Homeopathy Remedy Sabina

Sabina homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Sabina…

      A tincture is made of the fresh tips of the branches of Juniperus Sabina, L. Allies. Belladonna, Ipec, Millefol., Calcareac.


      Jerklike sticking in anus and in forepart of thighs when walking. Burning pain in the swollen periosteum. Rheumatic pains. General sick feeling, as if he had danced and revelled several nights, with whimsical mood. Discomfort without ability to state what or where he suffers. Prefers to lie on l. side at night. Blood agitated in evening in bed, obliged to change his position constantly and cannot fall asleep. Restlessness in evening in bed, with anxiety, chill and gooseflesh, preventing sleep. Pulsation in all vessels, almost like a jerking, drowsiness, yawning and giving way of feet; with sleeplessness after midnight, necessity to stretch and move feet. Heaviness and indolence of body, forcing him to lie down. Symptoms cease on going into open air, they return on entering house.


      Anxiety. Irritable nerves, (>) exercise in open air, music was intolerable, it penetrated marrow and bone, with pain in occiput, weakness and inclination to sweat, (<) on back. Vexed and weeping aloud. Ill-humored and hypochondriac; I., and sensation as if he had taken cold; and indifferent to a jest; and indisposed to speak, timorous, joyless, and all limbs weak. Indisposed to talk in morning when walking. Indifferent. Confusion of ideas. Memory weak. Insensible.


      Sticking through brain, with pressure, Digging boring. Aching; through the day; (<) forehead, with Dullness, as after intoxication; with congestion of conjunctivae; drawing; beating, with heaviness and stupefaction. Pressure outward like a wind which rushes in suddenly and disappears slowly. Dullness; after dinner; (<) forehead, extending towards nose, in which it became a sort of drawing, causing sensation as if l. nostril would bleed. Heaviness till she goes to bed; H. as if she had taken much spirits, in forenoon. Semi-intoxication. Vertigo on rising, she was obliged to lie down again; V., with obscuration of vision; with stupefaction; with orgasm and heat in heat; with weakness as if he would fall; and if he would fall forward, when standing.

Forehead. Smarting stabbing in r. eminence, deep into brain. Boring behind r. eminence, in coronal suture. Pain in l. side; above r. temple; in r. side of sinciput; in r. eminence, with tearing; raging; stupefying; as if skin were fast to skull, on motion, she could scarcely wrinkle it; drawing, then in occiput; drawing, in F. and temples, only in the daytime. Sudden pressing asunder in r. eminence and temple disappearing gradually, recurring frequently. Painful pressure in l. eminence, affecting eyeball, which feels compressed. Sudden pressure inward in l. eminence.

Temples. Pain; circumscribed; extending outward in l. Painful stricture. Pressure inward in r., with sticking in l. frontal eminence, coming and going suddenly. Pressure, outward in r. Drawing from r. to forehead; painful, in l. on closing eyes, with painful pressure on l. upper eyelid.

Pressure under vertex at dinner. Vertex sensitive to touch and when touched pain in head. Sticking darting into l. hemisphere. Tearing in r. hemisphere from occiput to forehead. Pain in morning as if mastoid processes were pressed towards each other. Pressure in l. side, with heaviness, sometimes sticking darting through l. hemisphere.

Occiput. Tearing externally in l. bone extending to l. side of frontal bone, in a curve across l. temporal bone, (<) touch. Pain in r. side. Pressure on sides. Sensation as if sharp wind penetrated l. side, then boring. Heaviness, (>) strong pressure upon a hard cushion; H., and in nape descending to small of back.

Clinical General rush of blood to the head, with alternating flushes to head and face.


      Surrounded by blue rings. Pain and smarting lachrymation. Tensive pain, sensation on looking up as if internal and inferior muscles were too short. Heat. Sensation as if clouds were rising before them, (>) open air, with tremulousness. Pupils contracted; slightly dilated. Conjunctivae congested. Twitching in upper lid. Lids shut. Pricking below cartilage of lower lid. Tearing in l. brow.


      Sticking behind E. Tearing in l. Deep-seated pinching. Pressure externally above r. (Trembling in front of them when hearing music or sad news with threadlike drawing extending to brain). Hearing hard.


      Dry coryza; in r. nostril. Sneezing.


      Turgid. Flushed. Pale, and eyes lustreless. Aching in l. malar- bone, (<)touch; paralytic A., in r. zygoma. Lower lip dry. Jaw, jerks through l. lower into a hollow tooth when walking in open air after a meal; sticking in l. lower; sticking from lower into malar-bone; pain behind l. angle when touched and pressed upward; drawing pain in r. angle, in masseter muscles, (<) touch.

Clinical Facial neuralgia, (>) open air.


      Teeth. Tearing in roots of molars, (<) gums. Aching, beginning in a hollow tooth, almost only on chewing; A. in lower as if gum were swollen and as if teeth were elongated and loose, when chewing, worse afterwards; pressing outward, in evening and night, waking him, (>) rising, (<) drinking and smoking, intolerance of the warmth of bed. Drawing pain in all; in root of a hollow T. on eating or drinking cold or warm things, and when breathing through open mouth. Incisors on edge.

Gum. Ulcer painful to touch over an incisor. Swollen around a hollow tooth, whitish, painful to touch, in morning on waking, with heaviness in tooth and jaw. Pain around a hollow tooth on touch.

Tongue coated yellow in morning, (<) posteriorly; C. White and brownish, with flat taste. Pricking in tip of tongue. Foaming at mouth. Scraping in palate and uvula, (<) swallowing salvia. Mouth and throat dry. Saliva white, and becomes frothy when talking. Salivation; with frequent yawning. Offensive breath. Taste bitter; after milk; to food, milk and coffee; T. bloody, greasy, and saliva reddish; T. disgusting, like old catarrhal mucus, (<) hawking.


      Drawing pain externally. Hawking in morning, the mucus is loose but does not come up. Stitches during rest. Sensation as if he had to swallow over of foreign body. Sore pain in afternoon on swallowing. Counteractive and pricking pain extending backward, when not swallowing. Pressure on swallowing saliva. Choking in l. side when not swallowing. Dryness, with drawing pain. Crawling.


      Desire for acids, especially for lemonade; for milk. Appetite poor; lost. Eructations; after every meal, with acidity in stomach, then heartburn; empty. Nausea in morning, (>) rising; after breakfast; after eating; after miscarriage, with vomiting; with salivation; with cough; with painful fulness; with pain in abdomen; with pain in umbilical region; in attacks; as when fasting. Retching. Vomiting (the gall-bladder had burst); V. of bile; of green matter looking like bile; of food eaten the day before, the milk thrown up is curdled and sour; violent.

Distention of epigastric region. Sticking from pit through to back. Sticking tearing in epigastric region. Pain; in region of S. and liver; in epigastric region, and on pressure pain internally as if beaten; in a spot near r. side of pit, with pinching; in region of pylorus, (<) before a meal, with anxiety, oppression and sensitiveness to hard pressure; in pit, then stitches; in region as if distended by air, when sitting bent, sometimes (>) eructations of gas, (<) remaining in that position, when it descends into l. side of abdomen, (>) witting erect. Sensation as if she had eaten too much, with rumbling in abdomen. Oppression of pit. Heartburn. Heat; in cardiac region, (>) eructation; and weight.


      Rumbling; with cutting; in a fine, high tone in evening. Parietes tense. Distention; and pain; and drawing pain. Flatulence. Inflammation. Griping in morning in bed, (<) l. side. Pain; in track of colon, with free stool; intermittent, as from taking cold; ad if he had taken cold and would have diarrhoea; as if he had taken cold and would have diarrhoea, (>) emission of flatus. Bruised feeling in muscles in evening in bed. Constriction.

Anxious bubbling in angle beneath pit of stomach on bending forward, as if cartilages were bent outward and as if cartilages and muscles were raised. Intermittent writhing in umbilical region, with pinching and with sensation as if committing would come on, without nausea. Griping above umbilicus; twisting, about U. Pain above umbilicus.

Hypogastrium. Sticking inward in evening in bed. Compressive pain in l. side. Painful drawing in r. side, towards genitals. Drawing pressure towards genitals as if menses would appear. Heaviness, (<) pressure, to which she was accustomed on first day of menses.

Rectum and Anus

      Discharge of bloody mucus. Haemorrhoids, (<) morning. Biting sore stinging in anus at stool. Pain in rectum during stool. Pressive, almost paralytic pain in sphincter, a kind of ineffectual urging, almost all day, only after a long time he is obliged to go to stool, the first part quick and liquid, the second slow and hard. Creeping in anus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.