nerves of the roots of one or more teeth. *Rheumatic toothache, particularly in females, especially when pregnant. *Throbbing (lacerating, and digging) in the teeth of pregnant females. *Lacerating toothache, worse in the evening; *lancinating lacerating on the left side, now in the ears, then in the teeth, then in the face. Toothache, with red, not face, and beating in the head. *Difficult dentition.


*Red, inflammatory swelling of the mouth and fauces. *The tongue is painful, especially to the touch; it is red, hot, and dry, with red edges, and white in the middle; *cracked tongue, white coated, *with ptyalism. Feeling in the tip of the tongue as if it had a vesicle upon it, painfully burning when touched. *The papillae are bright-red, inflamed, and swollen. *Tremor of the tongue *Stammering weakness of the organs of speech, with unimpaired consciousness and dilatation of the pupils. Passing aphonia. *Paralytic weakness of the organs of speech. Speechlessness. Dumbness. *Heavy speech, heavy breathing, and great lassitude, consequent upon the oppressed condition of the chest. *Nasal voice. *The tongue is covered with a quantity of yellowish-white, tough (*or brown) mucus. *Profuse ptyalism, *mercurial; *soreness of the inner side of the cheek; *the orifice of the salivary ducts feels corroded. *The saliva in his throat was thick, tenacious, white and sticking to the tongue like glue. *Slimy mouth, with sensation as if a bad smell came from it, as when the stomach is deranged. *Slimy mouth, early in the morning when waking, with headache. *Great feeling of dryness in the mouth, with irritable mood, mouth and tongue looking moist. *Considerable dryness in the throat and mouth, with thirst. *parched condition of the mouth as if the skin had been destroyed by something acrid or corrosive. Haemorrhage from the mouth and nose.


toughness of the throat. Rawness and soreness of the palate. Dryness in the fauces and burning of the tongue. Violent burning in the throat, the mouth being naturally moist. Food and beverage cause a burning sensation in the mouth, like spirits of wine, Inflammation of he throat and fauces, *phlegmonous with violent fever (alternating Belladonna and Aconite); *inflammation of the velum pendulum; *of the uvula. Continual desire to swallow. Sore throat, stitch sin the fauces, and pain as from an internal swelling; felt only when swallowing and turning the neck, or when touching its side. Internal swelling of the throat. Soreness of the throat when swallowing or spitting. *Sensation as of a lump which cannot be removed. Violent lancinating pain in the throat when swallowing or breathing. Stitches in the left side of the throat. Inflammation of the tonsils; they suppurate in four days; *the inflamed parts are covered with a white, tenacious mucus, as with a skin; *mercurial angina. Impeded deglutition, or entire inability to swallow even liquids, *which return by the nose. Considerable constriction of the fauces. Contraction of the oesophagus, with painful scraping in the region of the epiglottis. Painful contraction and narrowing of the fauces. When swallowing, one experiences a sensation in the throat as if the parts were too marrow, contracted, as if nothing would go down. Aversion to every kind of liquid, she demeans herself like a fury when seeing it. *Hydrophobia; *Constant urging to swallow, with danger of suffocation when he restrains himself from swallowing; deglutition is impeded by dryness of the throat and fauces. Paralytic weakness of the inner parts of the mouth. Pressure in the throat, with choking ascending from the abdomen, unaccompanied by either nausea or vomiting.


Loss of taste. Insipid taste in the mouth. Disgusting taste, the tongue being clean. Putrid taste in the mouth after having eaten something. *A putrid taste arises from the fauces, also while eating or drinking, although both food and drink have a natural taste. Flat sweetish, or viscid taste in the mouth. Saltish, sourish taste in the mouth, *bitter taste.,Bread tastes and smell sour. The smell of milk is disgusting and repulsive, and has at first a bitter or sourish taste. Aversion to food. Total aversion to all sorts of nourishment and drinks, with frequent and weak pulse. Complete loss of appetite. Want of appetite, with headache. Diminished appetite; meat especially is repulsive to him. Repugnance to beer; to acid things; Long lasting aversion to food. *Insatiable hunger. A peculiar contractive sensation in the stomach after eating a little. Cough and great thirst after a meal. Feeling of intoxication after a meal. Violent pinching below the umbilicus after a meal, directly behind the abdominal integuments. Absence of thirst. Desire for drinks, without caring about drinking; he approached the cup of his lips, and then set it down again immediately. Excessive thirst in the evening, with watery taste. Great desire for cold drinks, without any heat. Violent thirst at dinner. Violent burning, suffocative, unquenchable thirst, with inability to swallow the least drop, or with great aversion to drinks; *he drinks with a trembling haste.


Bitter, frequent eructations, with want of appetite, and vertigo. Half suppressed incomplete eructations. Putrid, burning, sore eructations. Heartburn, *Waterbrash. Repeated attacks of violent hiccough. Violent hiccough about midnight. Eructation resembling hiccough; a sort of spasmodic eructation. Nightly hiccough, with violent sweat. Convulsions of the head and limbs after hiccough afterwards nausea and lassitude. Nausea and inclination to vomit in the throat (not in the pit of the stomach), with occasional bitter eructations, in the evening. Qualmishness after breakfast. Frequent attacks of nausea in the forenoon. Inclination to vomit, when walking in the open air. Nausea in the stomach. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, especially when about to eat. Nausea, inclination to vomit, and vehement thirst. Vomiting in the evening. Vomiting, vertigo, and flushes of heat. Vomiting of bile and mucus. Vomiting of undigested food, which had been taken twelve hours previous. *Sour, watery vomiting, Unsuccessful inclination to vomit; empty retching.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.