BARYTA CARBONICA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy BARYTA CARBONICA…


CARB. – The Carbonate of Baryta. – Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases.” II. – Duration of Action : 50 days.


Alumina, Belladonna, Calcarea, Causticum, Chamomilla, China, Dulcamara, Lachesis, Magn., Mercurius, Natr., Phosph., Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Tart., Tart.em. is frequently suitable before and after Baryta


Of large doses the Sulphate of Soda or Magnesia. Of small doses: Belladonna, Camph., Dulcamara, Mercurius


HAHNEMANN. This drug may be advantageously used in the

following affections, provided it be homoeopathically indicated: Whining mood; anxiety, as regards domestic concerns; dread of strangers, of company; headache close over the eyes; susceptibility of the head to cold; eruption upon the heat; baldness; eruption upon and behind the ears; tubercles behind the ears; eruption upon the lobule; buzzing and tingling before the ear; pressure in the eyes; inflammation of the eye-balls and lids, with dread of light; agglutination of the eye-lids; flying webs and black spots before the eyes; dimness of sight; he cannot read; the eyes are dazzled by the light; scurf under the nose; eruption upon the face; single jerks in the teeth; burning stitches in the hollow tooth, if something warm touches them; dryness of the mouth; constant thirst; eructations after eating; sour eructation; water-brash; chronic nausea; pressure at the stomach, also after eating; pain at the stomach, fasting and after eating; pain at the stomach on touching the pit difficult knotty stool; hard and insufficient stool; tenesmus of the bladder and frequent micturition; weakness of the sexual powers; leucorrhoea immediately before the menses; coryza; troublesome dryness of the nose; night-cough; hoarseness of the chest with night-cough; excessive secretion of mucus in the chest; palpitation of the heart, perceptible without any previously exciting cause pain in the small of the back; stiffness of the small of the back; stiffness of the nape of then neck; stitches in the nape of the neck: pain in the deltoid muscle, on raising the arm; the arm goes to sleep when lying upon it; the fingers go to sleep; traction and tearing in the legs; ulcers on the feet; fetid sweat of the feet; painful lymphatic swelling of the ball of the big toe; twitches and jerks of the body by day; heaviness in the whole body; loss of strength; general weakness of the nerves and body; susceptibility to cold. WARTS; raving when asleep; twitches of the muscles of the whole body, at night; night-sweat.” – ED.


Consequences of a cold. *Scrofulous affections. Pains in the joints and long bones; crampy pressure (or pressure with lameness), drawing and tearing, or tension as if too short; *jerking of single limbs, also in the daytime; jactitation of the muscles, particularly at night, in the whole body. Stitches in the joints, with feeling of relaxation. In the morning, on waking, all the limbs feel bruised, with weariness and heaviness in the limbs. *Great sensitiveness to cold; *he catches cold easily, and is liable to sore throat in consequence. A walk in the open air fatigues him. Great weariness: with constant inclination to lie or sit down; at eight o’clock in the evening, with weakness and languor of the body, as if he would sink down; *prostration and inability to support one’self on one’s limbs; also with giving way of the knees, pain in the spine in the region of the loins, and a feeling of malaise in the whole body; great nervousness, with excessive irritation of all the senses. *Atrophy of children, with tympanitis and glandular swellings. *Paralysis after apoplexy.


The pains are more particularly felt on the left side, most of them come on while sitting, and go off during movement or in the open air. The limbs go to sleep when lying on them. Inability to rest on the left side, owing to seething of the blood, palpitation of the heart, with soreness in the heart and anxiety. The weakness, which is generally a kind of heaviness, is most supportable while lying down. *Complaints of old people, or of children, *particularly physical, nervous, and mental weakness.


Prickings over the whole body. Tingling and burning prickings here and there. Intolerable tingling over the whole body. Burning itching here and there. *Warts. *Panaritia. *Swelling and induration of the glands. *Steatoma and sarcoma.


Frequent yawning. Unconquerable drowsiness. Uneasy sleep, full of dreams. Sleeplessness, at night, on account of feeling very hot. At night, frequent drawing in the ear. Pain in the legs, at night, frequent drawing in the ear. Pain in the legs, at night, as if he had outdone himself an excessive walking or dancing. Faintishness, at night, with nausea and vomiting, Weeping mood, at night. *Ravings of the fancy and stupefaction, at night, as in fever. Unrefreshing sleep, the limbs felt weary, as if bruised. Confused dreams, with uneasy sleep, frequent waking, and great fatigue.


Chilliness with thirst, in the afternoon. Sensitiveness to the cold. Slight chills, especially over the arms, with goose-flesh and yawning, in repeated attacks. Chilliness of the head, with shaking, and tension in the region of the malar bones. Chilliness, in the forenoon. Constant coldness, as if she had cold water poured over her, worse in the afternoon. Sense of coldness with burning, on the forehead, in the forenoon. Alternate chilliness and heat, the whole night. Frequent flushes of heat rising to her head. Heat at night, and anguish. Dry heat the whole night, with sleeplessness. Excessive languor of all the limbs, in the afternoon. *Sweat after midnight. Exhausting *night-sweats.


Disinclination to talk; dejection of spirits; *dread of men; *suddenly overwhelmed with an evil apprehension; *great solicitude and anxious care, about insignificant things, *particularly about domestic affairs. Highest degree of irresoluteness; great ennui and ill humor; peevish, morose, quarrelsome. Anger. Mirth increases to wantonness.



Deficiency of memory. Dullness of the head: the head feels gloomy on waking; dullness when sitting, abating in the open air; dullness and heaviness of the head, with drowsiness spreading towards the temples and the forehead; with tension in the forehead and eyes. Vertigo; vertigo, *from stooping, with nausea, or headache. *Apoplexy, of the old, or drunken.


Headache in the evening; every noise affected her brain painfully. Painful pressure in the brain. Stupefying dull pressure in the forehead, close above the eyes; pressure in the forehead, from within outwards; violent pressing in the whole head, as if it would burst, especially violent in both frontal eminences, and above the orbits; sense of weight in the whole occiput, close to the nape of the neck, with tension; feeling of tension around the whole forehead, in the skin, as if it were too tight. Drawing and lacerating. Rheumatic pain in the occipital bone; with glandular swellings in the nape of the neck; shooting, deep in the temple, in the orbit, and the ear of the left side; stitches in the head, commencing immediately in a warm room; severe stitches in the whole head, increasing and decreasing; violent stitches in the brain, with heat and tingling in the head; throbbing in the occiput, as far as the frontal eminence, in the evening; violent throbbing in the forehead, deep in the brain, when stooping; digging headache, in the forehead and temples, also in the upper and fore part in the head, almost daily, early after rising, discontinuing in the afternoon; sense of looseness in the brain; rush of blood to the head, the blood seems to be stagnant; whizzing in the head, as of boiling water; heat in the head. Shivering over the hairy scalp. The scalp is painful to every touch; the hair comes out when combing it; *baldness; *liable to colds in the head; itching and gnawing of the hairy scalp and the temples; formication in the scalp; eruption on the forehead (of the genus herpes) with a burning itching sensation. *Humid and dry scurf on the head.


The eye-balls are painful. *Soreness and weariness of the eyes, with pressure. *Pressure deep in the eyes. Pressure in both eyes, with itching as from dust. Lacerating in the eyes; itching in the eyes; itching, burning pressure, sense of soreness, and feeling of dryness in the eyes; dry heat and pressure in the eyes; the eyes burn after exerting them, internal inflamed redness of the lids redness of the white of the eye, and a white pimple on it, near the cornea; inflammation of the eyes and lids, especially in scrofulous subjects. Swelling of the lids, early in the morning; purulent mucus in the lids, early in the morning; *agglutination of the eyelids. *Sees everything as in a fog; accompanied by an aching pain in the eye-balls; sensation as of a gauze before the eyes, early in the morning and after dinner; frequent obscuration of sight; *black spots before the eyes; fiery sparks before the eyes, and lacerating in the eyes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.