Violent pain in the region of the pit of the stomach. hard and painful pressure in the stomach, especially after a meal. Periodical pain in the pit of the stomach, with tremor, at night, Painful pressure in the pit of the stomach, felt only when walking; he has to walk slowly. Spasm of the stomach, resembling a cramp Chronic spasm of the stomach, always occurring during a meal. Contractive pain in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach. Stitches in the pit of the stomach. Excessive, lancinating, and cutting pain in the pit of the stomach, which forces one to bend the body backwards, and to arrest the breathing. Inflammation of the stomach and duodenum.


Burning in the abdomen. Continual colic. Colic, constipation, enuresis, with eructations and inclination to vomit, Colic, spasmodic tension, from the chest into the abdomen; so violent that he is unable to move his body. Colic and leucorrhoea. Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone, in the evening, with pains in the loins. *Digging pains in the abdomen. Distended, but neither hard nor painful abdomen. Sensation as if the abdomen were distended, with constrictive colic below the umbilicus, coming on in paroxysms, and obliging one to bend double. Distention of the abdomen around the ribs, *with protrusion of the colon like a pad Pressure in the abdomen, which is drawn in (when lying down), Cramplike, constrictive pain in the lowermost intestines, alternating with dull stitches or jerks in the direction of the perineum. Constriction of the abdomen around the umbilicus, as if a ball or lump would form. Colic, as if a spot in the abdomen were seized with the nails, a griping, clutching, seizing as with talons, (Clawing). Contractive dragging in the umbilical region, especially about noon and in the afternoon. Violent contractive griping in the right side of the abdomen when walking, accompanied by sharp stitches darting from that side through the right side of the chest and the axilla. Externally8 painful contractive gripings in the umbilical region, coming from both sides, and meeting in the umbilicus. Pinching colic; he is obliged to sit with his body bent double, with unsuccessful inclination to diarrhoea and subsequent vomiting. *Flatulent colic. Painful pinching in the region of the liver. Lancinations in the inguinal glands. Sticking, with pressure, in the umbilical region. Violent, incisive pressure in the hypogastrium, here and there. Itching stinging about the umbilicus, passing off by rubbing. Heat, with anxiety, in the abdomen, chest, and face, with obstruction of the nose. heat from below upwards, with sweat as from anguish; afterwards nausea with horrible anguish, the nausea descending more and more in the abdomen. Long lasting painfulness of the whole abdomen, as if it were all sore and raw. Rumbling and pinching in the abdomen. *Painfulness of the abdomen to contact. *Peritonitis. *Enteritis.


Shuddering, during stool. Desire for stool, with sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would come on, accompanied by heat in the abdomen. Papescent stool, mixed with mucus. Heat in the head, alternating with diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, inclination to vomit, and pressure in the stomach, Granular, yellow, somewhat slimy stool. (Stool smells very sour). Stool white or green, with enuresis and sweat. Diarrhoeic stool, followed by frequent urging, little or no stool being passed. Frequent loose stools, with tenesmus. *Dysenteric stools. Tenesmus with diarrhoeic stools in small quantity, followed immediately by increased tenesmus. Tenesmus and colic. Vomiting after tenesmus. Tenesmus constant pressing and bearing down in the direction of the anus and the genital organs, alternating with painful contraction of the anus, Pressure in the rectum, towards the orifice. Constipation. Constipation with inflation of the abdomen, and heat in head. Contractive pain in the rectum, afterwards sore pain in the epigastrium followed by sudden diarrhoeic stool, lastly tenesmus. Violent itching and constrictive sensation in the anus. Haemorrhoidal flux for several days. Involuntary discharge of faces.- from paralysis of the sphincter-ani.


Suppression of the stool and urine for ten hours, accompanied by profuse sweat. Difficult micturition. Retention of urine, which comes off only drop by drop. Frequent desire to urinate, the urine being passed in very small quantity, although of a natural color. Yellow, turbid urine, Clear, lemon-colored urine. Urine yellow as gold. Urine with white, thick sediment. Scanty, dark, or brown-red urine. The urine becomes turbid, like yeast, with reddish sediment. Frequent and copious emission of urine. Frequent and copious emission of pale, thin, watery urine. Enuresis at night, with profuse sweat.; Enuresis, especially in the morning, with thirst and obscuration of vision. Enuresis with appearance of the menses. Enuresis from paralysis of the neck of the bladder. Inability to retain the urine. Sensation of writhing and turning in the bladder, as if there were a large worm in it, without any desire to urinate. Dull pressure in the region of the bladder at night. *Nephritis.


Itching titillation in the fore parts of the glans. Lacerating in the spermatic cord. Lancinations all along the urethra. Soft, painless tumor in the glans. Lancinations in the testicles, which are drawn up. nocturnal emission of semen, the penis being relaxed. Violent lancinations in the pubic region at every step, apparently in the internal genital organs.


The menses appear four days too soon, *they are suppressed,*too pale. Increased flow of the menses. Pressing early in the morning, as if all the contests of the abdomen, would issue through the genital organs, followed by a discharge of a white mucus. Leucorrhoea. and colic.*Pressing, followed by haemorrhage. Stitches in the inner parts, *great dryness of the vagina’ *prolapsus and induration of the uterus. *Flow of blood between the periods. Metrorrhagia, the blood having a bad smell, *of a bright-red color, with lumps. *Moral derangement, toothache, cardialgia, and colic of pregnant females, *attachment of the placenta; *haemorrhage after confinement, or

after miscarriage; spasms of parturient women; *phlegmasia-alba-dolens, nymphomania, and other complaints of lying in women; milk fever; deficiency of milk., or galactorrhoea, and difficulties in consequence of weaning; *deficient lochia; *puerperal fever, particularly after a violent emotion, or after suppression of the secretion of milk; *erysipelatous inflammation of the mammae, particularly from weaning; *swelling and induration of the mammae; *cancer of the mamma. *Ophthalmia, spasms, sleeplessness, and screams of newborn infants; *troubles from dentition.


Hoarseness. Rough, hoarse voice. Noise and rattling in the bronchial tubes. Every inspiration causing an irritation, with dry cough, The voiced of the rough, hoarse, weak and whizzing; *nasal; aphonia. *Great painfulness of the larynx, with danger of suffocation when touching or turning the throat, when coughing talking, or taking breath; *spasmodic constriction of the throat.*Grippe.. *Laryngitis, and tracheitis; angina membranacea. Violent cough about noon, several days in succession, with discharge of a large quantity of tenacious mucus. Coughing fit, with subsequent heat, *with asthma, from congestion of blood to the chest. Night cough, frequently waking her from sleep, with rattling of mucus in scrofulous subjects; *with catarrh and stitches in the sternum, with lacerating in the chest. Violent dry cough (in the forenoon), as if a foreign body had got into the larynx; with coryza. Itching titillation in the back part of the larynx, in the evening when in bed, causing an irresistible dry cough. Sensation as of a dry catarrh having settled in the chest, which continually excites a dry cough, Dry cough day and night, from titillation in the pit of the throat, or with headache and redness of the face. Short and hacking cough, from scraping in the throat; *hollow cough, *barking, spasmodic, especially after midnight, with gagging. *Whooping cough. Expectoration of bloody mucus, early in the morning when coughing. Violent cough during sleep, with gnashing of teeth. Cough, with lancinations in the side under the left ribs. The cough is preceded by weeping, *or pain in the stomach, and accompanied by a sensation as if he would vomit; *by lancinations in the hypogastrium, as if the uterus would be torn off.


Oppression of the chest. Labored, irregular breathing, at times hurried, at times slow; *violent expirations. Difficult respiration. Small, frequent, anxious, *short, and hurried inspirations, *with moaning. Pressure in the chest, affecting the heart, Violent oppression across the chest, as if compressed from both sides. Asthma.Feeling of oppression in the chest, in the evening when in bed, with difficulty in taking an inspiration, as if prevented by mucus in the trachea; accompanied by a burning in the chest. Burning in the right half of the chest. Stitches in the sternum when coughing or yawning. Fine stitches in the left side of the chest, extending from the sternum towards the axilla, more violent during motion. Stitches in the side of the chest under the right arm. Pinching stitching pain in the chest on both sides of the upper part of the sternum. *Tension in the chest. *Hysteric spasms of the chest. Continuous stitch with pressure in the cartilage of the left ribs, increasing in violence during an expiration, when it resembles a burning sensation. Painful pressure below the right nipple; in the chest, and between the shoulders; with short breathing, when walking or sitting. Crampy painful pressure in both halves of the chest. Great uneasiness in the chest. (Palpitation of the heart, when a rest, as if the shock extended to the neck, increasing during motion, with difficult and slow breathing),. A sort of palpitation of the heart when going up stairs, a king of bubbling sensation. Chest and thighs are covered with dark-red small spots of different sizes. The breasts become filled with milk (in a female who is not pregnant), the milk running out. Tremor of the heart, with anguish and *an aching pain.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.