Homeopathy Remedy Sulphur

Ill humor (Calc-c., Lycopodium, Ph-ac); in morning after rising; in morning, with restlessness; (<) morning and evening, with lachrymose mood (Lycopodium, Natrum mur.); at herself; and no desire to talk; and absorbed in himself; and fault finding; with confusion of head as in outbreak of coryza; with Dullness in head and bitter taste; and impetuosity; he answers no one will tolerate no one about him, he cannot obtain quickly enough what he desires; and melancholy, discontentment with himself and all about him, which unfitted him for serious occupation, cheerfulness returned for a short time on satisfying his appetite, but in the evening he was absorbed in himself, could not command his thoughts to read and stared at the same page upward of two hours.

Out of sorts with everything in evening (Lycopodium, Pulsatilla), for work, pleasure, talking or movement, uncomfortable and does not know what is the matter. Quarrelsome (Nux mood, as if he had been insulted Violence in a child. Vexatious and morbid ideas of the past associate themselves with indifferent things, with courage. Morbid ideas causing rancor (but also joyous thoughts and melodies) mostly from the past, (<) evening in bed, when they prevent sleep, with neglect of business. Obstinacy.

Anxiety; in evening; in evening in bed, at the full moon; in evening, preventing sleep (Lycopodium, Pulsatilla); at night on waking, with heat and cramplike sensation; (>) drinking a few glasses of cold water; with heat of head and coldness of feet, he forgets what he wishes to do; with involuntary thin stool; (with feverish delirium, dyspnoea, burning in stomach, vomiting, twitching of whole body and death); as if he would die; about my health.

Pleasure in nothing. Low spirits; during the day becomes lachrymose if one attempts to console her; in afternoon in open air; about her illness; and sighing, so that he could not speak a loud word; in attacks during the day, with desire to die; sudden, in evening, with disinclination to everything; sudden when walking in open air, which made her anxious, suspicious, peevish and lachrymose; alternating with cheerfulness. Despondency; and indifference. Complaining, moaning, wringing of hands, thirst and little appetite, though she swallows her food hastily. Discouraged; and weary or life.

Weeping mood; during the nightly cough, with restlessness; during the morning stool, with obstinacy; alternating with laughing. Disinclination to talk. Starting up even when his name is called. Fright on waking, with distress and horror of instant death. Fear that he would take cold in the open air. Timid. Haste when taking anything and when walking; H. during the day, with uneasiness and inability to steady himself. Inclined to philosophical and religious reveries. Aversion to business. Indolent; mornings, with pain in back and lower limbs, forcing her to sit down often; and irresolute; and immovable without definite thought.

Distraction of mind; and awkwardness at his work. Forgetful; of proper names; in respect, to well-known localities. Stupid; and soon fell asleep. Weak-minded and could not connect two thoughts. Mistakes as to time, thinks that it is earlier than it is. Thoughts of the business that has been accomplished thronged upon him in the evening. Words and sentences that he hears revolve involuntarily in his mind. Feels great need of rest of mind and is in constant motion.

Clinical The well-known disposition of the Sulphur patient is irritability, sometimes alternating with mental indolence. Melancholia, with sadness, absentmindedness, sometimes a sense of disgrace. Melancholia after labor. Religious melancholia, particularly associated with abdominal plethora.


      Hung sideways after waking (in a child) and after raising it it fell to the other side, lips and face pale, eyes staring, then it sneezed and eyes were closed tightly for a moment and mucus ran from mouth, then quiet sleep. Moved constantly in bed, because every place seemed too hard. Sticking; and out at eyes; sometimes at night, with tearing in lower jaw or followed by bruised pain in side of head, sometimes (>) compression of head, at times forcing him to lie down. Thrust when coughing. Tearing more in afternoon than in forenoon, (>) laying it on the table, with weakness and thirstless heat; T. (<) sides and forehead, (>) moving head, pressure or free air, with drawing and sticking and ulcerating pain; extending into ear; as with a saw; as if skull would be torn open, at night.

Aching; in morning after rising; in morning on waking, (<) externally on vertex, morning, noon and evening on going to bed, with shivering and pain in limbs; in forenoon; every other day from 8 or 9 A.M. till going to sleep; at 10 A.M.; from 11 A.M. till noon, returning in evening over r. eye; about noon, with heat in it; in afternoon when walking, with weariness, changing in evening to toothache and sleepiness; towards evening; towards evening, with shooting in throat; in evening and till late at night; in evening, with coryza; in evening, with attacks of oppression; at night, disturbing sleep; at every step; on ascending steps; on moving head, with beating of brain against skull; on coughing and in abdomen; in middle, caused by coughing and sneezing; on pressure, for example, by a tight hat; after eating, with pressure in eyes; in the house, (>) uncovering head, with tightness of scalp; (<) stooping; (<) open air, (>) in the house; (>) shutting eyes and sitting still, with vertigo, afterwards (>) open air, in the afternoon the vertigo was worse, with nausea, twisting and turning in stomach, yawning, prostration, trembling in limbs and occasionally noises in head and ears, the vertigo (>) sitting still, (<) stooping or moving about; with nausea; with sensation as if head and ears were stuffed.

Jerking pain. Tensive pain. Hammering pain; on vivacious talking; after midnight, with pressure in stomach; as if brain beat against skull on nodding. Pain in morning, (<) vertex, as if eyes would be pressed down. Pain as from cord around head, and as from a weight on top of brain; P. as if head were drawn forward and downward, (<) forenoon; as if screwed together in evening, with flying heat in face; as if beaten and torn on coughing; as if raw, with intolerance of touch; stupefying; so that eyes seem to close; as from incarceration of flatus. Compression in morning; as from a band at base of brain at 10 A.M., (<) towards 5 P.M.

Disturbance so that she though she had lost her reason. Throbbing in morning; in all arteries at 2 A.M. Fulness, as if filled with blood (see Aconite); F. in afternoon, with heat. Seems distended, with loud noises in ears. Heaviness; when sitting, lying, moving and stooping; (<) motion; as if he would fall forward, with Dullness, both (>) walking, but then sticking in head. Occasional creeping, (<) parietal and occipital regions. Sudden paroxysms when walking across the street, blackness before eyes, she walked backward and sat down suddenly and was carried to the house unconscious, then stiffness of joints. Empty feeling in morning. Stupefaction. Stupefied weakness when walking in open air, with gloomy ideas.

Confusion; in morning; in morning, and pressure in forehead till noon; in morning as soon as he rose, also lasting till noon; in morning on waking unusually early; in morning, (>) rising; in morning on waking, (>) discharge of flatus and going into open air; in forenoon; till noon, with pain in forehead as from alcoholic drink; at noon; in afternoon; in afternoon after sleep, (>) walking in open air; in afternoon, with roaring extending outward at l. ear and. drawing pain on l. side of forehead, which soon alternated with cramplike pain in l. knee or l. wrist, or with shooting in root of r. great toe-nail when walking and frequent cramplike pain in l. calf; at 5 P.M.; at 5 P.M., (<) walking in open air, (>) sweat; at 5 P.M., with digging in l. side of forehead; at 7 P.M. in open air; in evening; in evening, with pressing in forehead; in evening, with waving; at night in bed, with head at rush of blood; at night on waking; after walking in open air; on waking, with weight; after dinner, (>) walking in open air; during dinner, lasting till evening, with weakness; with aching in vertex; with pain in l. side; as from rush of blood, (<) ascending steps; as from insufficient sleep; intermittent; vacant, in morning on waking; like commencing vertigo, towards evening; amounting to stupefaction about 4 or 5 P.M., when walking in open air. Giddy confusion (Gelsemium); in morning on waking; about 11 A.M. with dim vision; at 2 P.M., with heat and redness of face and throbbing in arteries of head and neck, then sweat on face.

Rush of blood; during menses; during soft stool; when in bed, and he felt the beating in all arteries of head; after riding in a wagon; from gentle exercise, with burning and creeping in skin of face; and a pressure in it and out at eyes, and numbness before ears. Intoxicated in afternoon after a glass of wine.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.