Homeopathy Remedy Sulphur

Scalp. Hair falls out (Lycopodium, Phosphorus); in morning on combing. Painful elevations on sinciput and vertex, one between occiput and r. Mastoid process particularly sensitive; E. on r. parietal region, sensitive to touch; painless E. on vertex. Pimples; on vertex; itching; inflamed; inflamed, on occiput. Painful pimples; on vertex; on middle of vertex; over r. parietal bone; on occiput; on vertex, then tender elevations in the same place. Pustules near nape; grainlike, on vertex, drying into honey-like scabs. Tender scabby elevations on vertex. Scabs; near nape; painful, on l. parietal bone. Scales; white, difficult to get away. Movements from nape over vertex to forehead. Tearing and drawing. Feeling in vertex during the day as if pulled by the hair though he had been bald there a long time. Aching above forehead in morning on waking, (>) forenoon; extending from vertex to forehead; on a spot on r. temple covered with a scab; on l. side as if suppurating, on touch. Sensitiveness; on scratching; on vertex. Throbbing. Creeping and tension; C. in temples. Itching; on occiput; near nape; in morning; on occiput in morning; on occiput and nape in morning after rising; with impatience.

Clinical Neuralgic headaches, with sense of congestion or tightness, (<) warmth. Congestive headaches, with heaviness; there are apt to be heavy pressure and heat on the vertex, associated with abdominal symptoms. Pulsating headache, (<) stooping and moving (Bryonia). Tendency to hydrocephalus in children, with stupor, suppressed urine and diarrhoea. In hydrocephalus it is to be compared with Apis, especially in the retrocession of eruptions. Tubercular hydrocephalus. Meningitis, secondary stage. The fontanelles close very late in sickly, scrofulous children. Eruptions on the head, usually dry, bleeding easily, burning and sore, sometimes cracking; general relief from scratching. Falling of the hair, with great dryness and soreness of the scalp, excessive itching in the evening when warm in bed.


      Redness; during the day, itching in evening; of white; with swelling and with pimples on lids. Surrounded by blue rings; and sunken. Purulent mucus. Matter in morning. White vesicle on the white, close to cornea. Trembling. Sticking in r.; burning, as from sand beneath l. lids (Natrum mur.). Cutting in r.; jerking, in r. spreading to temple, renewed by touching r. side of tip of nose. Pain in l. as if rubbed against spiculae of glass an drawn in towards pupil, necessity to close eye, then burning in eye and lachrymation. Sensation of a foreign body in l. in forenoon; in r. in afternoon; in r. in evening. Feeling of sand in morning on waking, with raw pain on rubbing them; in r. at 3 P.M.

Aching; in l.; in r. in forenoon, and sometimes feeling as if balls were swollen; in l. about 4 P.M. after a glass of beer; in l. in evening; on looking at the flame of a candle; on touch when closed; (<) working in the sun; as if sleepy, in evening, without sleepiness; bruised, on pressing it together and on touch; tensive, in morning on raising them when waking. Sensitiveness. Sensation as before inflammation. Biting; evenings, with lachrymation. Smarting, with feeling as if they watered; S. in evening, the candle-light seemed to be red ring, wherewith he could not se. Heaviness. Sensation of fulness of blood. Dryness (Lycopodium, Natrum mur.); at 2 A.M. Itching; of l. in morning, (<) rubbing, and extending over face; of l. at noon, with lachrymation.

Burning; and easy fatigue when reading (Natrum mur.); towards outer canthus; in morning (Zincum met.); in morning after rising; in morning, with adhesion; in morning, (>) latter part of the day, with photophobia, but in evening he could not read long by lamplight without fatigue and lachrymation; after breakfast; in forenoon; in forenoon, with itching, then lachrymation; in l. in forenoon, with lachrymation; towards noon, (<) edges of lids; at noon; in evening; in l. in evening, then lachrymation; after getting up, (<) external canthus; intermittent, in r.

Lachrymation in morning (Pulsatilla), with burning; in morning, then dryness; in open air; from the least light; acrid; feeling fatty. Pupils contracted; dilated from 3 till 4 P.M.; l. distorted. Shooting through middle of l. pupil deep into eye when reading.

Ball.- Jerking tearing in l. after dinner. Aching in evening, with weight and loss of vision; A. in l. in afternoon, on moving them; on walking in open air; and in brows. Dryness and sensation as if they rubbed against lids.

Lids.- Redness, and of conjunctiva; of palpebral conjunction, with a red, itching and burning spot on skin near l. outer canthus. Inflammation of lower. Swelling; with pain and lachrymation; of upper, with redness and burning pain; of upper, with dry matter in lashes. Pimple on upper. Stye on upper by inner canthus. Much mucus from Meibomian glands. Gum in lashes; in morning. Agglutination mornings (Pulsatilla, Rhus-t.). Jerking; of lower; of l. lower; in evening; (<) afternoon; burning in r. Frequent closure in morning after rising. Sticking in upper in evening; burning, as from sparks in l. upper. Prickling. sudden tearing in l. upper in evening. Cutting-burning pain in borders after dinner, (<) external canthi. Smarting sore pain on inner side after midnight, then rubbing dryness on inner surfaces. Smarting as from dryness of margins; S. in evening and inclination to rub them, eyes can hardly bear the light. Aching; in upper; in evening. Edges sensitive in morning. Dryness of inner surface; rubbing, in borders of r. in morning after waking; rubbing like sand, in mucous surface in bed. Itching; on edges; edges of r.; during the day, with prickling and smarting; in morning, with smarting; after dinner, (<) r.; in after, forcing him to rest them every moment, eyes can scarcely endure the light in the evening; of r., as if they would become inflamed. Burning externally; B. of edges; in upper; in morning, with redness, swelling and itching; in edges in morning; in morning after rising, (<) r.; in forenoon; in edges in forenoon; in edges in forenoon; in edges in afternoon, with itching and redness, and the same on outside of nose; in afternoon, with lachrymation; with inflammation, redness and tension on motion; as from sparks in r. upper in evening; as from sparks, and they are drawn together. Heaviness in evening.

Canthi.- Redness of outer. Adhesion of external; A. in morning; with redness, inflammation and exudation. Pain in outer. Tickling in l. outer in afternoon after a glass of wine, increased to itching and preventing work in evening and felt in night on waking, next day T. at 4 P.M., then itching extending in evening by candle-light to inner canthus and changing into shooting, preventing sleep till midnight, (>) cold compresses, the second morning after wards the affected lid covered with a dry cake of mucus, upper lid felt stiff on first opening, on going out lachrymation. Itching in l. outer after walking in open air; I. in r., with shooting; in inner, with biting; in l. external in evening by candle-light and I. of upper lid, the l. increased in evening to burning, lids winked and light hurt the eyes, next morning lids stiff, lids and caruncula bright red, during the day l. on borders, in evening at sight of the candles photophobia and burning of edges of l. lids, lachrymation on reading or writing, with increase of pain, next day vision obscured by mucus, afterwards slighter blepharoblennorrhoea of r. eye. Itching biting in outer. Burning; in outer; towards noon; in outer in evening, with sensation of a foreign body between edges of lids towards outer canthi; in outer in evening, with sticking and dim vision; in outer after rising; in r. external, with sensation of a grain of sand in it; with itching and smarting.

Orbit.- Shooting in upper border of l. before going to sleep. Pain; drawing; cramplike, deep in r., extending into frontal sinus, then alternating with a similar pain in l.

Brow. Tearing in;. in afternoon. Drawing pain in region of l. at night, with aching in l. ball as if it were swollen and pushed out. Drawing in l. in evening. Burning pain above and beneath it in afternoon.

Vision.- Dim; in forenoon; in forenoon, sometimes double, sight lost when sewing; in evening by candle-light, objects seemed enveloped in smoke; when reading; with weakness of eyes and confused dark spots floating before eyes. Objects seem more distant than they are. Intolerance of sunlight. Photophobia. Flickering; after breakfast, with a luminous appearance. Of dark specks (Phosphorus). Of black flies floating not far from eyes. Dazzled by looking long at an object. Of a white spot. Of lightnings at night on going to sleep. Illusions as if her skin were yellow. Blinded in morning.

Clinical Blepharitis, with itching and burning. Eczema of the lids. Styes and tarsal tumors. Ulcerations of the lids, with are very red and burning. Conjunctivitis, from foreign bodies, after Aconite. Catarrhal conjunctivitis. Trachoma, acute and chronic, with sharp pains like splinters. Pustular inflammation of conjunctiva and cornea, always with great photophobia, sharp pain, etc., (<) bathing; ulcers, abscesses. Keratitis, parenchymatosa. kerato- iritis. Iritis, sometimes syphilitic, often in rheumatics. Retinitis. Opacities of the vitreous. Asthenopia. In all the eye troubles of sulphur there are photophobia, nightly aggravation, sharp, stinging pains, like splinters of glass, and great dread of having any water touch the eye and face. Cataract.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.