CALADIUM SEGUINUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CALADIUM SEGUINUM…



Arm Seguinum, Common Arum.. “Archiv.,” XI., 2 dURATION OF Action: fifty days.


Caps., Carb-v., China, Ignatia, Mercurius, Nitr-ac.., Phosph.


The root of plant is said to the best antidote against poisoning by the leaves of the plant Small doses are antidoted by Caps.?.


Caladium.. has been found curative in the case of a person with lax fibres, when there was an intense desire to accomplish a good deal more than physical strength would permit, accompanied with disposition to asthma,. Feeling as if bruised in every joint. Debility and languor, obliging him to lie down, particularly during the beating in the abdomen. He dreads exercise, but he has strength to move about when he tries. Fainting sensation on raising himself, passing off soon, particularly troublesome after having exerted himself by writing or meditating Drawing crampy pains between the bones of the for-arms and behind the tendo- Achillis.


Sleep in the daytime removes all his pains. Most of the symptoms occur in the daytime and during the stage; in the evening he feels better again.


Corrosive burning at night. Itching every evening. Itching and burning rash. White suppuration pimples come out on the body here and there, surrounded with red areolae, and itching, feeling sore to the touch.


Drowsiness. Vivid dreams about past scenes and events, Anxious moaning in the night. Cramps in the bottoms of the feet, at night.


Shuddering over the back and body. Internal fever, going off sleep. Evening fever, with which he goes to sleep, it wakes him and then goes off. Pulse ed. Full, hard, bounding pulse. Heat before midnight, chilliness after midnight. Heat after the siesta, followed by sweat, and then chilliness in the open air. Heat, with thirst, violent pain in the ears, swelling of the submaxillary glands, and retention of stool. Sweat towards evening, with prostration, yawning, and drowsiness.


Vehement anger about everything. Low spirits and gloomy thought in a man afflicted with impotence Very forgetful.


Giddy and sick at the stomach. Gloominess in the head and vertigo. Sensation in the head if oppressed by a weight, a similar sensation i the epigastrium.


Aching in that side of the head where the head been resting on the pillow. Ascension of heat to the head. Stupefying pressure in the right temple on waking. Distensive headache, particularly in the forehead. Boring pain in the forehead. Sticking in the temple, and particularly in the right eye. Prickings in the scalp in the region of the sinciput.


Burning of the eyes. Pressure in the eye-balls, which are sensitive to the touch.


Corrosive burning stitches in the cheeks.


Pulsations in the right ear, and sensation around the ear as if warm water were flowing around it. Throbbing sensation in front of the right ear, with a slight drawing. Chirping and buzzing in the ears.


Drawing through the molar teeth, from above downwards. Boring toothache, with stitches extending into the ear.


Swelling of the tongue, to such an extent that the tongue fills the buccal cavity, with excessive ptyalism, the saliva resembling the which of an egg; the eyes are violently inflamed, and feel enlarged; the chest is oppressed, the pulse small and

accelerated; cold sweat all over. Sensation in the mouth as when one burns it with Kreosote.


Dryness in the fauces and pharynx, without thirst, or rather with aversion to cold water. Inflammation o the palate, nape of the neck, and throat.


He eats without and appetite.


Eructations of with, as if the stomach were filled with dry food; several paroxysms of violent asthma have been cured with Caladium, in accordance with the foregoing symptoms.


Nausea and gloominess in the head. Burning in the stomach, which is not relieved by drinking. Dull, internal burning in the stomach and epigastrium; passing over into violent pressure, lasting deep breathing. Pricking in the pit of the stomach, deep- seated. Sensation as if something hard and heavy lodged i the pit of the stomach.


Burning in the abdomen, leaving a dull sensation behind. Strong pulsations in the epigastrium, particularly on the left side above the umbilicus. Stitches, jerks, and pressure in the region of the spleen. The abdomen is painful to touch, particularly in the region of the bladder Sudden writhing pains in the abdomen in the evening. Spasmodic cutting about the umbilicus, obliging him to bend double.


Small flatus, having a putrid smell.. Sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, without stool. Scanty papescent stool. Soft stool, one hour after discharge of blood, afterwards a working and shifting in the abdomen, haemorrhoidal complaints. Discharge of red, thin blood, in tolerable quantity, after stool. Cuttings in the rectum. Boring and digging in the small of the back and anus.


The region of the bladder is painful to the touch; the bladder feels full to him, without any desire to urinate. Frequent sticking sensation on the left side, behind and above the bladder. On pressing, when urinating, the urine burns like hot water. Fetid urine in a man afflicted with impotence, attended with secondary gonorrhoea.


The sexual organs are bloated, relaxed, and sweaty. Corrosive pain; or swelling of the prepuce. Red, dry glans, dotted with fine points which are still redder. Painful erection without sexual desire, alternating with sexual desire with relaxed penis. Impotence, the penis remains relaxed, even when excited. Imperfect erection, and premature ejaculation of the semen. Feeling of coldness, and cold sweat of the sexual organs.


Contractive sensation in the larynx and trachea. Continual slight cough, with felling of hollowness and emptiness in the chest after expectoration little lumps of mucus. Feeble cough, without resonance. Oppression in the pit of the stomach, with oppression of breathing and cough. Cough in the evening, with great exertion and heaviness in the chest. Continual feeble cough, felt above the larynx.


Twitching below the region of the heart, externally. The region of the ribs and small of the back feel bruised in the morning on rising. Stinging in the chest, in the evening.


Rheumatic drawing pains between the shoulders. Spasmodic sensation between the shoulders. The back and small of the back feel bruised, in the morning when rising. Pains in the small of the back, attending the secondary gonorrhoea.


In the morning, on waking, both arms have gone to sleep.


His knees tremble when standing. Violent pain in the knee.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.