Hpathy Needs Your Help!

Abdominal Tumor

Case presentation of a big Abdominal Tumor managed with homeopathy by J.T.Kent….

Abrotanum with Clinical Cases

Two Clinical Cases presented by Kent showing clinical efficacy of Abrotanum in cases of Rheumatism of Ankle and knee….

Abscess on Face

Efficacy of Silicea in the cases of Abscess and suppuration presented by J.T.Kent….

Aconite or Sulphur

Role of Aconite and Sulphur in cases of pneumonia. J.T.Kent Shared his experience and found Sulphur is more effective than Aconite….

Tubercular Glands

A difficult case of fistulous opening of Tubercular Glands on both sides of neck had been taken care and cured with homeopathic remedy Tuberculinum….


A case of Anaemia and Bronchitis of an infant managed with homeopathy presented by J.T.Kent….

Asthmatic & Dropsical

a case of Asthma and Dropsical condition of a 76 year old lady and approach of J.T.Kent in this case….

Bladder Trouble

Another case on urinary bladder trouble discussed by J.T.Kent in his compiled work….

Breech Presentation

A wonderful case of correction of Breech Presentation of a baby with pulsatilla, a homeopathic remedy by J.T.Kent….

Brights Disease

J.T.Kent presented a case of acute Brights Disease followed by scarlet fever recover promptly on a few doses of the appropriate homeopathic remedy presented by J.T Kent in his book on New remedies and Clinical cases….

Cases of Tarentula Cubensis

Cases of cancer cured with Tarentula Cubensis presented by J.T.Kent in his book on New remedies and Clinical cases….


Carcinoma. Carcinoma relieves the sharp, burning tearing pains. With this remedy (nosode), patients have been kept comfortable, for many years, when cu…

Cancer Patient Cured

A difficult case of lupus growth in Cancer Patient Cured with homeopathy by J.T.Kent in his book on New remedies and Clinical cases….

Cardiac Patient

Cardiac Patient. In treating heart cases it is very important to be positive in selecting the remedy and then keep the patient on it, continuously. If not ce…

Cenchris Cases

Cenchris Cases. Diarrhoea.

Man of 60 years, Colocynthis K. Diarrhoea. Pain before stool. Stool papescent. Cold, but not chilly. A dose or two of Cenchris…


Chills. Case I.- W.B. says he has had several chills and that they are increasing in severity. The first he noticed of his departure from health was…

Chronic Arthritis

A case of Chronic Arthritis cured with homeopathy presented by J.T Kent in his book on New remedies and clinical cases….

Gastric Disturbance

A case of Gastric Disturbance cured with Phosphorus presented by J.T Kent in his book on New remedies and Clinical cases….

Cicatrix Removed by Medicine

Cicatrix Removed by Medicine. A young lady twenty six years old, consulted me for some cicatrices on the left side of the neck, an indentation that disfigured her very mu…

Exophthalmic Goitre

Exophthalmic Goitre. Mrs. G. S. B., aged forty-eight. Married 24 years; mother of four children, three living; youngest child nine years old. Been sick three yea…

Enlarged Glands

Enlarged Glands. Miss J. Y., aged twenty-two. Family history good. Enlarged gland left side of neck, tubercular. First started a year ago. Cut out nearly fou…

Multiple Ulcers

Multiple Ulcers. Miss C. N., aged twenty three. Multiple ulcers on left leg; four ulcers; began three years ago. Brown crust surrounded by very dark copper c…


Headache. June 16th. Mrs. W., Mother of Mrs. M. W. Headache for a number of days. Chill this morning, followed by high fever. Chills and fever three y…


Ulcer burns, stings, smarts; sometimes has a jerking sensation through heel; she wants it kept cool, it is worse from warmth. Pain is something like splinters or buzzing. A case of ulcer cured with Pulsatilla….


Dysmenorrhoea. Mattie E.-age twenty-three. Since the first menstrual nisus, which occurred at thirteen, she has suffered great pain at every period, which …


Epithelioma. 1885. Mr ——-, clergyman. Epithelioma of several years standing on the left upper lid. The scale that comes off about once in three or fo…

Chronic Liver

Chronic Liver. October 10th, 1893. Mrs. M. W., Age, 36. Weight, 200 pounds. Gouty constitution. “Chronic liver.” Enormously enlarged liver. Great soreness …

Eczema – Mezereum

Eczema – Mezereum. August 24, 1884.-Mrs. C., aged forty-two. Eczema of twenty years’ standing. Eruptions on back of hand and wrists half-way up to elbow; itchi……

Gall Stone Colic Cured

Gall Stone Colic Cured. Mrs. F. B. W., aged thirty-seven years, had been examined by her brother-in-law, a surgeon among the allopaths, and another surgeon, and was…

Haemophilia – Lachesis

Haemophilia – Lachesis. History.-Has been a bleeder since birth. Just before he was born his mother had a tooth extracted, and the bleeding from the gum could not b…

Ulcer on the Leg – Pulsatilla

Ulcer on the Leg – Pulsatilla. Mrs. W., age seventy-three, writes: “The first breaking out of the ulcer she felt a smarting and stinging pain in her left ankle; there was …

Ulcerated Throat

Ulcerated Throat. Lady, thirty-four years old, mother of two children. Face marks much sickness, though flushed. Letter states: “I have always been troubled m……

Urticaria Appearing Annually

Urticaria Appearing Annually. Mrs. S., about forty years old, wife of a prominent clergyman in this city, consulted me for annually appearing paroxysms of urticaria, or w…

Uterina Haemorrhage

Uterina Haemorrhage. Mrs – – age thirty-one, weight about one hundred and twenty pounds. Chronic illness, uterine haemorrhage. January 19, 1890-Menorrhagia, larg…

Pain in Heels

Pain in Heels. Pulsatilla – Mrs. P., aged forty-two, has been a most able sufferer for several years, trying to have comfort through allopathy. Symptoms: P…

Clinical Notes


Kali-sulph.-There is no remedy so competent for rattling in the chest when that state has followed an acute…


Ringworms. A child two years old. Plump and well nourished. Ringworms on chest and face.

Dulcamara, Helleborus, nitricum acidum, Phosphorus, Sepia, …

Sore on Lower Lip

Sore on Lower Lip. Mrs. H.- age 28, married, came to me for treatment. She had a sore on the red part of the lower lip as large as a hickory nut. It was dry an……

Pains in Right Ovary

Pains in Right Ovary. Mrs. R., a married lady, age 36, was taken violently ill with pains in right ovary. It was time for menstrual nisus. Her suffering was very …

Gleety Discharge

Gleety Discharge. A young man (twenty-eight) called on me for treatment. I found a gleety discharge, entirely painless, gluing the meatus in the morning. He h……

Paralyzed in Infancy

Paralyzed in Infancy. Miss N., aged 19, was paralyzed in infancy, from which she partially recovered. The arm is normal but the lower limb is small and weak in th…


Sunstroke. Case I.-Natrum Sulph: Mrs. A. A. B., aged 48 Gnawing pain in back of head, extending down spine, brought on from grief and protracted anxiet…


Deafness. Case II.-Pulsatilla.-Miss E. B., aged 35.

Deafness, cannot understand except when watching the motion of lips.

Can only speak in a whi…

Headache & Pain

Headache & Pain. Case III.-Sepia. Mrs. J. R. A., aged 33. Tall, slender woman, mother of several children. Dry cough only in daytime. Has been poorly since b…

Whisky Drinking etc

Whisky Drinking etc. Case III.-Mr.—— aged 52, been addicted to whiskey drinking for many years. States that he had a copious flow of blood from the bowels so…

Pains & General Weakness

Pains & General Weakness. Case IV–Tall, slender young man, aged 21, blonde, writes out the sickness he wants removed, says, he has been a great sufferer from pains a…

Swelling Face & Nose

Swelling Face & Nose. Case V.-Girl, age 13. Considerable swelling of face and nose, bones of nose very sore to pressure, pain in bones of nose, unable to breathe …


Constipation. Case VI. Long standing constipation. Stools large, hard and difficult to expel. She goes four to six days with no desire for a stool, and th…

Seasickness – Tabacum

Seasickness – Tabacum. There is a most astonishing resemblance between seasickness and the proving of Tabacum. I have always guarded myself against routine practic…

Clinical Reminiscences

Clinical Reminiscences. HEADACHE (SICK) LAC-DEF., LAC-CAN.

1886, July 10th-Mrs. R. S., widow, aged thirty-five, “I have had sick headaches many years.” Had perit…

Perfect Cure

Perfect Cure. Some years ago, when gunning in the southwest, it was rumored among the people that a city doctor was in the land, and I was waited upon fre…


Eczema of vesicular form. Vesicles filled with thin, yellow fluid. Copious on inside of hands and fingers. Lips cracked. Has had stomach or intestinal trouble for years. Eczema cured with Kali sulph….

Fibroid & Silicea

Fibroid & Silicea. Frank H., a compositor in the Globe-Democrat office, St. Louis, came to my office to have a tumor removed by the knife. It had been removed …

Heart Affections Removed

Heart Affections Removed. Roy S. M., aged twenty-three years. Sept. 15. Spasms of the mitral valve. Fainting spells 4 or 5 times a day, without loss of consciousness …

Rheumatic Heart

Rheumatic Heart. Mar. 21, 1908. S. E., thirteen years old. Heart: rheumatic myocarditis. Apex beat too slow. Violent aortic beat. Mitral regurgitant murmur. …

Infantile Paralysis

Infantile Paralysis. Nov. 25, 1910. R. P., 9 years of age. Sickness began 12th of Aug.: fever, followed by paralysis. Paralysis left deltoid; (Causticum cm.) lef…

Injury to Head

Injury to Head. A number of years ago in one of my own families. a family I had been in the habit of prescribing for, a little boy about four years of age, …

Kali Patients


Dr. A. H. A., thirty-six years old, has had stomach trouble for six or eight months. A specialist called it “Ulcer of th…


The paralysis of left is almost complete and the right is showing signs of weakness in abduction. Rash comes out on the body in heated air. Cured with Plumbum met….

Mental Derangement

Mental Derangement. July 23, 1904. Mrs. E. M. D., aged forty-five years, has been distressed by an adopted daughter. Finger ends sensitive, does not want them t

Acute Mania

Though Belladonna stands highest in the anamnesis, the bodily heat of the remedy is lacking and the case may later demand Hyoscyamus, as the mania is not active enough for Stramonim. …

Pelvic Cellulitis

Pelvic Cellulitis. PELVIC CELLULITIS

Case I. Mrs. L, age 36, had been in bed with pelvic cellulitis. She apparently had been a sufferer, notwithstanding amp……


Prolapsus. Case V. Sepia: Mrs. K. a married woman, 28 years old came to me from the country, with what a gynaecologist had called a prolapsus. She was …


Pharyngitis. A women of fifty three years called in January, when she was scarcely able to go outdoors, suffering with sore throat which she had for six …

Rheumatic Patient

Rheumatic Patient. Aug. 15, 1910. Mrs. M. W., aged fifty years. Rheumatism, both ankles swollen. Nearly helpless from it for a year. Many O. S. doctors and muc……