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Heart Trouble for Several Years

Heart Trouble for Several Years…

Mrs. J. L. H., 38 years of age.

June 23, 1910. Very nervous, trembling. Had boils when young and carbuncles more recently. Heart trouble,; for several years, for which she has had allopathic and osteopathic treatment without improvement. “Hypertrophied.” Mitral murmur; Pulse rapid. Palpitation lying on left side; sleeps on back and right side. Cyanotic when born. Thirst for cold water. Generally better in summer than in winter. Ankles swollen some. PHOS. 10m.

July 6. A violent aggravation followed.

Aug. 8. Gaining rapidly; no nervous trembling; can sleep on left side; feeling quite well; no symptoms past two weeks.

Oct. 1. Was kept on Phosphorus, receiving 10m August 31. Chief heart symptoms have decreased or disappeared. Nervousness prominent; weeps when telling her symptoms; tired constantly; wakeful from active thinking; conversation tires her; noise excites her; trembling hands; easily worried. Swelling of face,, lips and ankles at times. Prolapsus with dragging sensation in uterus. AMBR. 10m. was given on the basis of the character of nervousness and sensitiveness to company in connection with the other features after the heart symptoms were dispelled.

AMBR. 10m repeated Oct. 1 and 28.

AMBR. 50m. Dec. 1. During this period the record includes-Abdomen distention more or less. Desire for cold drinks. Headache after menstrual period. Heart- burning sensation in that region; Palpitation worse lying on left side. Respiration difficult in a crowd. Tonsilitis in Nov.; subject to it; during that period-Heart pulsations rapid with dyspnoea and protruding eyes. Hurried sensation. Subject to cold-sores.

Feb. 9, 1911. Had appendicitis after Dec. 1, carried to recovery with Phosphorus followed by Arsenic. Her would-be friends did what they could to persuade her husband to have operative measures used, but without avail. When the dragging sensation as of prolapsed uterus was most troublesome the would-be friends urged having the uterus fastened to the abdominal wall, but Homoeopathy held the case.

Mar. 8 to Oct. 9 the symptoms of the patient in her usual disorders were not satisfactorily or completely reported so that not much progress in the chronic condition was evident.

Feb. 15 to Oct. 9 pain in the appendix recurred twice, temp. 102, each time promptly dispelled by PHOS. which was given in 50m, cm, dm and mm potencies, twice in succeession in each potency, each time holding for four or five weeks.

Dec. 1911, to Feb., 1912, Phosphorus, 1m was used three times, each time followed by improvement as revealed in mental condition and general strength. Each time her medicine was needed the aggravation from, noise, crowds and confusion, the restlessnes and craving for air returned, though the menstrual periods became more comfortable and regular, and some progress could be detected.

Mar. 30, 1912. Aggravation from noise is found throughout the record. Made her irritable; Averse to company; wants to be quiet; Made her lose consciousness for a few minutes; Worse from people’s talking; Rustling of paper or escaping steam annoys; Cannot stand confusion nor crowds; Sudden noise makes her sink, lips become white, frigid and swollen; Makes her feel faint, dog’s barking, beating of rugs, piano (for awhile appeared better from music but later the noise of it aggravated her intensely, violent “nervous spells” occurring). During these months needed much space, much air and had-Functional heart symptoms or “nervous spells” especially when things did not pass smoothly, harmoniously. Coldness, numbness, with slow heart-pulse; sudden dizziness; weakness; pale or bluish face and fingernails; circulation poor; sensation as if would faint; heavy ache about the heart followed by exhaustion and weak pulse. Despondent, especially when waking in morning. Aversion to being touched. “Bloating:” abdomen, ankles, face. The association of heart symptoms and intense aggravation to noise lead to the prescription of-AURUM 1m. Repeated May 6, in 1m and June 6, in 10m potencies. The changes in her condition during these three months are different from all the preceding: Colour, circulation, sleep, strength-all improved; “Bloating” steadily decreasing; Thirstless; Menstrual period progressively improved; Aggravation from noise less constant. Felt so good that she overexerted visiting with friends and having a general good time, following which symptoms were temporarily worse.

In the course of this record other remedies were given without evidence of any action. Phosphorus removed the physical diagnostic symptoms. The functional symptoms have yielded to Aurum,.

Aurum 10m, 50m, cm, dm-two doses of each, have been used in succession, as her physical tone was reduced. Each prescription held usually four or five weeks.

April, 1913, she was strong, robust, having been entirely free from cardiac disturbance since the summer of 1912.

The only symptoms have been extreme sensitiveness I to noise, excitement, and confusion which Aurum has always relieved immediately.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.