Homeopathy Remedy Sulphur

Splenic Region.- Incarceration of flatus, with anxiety. Shooting; towards evening, (>) lying; after a hard stool. Cramp before menses. Pain; in forenoon when walking; at 8 P.M. when sitting; then eructations; wandering.

Sides.- Rumbling in l. Sticking; on deep breathing and on walking in open air; in r. flank away the breath; burning, in l. flank in evening. Pinching in l. Pain after midnight. Flatulent pain in morning, not (>) emission of flatus; in l. when she had had no stool for a long time, (<) movement. Heat in l. Falling asleep of l., with chilliness.

Umbilical Region.- Paroxysmal protrusion in one pregnant, at night in bed, as from uterus. Fulness. Sticking; burning, in a spot. Cutting beneath umbilicus; C. in morning. (<) stooping; after midnight, with tensive pain; after getting up. Griping; beneath umbilicus; after luncheon (10 O’clock); at noon, (>) discharge of inodorous flatus; beneath umbilicus, with frequent diarrhoea and with burning and tenesmus in anus; extending towards stomach in afternoon and evening, (>) emission of flatus. Pinching; in evening, compelling him to draw up his legs; paroxysmal, sometimes impending respiration and bending him double, with frequent fluid stools. Pain; (>) 3 A.M., then in l. side of abdomen, (>) rising; across umbilicus, preventing sleep; at night, waking him frequently; flatulent, below umbilicus in morning on waking. Contractive pain; in forenoon; pinching, in umbilicus when sitting, (>) rising; below umbilicus, as before diarrhoea, about noon, recurring every half hour, with pressure on bladder, as if it were forced upon groins, and straining at sphincter muscles as in retention of urine. Tension; in a circle about umbilicus on waking, with drawing.

Hypogastrium.- An incipient hernia forced downward with a bruised pain and cannot be reduced with the hand; the place of an old hernia protrudes. Inguinal glands swollen and painful. Fulness; from 10 A.M., till evening; after dinner; with weight and feeling as if something pressed on bladder. Rumbling. Sticking in r. groin; in l. groin, with pain; low down, with burning there and spasmodic pain in r. lower limb; in r. groin, with jerking pain there and sticking in anus; in H. and urethra, with cutting; boring, between 4 and 5 P.M., now in r. groin, now in spermatic cord, extending to testicles, now within inguinal ring, then cutting in r. great toe. Tearing in inguinal glands. Cutting in morning, with thin stool; deep in at 4 P.M., after a good stool, (>) discharge of flatus; on pressure, bending backward, or on effort at stool; alternating with constriction, during menses. Griping in morning; G. during menses, with pain in small of back and general chilliness; then yellowish leucorrhoea; intermittent, so that she could scarcely walk, after entering the house, preceded by rumbling in abdomen and emission of flatus; paroxysmal, from umbilical region to symphysis pubis about 4 A.M. Cramplike pain at night; C. Pain as if intestines were knotted by threads, during menses, she could not walk nor lie, but was forced to sit upright. Pain; in l. groin, with heat; in r. side when standing or walking against the wind, or when turning on to l. side after lying on back; during menses, with heat, chilliness and a kind of epilepsy, she was stiff, she distorted her mouth and moved to and fro without speaking, with cold forehead and cold hands; in l. side as from something hard, obliging him to walk bent to one side; in groin over whole pubic region, as if tightly bound; sore, after dinner; drawing, in r. groin and l. side of abdomen.

Clinical Engorgement of the liver, with piles, constipation, bad taste, feeling of fulness, with soreness over the stomach and abdomen. Incarcerated flatulence in l. side, and constipation. Colic, with haemorrhoids. Abdominal dropsy. In abdominal complaints Sul. follows well after Nux. Peritonitis. Colitis, with soreness along the transverse colon, (<) bending forward. Heavy weight and dragging in the hypogastric region. has to stoop over when walking.


      Prolapsus during stool. Gurgling. Sticking (nitricum acidum); (<) evening; taking away the breath; jerking, in evening. Tearing. Cutting during normal stool (Silicea, nitricum acidum); extending far up up at night before a good stool. Throbbing pain all day after stool. Burning pain during hard stool and in anus. Worrying sore pain when lying. Crawling in evening when sitting, with biting as from worms. Itching; during the day; in evening; from thread-worms; (<) walking; (>) stool. Tickling. Coldness on waking, with irritation in it. Burning; during stool (Aloe, nitricum acidum)

Straining at stool; before and after stool. Fulness. Sensation after stool as if something remained. Pressure; during soft stool; and on bladder; in R. and anus after a soft stool, as after a hard stool; as if it would protrude during stool, with pressure on bladder, forced to rise three times at night on account of it. Tenesmus; in morning after waking, then a copious fluid stool, later a second and in afternoon a third similar stool; at 11 A.M. when sitting; at night, with swelling of piles; when sitting; after stool, she cannot sit down on account of pain in anus; after stool, a contraction, with flatus pressing high up into bowels, this flatus felt like a great sausage lying from l. to r. above umbilicus. Urging, even in bed, then diarrhoea; in morning and after great effort insufficient, dark, hard stool; in morning, then difficult, hard, insufficient stool, after eating renewed U. and after straining soft-formed stool; morning, noon and evening, with drawing and tension down muscle of loins; in evening and stool difficult, hard, dark; (<) dinner; but difficult, soft s tool; then difficult scanty stool; constant U. at night, cannot lie nor sit on account of sticking and sore pain in anus, it seems as if everything had been pressed out, (<) retracting anus, with pain; constant U. to stool and to urinate, with discharge of a few drops of blood after urinating, sticking in urethra, apprehension and discomfort; sudden, which continued after he had passed a hard lump; frequent, but discharge of only a few drops of dark blood, with burning in anus.

Ineffectual urging; in morning; waking him in morning; in morning, with emission of flatus, towards noon after straining a soft-formed stool; in morning, but towards noon after a painful effort a scanty, firm, blackish-brown stool; in afternoon, then at night an unsatisfactory stool after much effort, with increase of urine; waking him after midnight; after dinner; with dryness in rectum; with burning and itching in anus, extrusion of haemorrhoids, hard stool; then shooting in rectum; only at noon an unsatisfactory stool; frequent.


      Haemorrhoids (AEsc. h., Aloe, Pulsatilla) moist, even after natural stool; increased congestion of haemorrhoidal vessels (Aloe); with sticking; with burning pain on walking and touch, (<) stool, sometimes shooting out of it through anus, and in the first days blood passed during stool. Moist pimples, with smarting and sticking when walking and sitting. Red, inflamed, and covered with red veins, with burning during stool. Swelling, with burning itching; S. of borders, tickling as if a worm were creeping about and escape of slimy fluid. Discharge of liquid, then faces at night in sleep; D. of moisture, with sore feeling and itching around it; involuntary, of moisture, then itching; of viscid slimy fluid causing soreness; of blood, with easy stool; of blood after stool; a clot of blood slipped out in afternoon when walking; of thread-worms; of thread-worms during stool.

Sticking; during the day; in afternoon, and in neck of bladder; extending into rectum, after a difficult, not hard stool; flying, after dinner; throbbing, from border through rectum and into r. hip at 7 P.M. when standing. Jerking stitches in forenoon when standing; out at anus at noon, then sensitiveness so that he cannot sit; through r. half, with itching in anus, feeling as if it were sore, swollen and moist; jerking, out of r., then l. half towards evening, with tenderness around it.

Aching; towards noon when sitting, with straining; at noon; at noon when sitting; at noon when sitting, and feeling as if there were a pile there, but there was not; in evening after waking; after hard stool; after loose stool; paroxysmal, in afternoon when sitting after stool, with forcing; raw; straining, ulcerative, on touch after a loose fetid stool, and sensation long after-wards as if he would have diarrhoea. Soreness after fluid stool; after a copious loose stool. Constriction after stool. Sensation as if a worm crept cut in morning on waking; a not disagreeable creeping at noon when sitting. Itching; around it (AEsc. h.); at border, with sore feeling (AEsc. h.); in morning; in morning, with tenesmus; in evening; at night, next morning escape of acrid itching fluid; with soft stool.

Burning; in morning when sitting; in forenoon when sitting, with aching; at noon, (<) sitting; at noon when sitting, with sore feeling; in afternoon; in evening, and in urethra; in evening when sitting; when sitting; when sitting after walking; when sitting, with sensation of a foreign body; after sitting; after moderate exercise; before, during and after stool; after a thin stool; after a soft-formed stool; after a good stool; after a semi-fluid stool; after a loose stool; after an insufficient stool; after a hard stool; so that she cannot sit; sudden.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.