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Pains & General Weakness

Pains & General Weakness. Case IV–Tall, slender young man, aged 21, blonde, writes out the sickness he wants removed, says, he has been a great sufferer from pains a…

Case IV–Tall, slender young man, aged 21, blonde, writes out the sickness he wants removed, says, he has been a great sufferer from pains and general weakness, all caused from masturbation when a ]ad, which he has been able to abandon. From his long letter the following symptoms were considered useful: For several years he had been disturbed by pustulous formations all over his face and forehead. Bluish red discoloration of face and neck comes and toes, which a doctor said was erysipelas (?). One year ago in the heat of the summer he over-worked in the harvest field, and was sick with what was called “typho- malaria,” fever, and it was three months before he could go to work. The following winter he coughed all winter and the cough has not left him. In the following spring, boils came out all over him. Almost constantly feels a constriction of the chest. Headaches come about weekly. His back is always covered with pustules. Common food distresses his stomach as soon as eaten. Trembling from exertion and becomes tired easily. Gloomy and thinks his habits ruined him. Says his head hurts so from constantly thinking about his failing health. He cannot keep his mind off his health. The face is painful in cold air, and the, nose is so painful inside. His seminal losses were only occasional and I soon concluded that the cursed drugs he had taken and the advice he had had were worse than his youthful sins.

The cases coming by letter are often not what we want, but what best can be obtained. He took Sulphur 55m, and made good improvement for some time, always thankful for much improvement. Finally he got another dose of Sulphur cm, that continued him in the curing way.

His cough was troublesome finally and he could not lie on the left side, and the cough was worse from the cold air; taking into account his shape he received Phosphorous 45 m. and improved again; the cough ceased for a time.

Finally he wrote me a lot of symptoms that I could make nothing of, except he seemed to have lost much he had gained, was losing flesh, and had an appetite that he could not satisfy, “The more I eat, the thinner I get,” he writes. He took Iodine 58m., one dose; Oct. 15th, another; Dec. 21, same potency. March 8, he got Iodine 20 m., and he has never needed any medicine since, and can work very hard and is a picture of health. There were no new symptoms after he took Iodine, and when the symptoms would return and continually grow worse, he would get another dose, which shows that the first dose cured for two months, and the next (dose exerted curative action about two and a half months, and the last dose finished the work. He never failed to notice the positive curative action of a dose of Iodine. It acted without aggravation. Amelioration would begin in a few days after a dose, and steadily his symptoms would diminish and his strength correspondingly increase. It will be well to remember that this young man had taken drugs with no benefit, and when the similar remedy was administered he responded promptly. He knew nothing of the system of Homoeopathy only as he was advised by a cousin that lived in the city, to correspond with her physician. This hard-working young man was bowed down with fear, produced by reading the cursed charlatan literature sent out to deceive the young, so that they will squander their money on advertising doctors and patent nostrum venders. Homoeopathy restores them when they are sick, and removes their fears when they are not sick, and the family physician should be the only adviser of all the young in his vicinity. He should be the friend to all the children, and so hold their confidence that he first of all will be consulted in those matters.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.