Homeopathy Remedy Sulphur

Clinical Catarrh of the bladder, burning micturition, urine contains mucus. Painful ineffectual efforts to urinate, with retention. Nocturnal enuresis. Haematuria. Chronic gonorrhoea, with burning and smarting during micturition. Chronic nephritis.

Sexual Organs

      Tingling, and in testicles. Resistance to complete emission of semen. Coldness in morning.

Glans.- Pustules. Redness of G. and inner surface of prepuce, with sore feeling, burning and smarting, with a pimple on glans, afterwards desquamation of skin and prepuce, the inflammation extended to pubes. Fetid smegma causing burning and itching (when a child there was often viscid fluid between foreskin and glans, causing itching and burning, and micturition was painful). Penis stiff and hard like leather, its inner surface shining and secreting a thin offensive ichor. Stitches in penis; in morning on urinating, (<) glans, as if urethra were pierced, at first the urine dribbles, then it is retained. Cramplike pain. Itching. Erections at night, with vivid, not lascivious, dreams. Phimosis, with oozing of offensive mucus under prepuce.

Prepuce.- Redness and burning; R. and swelling. Epididymis swollen. Hangs over glans and is divided into four or five lobes by furrows. Retracted, and penis cold, bluish. Cold, and glans. Itching at night, then voluptuous sensation.

Scrotum.- Itching; in morning on waking, and on inside of thighs; about noon, with tickling, itching and sore feeling at outer border of anus; towards evening; with sweat.

Testicles.- Hang down flabby. relaxed in evening in bed and scrotum. Sticking; in l. Pressure and tension in T. and spermatic cords. Drawing in r. T. and spermatic cord at 7 P.M.

Power increased; weakened. Impotency, with amorous fancies. Desire; in morning after waking, with erections at first strong, then weak, changing to a burning pain, gradually (>) emission; at night; for an emission, without erection; almost lost. Emissions at night; with voluptuous dreams; in midday sleep when sitting; in an old man; with burning pain in urethra; profuse, watery.

Female.- Bearing down. Feeling of weakness. Itching, with papules about them; I. on mons veneris, with moisture. Inflammation of one labia, with burning pain, (<) urinating. Pudenda, painless blisters externally; sore spot, and one on perineum; burning. Vagina, burning so that she could scarcely sit; itching; soreness during coition; biting discharge. Leucorrhoea two days before menses; profuse L.; causing soreness and burning pain; like nasal mucus, fourteen days after menses; thin, in morning after rising, preceded by griping in abdomen. Itching of clitoris. Almost daily bloody discharge from uterus for several weeks after return of long-suppressed menses. Contractive pain in region of uterus towards pudenda, as before menses, form morning till night.

Menses.- Too early; preceded by cutting downward in hypogastrium; and scanty; and profuse, with pain in abdomen and back, preceded by general chilliness. Too late (Natrum mur., Pulsatilla, Sepia, etc.); with constipation and distended abdomen; with sickness and oppression; lasting eight days, with pains the first days. Profuse, stopped immediately after flowing two days and a half; P. and long-lasting; with sour odor; and black, thick, acrid; and black, clotted, sticky. Changed to a sulphur-colored discharge, and so it continued for at least three months, ever since for a week before each monthly illness she has this discharge, which smells and looks like sulphur, (<) purgatives (which do not act on the bowels), and the urine at the same time will smell of sulphur, the discharge leaves a yellow stain, with sulphur-like odor upon her linen.

Clinical Hydrocele. Pruritus of the vulva, with burning and stinging; with miliary eruption, (<) heat of bed. Prolapsus uteri, with aching across the sacrum, constipation. Various forms of uterine inflammations, called for by general indications. Suppressed menstruation, with congestive headache and cold feet. Scanty menstruation, with burning heat in hands and soles at night, weight on top of the head, etc. Dysmenorrhoea, pains running from the groins to the back, Anteversion, uterus presses on the bladder, (<) walking. Leucorrhoea, corrosive, yellow, menstrual flow corrosive (see Kreosotum).

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx. Swollen gland on thyroid cartilage, with pain on touch. Painful thrust when coughing. Drawing at times, with dryness. Swollen feeling. Tickling; and in bronchi. Crawling, and talking causes cough. Sensation as if mucus stuck in glottis. Hoarseness; in morning; in forenoon; in forenoon, and speaking requires and effort; in afternoon; in evening; in attacks. Voice rough at noon; during the day, (<) evening, and toneless, with occasional cough. Voice deep. Voice lost. Rattling in bronchi with shooting beneath l. lowest rib, towards back, (<) breathing deeply.

Cough; in morning; in forenoon; afternoon; afternoon, with shooting in chest; afternoon, (>) open air, (<) returning to the warm room; in evening; in evening, from irritation deep in air- passages; in evening in bed before menses, (>) rising; only at night; at night, then sleeplessness for a long time; woke him about mid-night, (>) expectoration, recurred in morning on dressing; at 1 A, m, from irritation in larynx and trachea; from rawness in larynx (Phosphorus, Pulsatilla); from roughness in throat; on going to sleep, with heat in head and eyes and cold hands. Provocation to cough in two or three attacks with every breath, (<) afternoon; P. after eating, so violent that he cannot cough soon enough, it draws his chest together spasmodically and he retches; ineffectual desire, with blackness before eyes. Tickling C. at 6 P.M., (>) expectoration of tenacious mucus. Fatiguing C. during the day; in morning; at night. Sudden shaking C. after dinner. Paroxysmal, generally dry, waking him at midnight; sudden, at night, with contraction of air-passages, usually dry; barking, waking him at 2 A.M, from irritation in trachea, generally dry.

Dry cough; in morning; in morning in bed, from irritation in trachea; in morning after rising, from tickling in larynx; at noon; afternoon and evening. In evening before sleep, worse than during the day; in evening from tickling in throat; in evening and night, and towards morning, with expectoration and sensation as if bubbles burst internally; from 5 P.M. onward, next morning cough, with whitish mucous expectoration; at night; at night waking him; at night after going to bed, with expectoration of two lumps of albuminous-looking blue mucus; after dinner; from irritation in larynx; from constant irritation; with pain in r. hypochondrium; sudden, as if lungs would be torn out, with aggravated headache; convulsive, waking him in morning, leaving soreness in chest, spasmodic, at noon from fulness in the chest.

Short cough in evening when sitting asleep. Dry, short cough; sometimes during the day, sometimes cough with copious mucus expectoration; in morning; morning on waking; forenoon; noon; afternoon; evening; evening after lying down, causing heat, the cough woke her about 3 A.M.; after dinner; when walking in open air; (<)open air, (>) lying down, with sore burning in pharynx; with pain in sternum and sticking in chest; as from irritation in trachea; paroxysmal; fatiguing, in morning, with pain in chest.

Coughing up mucus; in morning; in morning on waking; from larynx in morning; morning and evening; afternoon; night; copious mucus in evening on going to bed and in night on waking; scanty mucus in afternoon, cough (<) entering a warm room and on smoking tobacco, (>) open air and drinking wine in evening, cough wakes her at night; sweetish plugs; yellowish globular mucus in morning, cough dry during the day. Coughing up thick mucus; in morning; in morning, with sore pain chest; in (>) forenoon; at noon; at night; at night, with soreness in trachea; with soreness or pressure upon chest, rattling in trachea and hoarseness; jelly-like.

Expectoration in morning; E. from chest tasting like old catarrh; of bloody saliva, with sweet taste in throat; of blood at night, with fatty, sweetish taste in mouth; jelly-like. Expectoration of mucus; in morning; without cough; thick, viscid, in morning; thick in evening.

Respiration.- Threatenings of asthma. Suffocation during the day; S., with constriction of chest; in paroxysms at night in sleep, and she started up with a scream, towards morning palpitation, then exhausting scream. Arrested even when talking; during sleep, she must be awakened to avoid suffocation; paroxysmally, at night; paroxysmally, (>) forcible deep breathing; suddenly at night on turning to l. side, (>) sitting up. Dyspnoea; in evening in bed; on walking rapidly; several hours after eating then yawning. Difficult; in forenoon; afternoon; at night when lying on back, with pressure and anxiety in chest, and general sweat; on bending forward; on pressure upon chest; more when sitting than walking with necessity to breathe deeply. Short, towards evening; S. from talking much; on walking in open air. Deep breathing impossible. Gasping on account of constriction of larynx, face hot and turgid, eyes projecting, veins of forehead and temples distended, speech difficult, shrill whistling on inspiration, (<) ascending stairs. Rapid during and after getting into bed. Excretion of carbonic acid increased. Expired air is hot.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.