Homeopathy Remedy Sulphur

Lips. Swelling of lower (Hepar), with eruption on it; S. of upper; of upper in evening, with pain. Upper red and sensitive on its inner surface; red spot on upper; red itching point in middle of upper. Red itching elevation on upper. Elevated tetter in corners towards cheeks. Painful inflamed spot in red of upper, next day swollen and burning, third day changed into aphthae. Cracks painful in middle of upper. Pimple; on lower; on margin of lower, with sticking on touch; painful to touch on upper. Painless elevation inside upper near r. corner, changing into a pedunculated wart, with three free apices. Aphthae on r. side of lower; upper; burning, on upper; group of painful, grayish-white, on inside of l. lower, afterwards A. on r. upper. Scabby ulcer on margin of lower, with burning pain. Vesicles near l. corner; on upper; r. side of upper; middle of lower; that burst and let out acrid, yellowish fluid, on upper, with tension in skin around mouth, which was covered with branlike scales; filled with dark blood, on inside of lower, disappeared after dinner; white, transparent, in middle of lower, appearing next day like herpes labialis; painful, on l. side of upper; painful humid, on lower; painful group near r. corner, they burst and left round spots, which next day appeared lardaceous, then dried up and were covered with a scab. Trembling. Twitching. Soreness of l. corner. Sore pain in corners in afternoon. Pain in l. corner; in a spot in red of upper, next day a pustule there; on touch. Raw pain in l. corner. Tenderness of upper; after rising. Sensation of a fissure in red of lower, but there was none. Smarting in corners as if raw, (<) l; burning, of lower. Sensation as if covered with salt. Swollen feeling in upper. Dryness; in morning, with tension; in morning mucous membrane in folds, whitish scales in corners; in morning on waking, and wrinkles; when speaking; and shrivelling; of upper, with sensitiveness; of red of lower, with scabs and tensive pain; upper lip and margins of nose dry, scaly, rough and burning. Burning; in upper; in upper in morning after rising; with sticking; as if raw.

Clinical Facial neuralgia, involving especially r. side of face and head, (<) night. (Upper lip more affected.)


      Teeth. Decayed, (<) molars. Looseness, with bleeding of gums; L. of molar, it seems too long and pains on touch and eating. Elongated. Brown mucus on them. Bleeding. Red, salt-sour water exuded from a l. lower molar. Sticking; in hollow, from 7 till 8 A.M. three mornings before menses; in second r. molar at 7.15 P.M.; (<) biting; through them from a cold drink; extending into ear, waking him at night; periodically, with jerking, also after midnight and in morning. Sticking burning extending into orbits and ear, with throbbing. Tearing in a lower incisor in forenoon on inspiring cold air; T. (<) cold water, at times (>) warmth, with drawing and often with jerking in tips; intermittent drawing, now r., now l. side, also at night on waking; boring, in a carious T. day and night, preventing sleep. Cutting in r. from a draught of cold air. Boring and throbbing; N. in a hollow T. in evening and till late at night, during wet weather; after eating, and externally on head; as with a hot iron. Digging in a r. molar, (>) strong pressure. Jerks through single; in hollow, after dinner. Aching in l. lower from 9 till 10 P.M.; in incisors at night; from slightest draught of air; in open air; in almost all during dinner; in molar on touch; renewed by cold rinsing of mouth; with pain in submaxillary glands; with swelling of cheek; with inflammatory swelling of gum near stump; in paroxysms, then burrowing, cold is tolerated better than warmth; as if they would be broken off, (>) in bed, with chilliness. Sensitiveness of tips of upper, (<) cold water, with shooting. Pain as if too long and tingling; incisors seem too long, with sensitiveness on pressure and in open air, when jerking and tearing extending into l. temple, which is painful to pressure. Drawing; in r. molars; lower incisors; upper, l. then r.; in forenoon; in crowns in evening; in incisors till 11 P.M., then sleeplessness till towards morning; in r. upper at night in bed; in open air; in molars, (<) inhaling cold air; with grumbling; in l. upper, with ulcerative pain in their gums; occasional, in morning; throbbing; in a l. lower after midnight, extending over whole lower jaw to temple and ear, lasting till rising next morning, afterwards (<) open air and extending over whole side of face, pain in spot on lower border of jaw, (<) touch. On edge; and painful when bitten upon. Loose feeling in evening; L. feeling on biting, and on eating paralyzed feeling.

Gum.- Swelling about old stumps; S., with throbbing pain; of r. lower, with sensitiveness. Inflammation, with burning and tearing spreading over head and waking him at 2 A.M., with sensation as if l. cheek were swollen, which was not the case. Painful abscess. Bleeding; on spitting. Aching in r. lower in morning on waking and after dinner, with sore pain; A. as if loose, and on inhaling air shooting into it; around a r. lower stump in evening, as if a parulis would form. Sensation of swelling and ulceration in l. upper at noon.

Tongue.- Coated; in morning; white; white in morning; dirty yellow; dirty whitish-yellow in morning, with dryness and burning. White. Red, with white papillae like fungi; redness of root towards evening, with swelling and pain as from pressure, speech obstructed and a hard painful pimple beneath l. side of root. Hard elevation on r. anterior border, and on moving tongue shooting in it. Vesicle on l. border; smarting, on r. side. Salt mucus sticks to it every morning. Twitching. Shooting in tip in morning; convulsive S. in tip. Biting as from blisters. Dryness; in morning; in morning on waking, and in palate; then after an hour slimy taste. Burning pain. Burning in evening, and in pharynx; B. in tip. Faltering when speaking. Talking difficult and painful.

Desquamation of inside of cheek. Blisters, with burning pain; B. Painful when eating; painful sore, slightly salted food causes biting; on hard palate, preventing talking and eating. Mucus in morning; after midnight, with tickling obliging hawking; bitter, (<) morning. Roughness, and in throat. Constriction; spasmodic, at the first morsels. Tickling posteriorly on palate. Burning in morning; at night, with thirst; with eruption about it; without thirst; causing thirst, not (>) drinking.

Dryness; in palate; in morning, with insipidity and stickiness; in morning on waking; in palate in morning after waking; after eating; of palate, with thirst; with taste of blood; with agglutination and thirst; with scraping in throat as if food would not go down; in l. side of palate, gradually extending to r. side, with tensive pain. Bloody saliva. Salt saliva; in morning. Salivation; at 9.30 A.M.; waking him at 3 A.M., with aching in oesophagus and clammy taste; after breakfast, with nausea; after eating; on beginning to eat; after dinner, with sudden digging in r. parotid; when at stool; sweetish, about 8 P.M.; sour and bitter; water runs from mouth with hawking up of mucus. Bloody salivation in forenoon; in afternoon; in evening.

Taste.- Pasty in morning. Doughy. Insipid; in forenoon; with loss of appetite. Clammy; in morning. Like bad wood to food. Metallic. Coppery; in morning on waking. Resinous. Of sulphur. Of blood in morning after waking. Too salt to all food. As if food were not salted, though it is very salt. Bitter bilious when fasting, though food has a good taste. Bitter in morning on waking; in morning, (>) eating; in palate and throat in morning on waking, (>) coughing up mucus; after eating; to food; acrid, after breakfast. Vinegary all day; V. after drinking milk. Sour (Lycopodium); in morning; till after breakfast; in evening before going to bed; after drinking milk, with sour eructations the next day after eating too much; bitter, at noon after eating; salt, when eating. Sweetish; in morning on waking, with mucus; in forenoon; in evening; with hawking of blood; as from fasting, with hawking of mucus. Offensive sweetish; all day; in forenoon, causing nausea. Disagreeable; in morning; after breakfast; in evening after eating an ice, with nausea. Long after-taste to beer. Loss of T. to food.

Breath.- Sour. Bad; in morning; in morning on rising; in evening; after dinner; when coughing.


      Swelling of submaxillary glands; of l. with sensitiveness to touch; of r., with tension. Sticking in submaxillary glands, with pain on touch. Swelling of parotids, with stitches; S. of tonsils, with redness and with sore throat, cough, dyspnoea, agitation and sleeplessness; S., also felt externally about angles of jaws, with stitches in throat when eating. Redness of tonsils, with painful swallowing. Elongation of uvula. Mucus; in morning on waking, and in larynx; in morning waking him and requiring to be hawked up; and in chest; salt, at back of fauces, causing frequent expectoration. Hawking; with clearing of it and scraping (nitricum acidum); at night from tickling in larynx, with dry tussiculation; on deep breathing; of mucus in morning after waking; of mucus at noon; blackish-gray masses of mucus during the day; jellylike mucus in morning; thick mucus at night; thick disgusting mucus in evening; pieces of hard mucus like starch. Dry food sticks in it, it takes away his breath and he must cough it up.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.