Homeopathy Remedy Sulphur

Bearing down; in forenoon; in forenoon when sitting; in forenoon when sitting, with tenesmus; in forenoon when sitting, with shooting; in forenoon when walking, with cutting; towards noon, with itching shoots; at noon; at noon, with burning; at noon when sitting; at noon when sitting, with sore feeling; at noon when sitting, with shooting; at noon when sitting, suddenly disappearing, but recurring; at noon, (<) sitting, (>) walking, with shooting; (>) afternoon by walking, with aching, returning by fits in evening when sitting; afternoon; afternoon and evening; evening when sitting; when sitting; when sitting, (>) after dinner, with sore feeling; after siting; after dinner; after dinner, with burning; an hour after a loose stool; when sitting after a loose stool; after a good stool, with aching; sudden, in forenoon when sitting; sudden, at noon. Paroxysmal bearing down in evening; at noon, with aching; in evening when sitting, with aching; when sitting, (>) 9 P.M.


      Constriction. Sore pain at raphe. Itching, with soft stool; I., with shooting.


      Fluid; in morning; and copious; and frequent; frequent in evening, involuntary when sneezing or laughing (Aloe); frequent, afterwards hard and insufficient; twice a day; smelling of rotten eggs; light-colored and lienteric, with nausea, griping and rumbling, till the third day when the diarrhoea became painless and almost involuntary, lasting till the seventh day, then symptoms in lungs and head; stool normal in morning on rising, then straining, fluid faces and raw pain in anus; last part; half fluid, half lumpy, mixed with gas and noisy flatus, in morning, afternoon and evening, always soon after eating, next day no stool. Semi-fluid; and frequent; at an unusual hour, and copious.

Diarrhoea; in morning on rising; after breakfast, then qualmishness in abdomen; in evening; after dinner, though he had a normal stool in forenoon; with relief to abdomen; with tenesmus; copious; copious, at 3 P.M., though I had had the usual stool in morning, next day none; copious, dark gray, fetid, with the spasms; scanty, with tenesmus and burning in anus; yellow- green, slimy; mixed with mucus and full of holes, morning noon and evening; nearly black, viscid, greasy, urgent, smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen. Involuntary diarrhoea during emission of flatus (Aloe), and during the day two watery stools, with pinching in abdomen; I, and bilious, with sensation as if wind would pass; I., with anxiety, then sweat. Frequent diarrhoea; twice in morning; during the day, with burning in anus and gripes; and frothy, even at night, with tenesmus; offensive, two or three times daily; even to faintness, at first with heat and sweat, then with cold sweat on forehead and feet and white tongue. alternating with constipation.

Soft and frequent in morning; S. and fetid; with flatus smelling like rotten eggs; and insufficient; soft-formed, difficult and frequent; soft-formed. scanty, after straining; solid-soft copious. Pappy yellowish-green, copious fetid in morning, then feeling of perfect health; p., yellow, copious, after dinner, flatus smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, next afternoon two fluid stools mixed with mucous flakes and one at night, with burning in anus, third day three fluid stools, then constipation for three days, then sudden urging and diarrhoea; P. and scanty after straining and cutting in anus, after the stool sensation as if mucous membrane were pressed out.

Hard; after rising, causing cutting in rectum; after rising, causing smarting sticking in rectum; after dinner, then soreness in anus; after straining, with rigor and cold feeling in limbs; with congestion to head; with evacuation of a tape-worm; soon followed by one of ordinary consistence; and difficult, only every two, three or four days; and difficult; and difficult, covered with blood, with soreness in anus; and black, crumbly; and lumpy, with burning in anus; and delayed, with pressure and burning in anus; and unsatisfactory. Scanty, hard; then burning and sore feeling in anus; causing burning shooting in anus; and delayed; and clawing, with sensation as if rectum would prolapse. First part had, then loose, difficult, last part loose, causing cutting in rectum; and lumpy, with raw shooting pain in rectum, the last part soft and of the color and consistence of bird-lime, scanty.

Constipation; at times; for two days, then involuntary stool. Knotty; in morning; but not hard; mixed with mucus; and difficult; and insufficient; and insufficient, causing burning pain in rectum. Scanty; and unsatisfactory; in morning and afternoon; and half fluid. Difficult; on rising; and unsatisfactory; had to strain long, with aching in small of back.

Tough, gluey, fetid, so urgent that some escaped prematurely, yet not diarrhoea, after getting up a similar stool two hours later. Slimy; without faces, frequent, mixed with red veins. Covered with mucus; and slipped out quickly. Bloody in evening. Light-colored. Sour-smelling. Containing undigested food. Copious; and frequent; and tough, smeary. Rapid; and almost involuntary. Unusually easy. Frequent; with mucus; twice in a day. Stool after dinner.

Clinical Dysentery subacute, with burning, tenesmus, not violent, but persistent. Diarrhoea in great variety; stools are generally thin, watery, sometimes mucous, white or green, sometimes with bloody streaks, sometimes undigested, generally very fetid; nearly always (<) early in morning in bed; the necessity urgent and frequently without pain. In the chronic diarrhoea of scrofulous children we may find aversion to meat, tendency to stupor, with cold sweat, generally disagreeable odor of the body, with aversion to washing. Valuable for habitual constipation, especially when the rectum is irritable and dry, frequent ineffectual desire for s tool in the rectum, with piles, soreness and burning at the anus, often with congestive headache, engorged liver, etc.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder. Sticking, or in hypogastrium; in region of neck in morning on urinating, with sticking through anus; flying, in region about 6 P.M., with soreness on pressure. Aching in region of neck at 11 A.M.; in region at 3 P.M. Dragging in morning after urinating. Pressure; soon after micturition, with sensation as if urine were retained by contraction of sphincter, and the same sensation in anus; as if too full, without call to urinate.

Urging; at night; in morning after rising, with cutting over symphysis pubis as in strangury; on waking after an emission, not (>) copious micturition, on account of irritation in orifice of urethra. Constant desire; with scanty urine; and a few drops passed involuntarily. Frequent urging; in afternoon and evening; with feeling of obstruction in sphincter of bladder; sudden.

Micturition when emitting flatus; on coughing; in a thin stream; in a weak stream; intermittent; by jerks; forcible. Dysuria. Frequent micturition; in forenoon; in afternoon; in evening; at night; at night, and copious; twice at night, and slow; always preceded by cutting in hypogastrium; with voluptuous pressure reaching as far as anus; of watery urine; and much at a time; and copious, pale and towards the end smelling mouldy; and scanty; and scanty, difficult, painful; of small quantities as clear as water.

Urethra.- Inflammation of orifice. Discharge of prostatic fluid; in long threads after micturition and stool. Sticking; in forepart; in morning; in morning on urinating; about noon; in afternoon; in front of it in evening when sitting; with tearing; with rigor; extending along it at 5.30 P.M.; sometimes in a spot, sometimes extending to pubes; to above pubes in evening on urinating; sudden, in orifice towards evening. Cutting before and during stool; C. as if the urine were acrid at close of micturition and afterwards. Pain as in the beginning of gonorrhoea. Smarting in female. Constant urging to urinate. Itching in middle; in mouth; at mouth, as at beginning of gonorrhoea; sudden shooting, in navicular fossa in evening. Tickling in evening. Burning; at 10 P.M., (>) Canthar.; in forepart when not urinating. Burning when urinating; in morning; in front part at night; in mouth.

Urine.- Copious; all day; in evening; in evening after beer; at night; at night, then symptoms diminished; after midnight; and reddish; and dark yellow; and bright yellow; of the color of sherry in morning, of the color of white wine in evening; with increase of water, urea, uric acids, mucus, in organic salts and phosphates, but diminution of solid constituents, organic salts and extractives; with increase of water, solid matters, urea, uric acid, mucus, organic salts and extractives, but diminution of incinerated salts and phosphates. Scanty; after eating and of the color of dark sherry. Turbid; at night, and offensive; at night, and copious sediment. Fatty pellicle. Offensive (Sepia, Benz-ac.); like sweaty feet. Smelt like chamomile tea. Bloody, slimy. Of the color of sherry. Dark. Dark brown. Red in evening, and copious sediment. Whitish. Pale, white-wine color, appearing almost like spastic urine, clear, sp. gr. diminished, reaction acid, increase of uric acid, earthy phosphates, sulphates, phosphates of soda, diminution of nitrate of urea and uroxanthin, afterwards little ammonia, later dark sherry-colored, sp. gr. and urea diminished, the earthy phosphates, sulphates and uric acid increased, afterwards chlorides decreased, later the uroxanthin abundant, urea diminished, later the morning urine was usually of a pale sherry color, that passed after dinner and in evening dark sherry-colored, for three days it contained free ammonia, on two days there were traces of iron. Increase of nitrogenous constituents, urea, uric acid and mucus, sometimes the stable salts, earthy phosphates, unstable salts and extractives were increased, sometimes diminished. Sediment reddish; white, mealy.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.