Homeopathy Remedy Sabina

Hand. Tearing in r. carpal bones; drawing, from middle of r. carpal bones to wrist, with pressure; burning, in third l. metacarpal bone. Drawing pain in l. metacarpal bones; D. pain in palm, extending through fingers. Spasmodic contractive pain in l. palm, worse on stretching hand than on flexing it, upon stretching it out if flexes involuntarily. Sensation as if palm would be spasmodically constricted. Weakness when writing, inability to hold the pen, with chilliness.

Fingers. Sticking in tip of l. thumb; burning-tearing, in muscles of first joint of r, fourth. Tearing lancinations in muscles of l. index and middle. Tearing in joint; in knuckle of l. little; in second and third joints; in kunckle of l. little; in second and third joints; of r. little, and in third joint of r. fourth; drawing, in r. fourth; paralytic, in l. index. Painful drawing in middle phalanx of r. index. Ring F. goes to sleep.

Lower Extremities

      Thigh. Sticking in region of l. hip on inspiration; sudden, down r. thigh to knee, where it is most violent, when sitting; intermittent, in inner surface. Tearing in soft parts above l. knee; tensive, in anterior surface of l. when walking, obliging him to limp. Bruised pain in middle of anterior surfaces when walking on level ground and when descending, but when sitting and drawing up legs tension and pain in R. on touch. Smarting as of a wound in and around r, hip-joint, (<) moving thigh, (>) sitting and lying. Pain in region of r. hip; in r. hip-joint in morning on rising, at first she could hardly step, the pain (>) walking; rheumatic, in l. T. during rest, then down l. tibia, and thence into l. forearm; burning, extending downward and inward; tensive in tensor muscles as if too short, so that he cannot sir or crouch down. Tension in inner muscles of l. Pressure inward in middle. Pushing and drawing in R. and knees.

Drawing pain in l. knee. Sticking from lower part of tibia to toes in evening in bed; in lower part of calves, as after dancing, (<) morning. Sticking tearing in tibia below knee. Tingling-drawing tearing in lowest part of tendo-achillis during rest, with occasional darting sticking. Clawing pain in r. tendoachillis, becoming tearing. Tensive pain in dorsum of tibia above ankle, when sitting. Drawing to and fro in l. calf, down to malleoli. Heaviness a hand’s breadth above r. malleolus, extending into foot.

Foot. Sticking in heels extending outward; S. in r. heel, by sole in night tingling, on outer side of r. sole when sitting. Tearing in l. little and fourth metatarsal bones; in dorsum, (<) touch; in metatarsal bones, with pressure; burning, in r. sole during rest. Pain in l. metatarsal bones; intermittent P. in lower part of l. heel when sitting.

Toes. Jerks in l. Sticking in great; in ball of l. great; tickling, in ball of l. great, shocking the whole body, when sitting. Tearing in last joints of r. Painful drawing in phalanges of r., (<) walking. Burning pain in l. fourth.


      Jaundiced appearance., Exhaled the odor of the drug. Red areola on cheeks and about nasal wings, swollen and painful on pressure. Comedones that can be easily pressed out in cheeks and about nose. Elevations on elbows, without redness, with itching, (<) tips of the pimples, preceded by paralytic pain. Pimples on cheeks near mouth, and on temples, with sore pain, (<) touch; P. containing a hard substance between chin and lower lip, after squeezing out their contents they form ulcers. Spot on inner side of l. leg scratched raw and ulcerated, in morning, this ulcer was again painful and itching, next morning the scab was scratched off leaving an impure and sting-evening a painful itching areola. Painful and stinging boil on upper part of natis. Vesicles about root of nose.

Creeping in nape extending over back. Sticking itching. Itching of legs towards morning, (>) scratching; I. on calf, transiently (>) scratching; now on l., now on r. calf, on the scratched places pimples causing smarting; in l. heel and sole, with sticking, after scratching burning almost as in frozen feet; (<) night (>) scratching, the places scratched raw burn, pain and ooze water, then scabs and ulcers; in a red spot on outer part of r. leg below middle in morning, after scratching excoriation with burning pain and oozing of water, after three days a thick scab which lasts eight days, itching in border of scab and when this is scratched off bleeding, then a red cicatrized skin painful to pressure, similar spots in upper and inner part of l. eat.


      Sleepless almost all night. Restless sleep; with orgasm, heat and sweat; and he says many common place things in sleep and snores on expiration; and dreams about several things which he had begun; with confused dreams, frequent waking, after which he must toss about long before going to sleep again. Dreams towards morning, with reflection and mental exertion; in morning that men fell dead from a height; constant D., full of invention and mental exertion; anxious, waking him frequent, (<) towards morning; that she is disputing with some one, this wakes her in tears.


      Chilliness all day; in evening on lying down; (<) towards evening, then heat, then sweat at night. Frequent shuddering, with gooseflesh; S. all over and extending across hairy scalp in evening before going to bed, with blackness before eyes, then sleepiness; in back. Cold feet; and hands, with hot face; r, leg, as if standing in cold water.

Heat; after walking in open air; internal, after dinner, with restlessness, constant necessity to move limbs, without thirst; wherever the affected part is touched; in ears in evening; internal, in border of l. ear and lobule, with slight redness; in face, with fulness in vessels; in face, with flushes; in face in flushes, with frequent chilliness in rest of body.

Sweat at night; on feet extending above malleoli in morning in bed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.