Homeopathy Remedy Sulphur

Sulphur homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Sulphur…

      Pure sublimed Sulphur is triturated for use (a tincture, saturated solution with alcohol, represents the first centesimal dilution).

General Action

      A tissue remedy of widest range. Since Sulphur is an integral part of every form of protoplasm, it follows that al tissues become affected by its abnormal exhibition, and no particular limit character can be assigned to it. Its action on the dermoid tissues is, however, very pronounced.

Allied. Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Rhus-t., Calc-c., Natrum mur., Sepia, Aloe, Hep-s.


      Emaciation (Iodium, Natrum mur.). Blood darker in color and richer in white corpuscles; the venous blood seemed partly melanotic, changed less in the air and in part did not become red the arterial blood was redder and turbid, dependent on the dissolved coloring matter of the blood, the blood took up less oxygen and gave out less carbonic acid than before the use of the Sulphur, coagulum formed slowly, clot three per cent. larger than before; from large doses death of so many corpuscles that they cannot be eliminated, but if continued smaller doses are taken the blood is freed from blood-corpuscles which are dissolved; solid constituents of both serum and albumen diminished; solid constituents and blood-corpuscles diminished, it gave out more carbonic acid and took up more oxygen; diminution of solid constituents, of serum, albumen, fat, fibrin, blood-corpuscles and clot, in only two observations was there increase of fibrin, in a third increase of fat and clot, in a fourth of serum and albumen, in a fifth of serum and clot, in general every secretion and exertion is increased (Phosphorus; Calc-c.).

Stretching at night. Trembling; when walking after smoking a cigar, with weakness; in evening, with anxious sweat, then vomiting, with anxious urging to stool, then heaviness of head and weakness of arms; of l. scapula, arm and hand in forenoon. Starting in forenoon when awake, with shivering through whole body. Jerking here and there; J. in whole body after supper, with pain in back and r. side of abdomen; of muscles of face and limbs in morning, becoming a general convulsion, then consciousness returned slowly, as soon as reaction was established after a chill the spasm returned in a tonic form, first in r. side, then in front of body, then in back, finally jaws were set, muscles relaxed and the child died instantly.

Hysterical paroxysm, with choreic jerkings. Conclusions; tossing the body up high. Epileptic paroxysm after starting up or after running violently; E. paroxysm starting from back or arm, as a running like a mouse, drawing the mouth to right or left and moving about painfully in abdomen, then twisting l. arm, with retracted thumb, then trembling of r. arm, then the whole body was shaken up and down, with shortness of breath, which after the paroxysm was shorter, screaming during the paroxysm, but inability to speak.

Sticking, (<) morning and late in evening, (>) motion and sometimes pressure. Sudden tearing here and there, with jerking; frequent sudden T. in evening, in l. cheek, r. cervical muscles and r. tibia; intermittent sticking T., at one time through various parts of head, at another pain through bones of cheeks, in region of ear, lower jaw and other parts of face. Pinching here and there in muscles. Tearing scraping in middle of r. thigh and on vertex and in r. ulna and radius. Pains throughout body; in root of nose, between shoulders and all over back; occasional flying, in phalanges of fingers and in other parts of body. Pinching here and there in muscles. Bruised feeling in morning after rising; in morning after waking, (<) arms.

Drawing pain in lower incisors, thighs, l. fingers and below r. scapula; in abdomen and all limbs, lasting for hours in arms, for days in thighs; in upper jaw and limbs, alternately r. and l.; alternately in r. wrist and in forehead; in one part, then in another, (<) r. wrist and thumb, with weakness, the pain (<) motion; in forenoon, now in r. hip, now in l. forehead, now in l. occiput; at 8 A.M. in l. side of jaws, then in r. thigh, r. metacarpus and r. fingers, next evening alternately in r. and l. thigh, third afternoon in middle of l. thigh, then in r. forearm and r. thumb, then in l. zygoma towards l. parietal bone, then in r. molars and r. middle finger, fourth forenoon in l. great toe, then in r. upper molars and metacarpal bone of r. thumb, then in middle of internal aspect of l. thigh, then in first phalanx of r. index; in afternoon during rest, now in head of fibula, now in l. side of forehead, now in l. elbow, now in r. great toe. Sudden drawing in r. thumb and index, r. forearm and in top of l. ear towards occiput.

Contractive pains, (<) muscles of thighs, impeding walking, afterwards the pains were in the bones, (<) femora and r. tibia, head of r. tibia painful and intolerant of touch. Inclined to take cold. Sensitive to open air (Hep-s.). Feeling of illness; in morning; Discomfort; at noon; in evening; as if whole body were dislocated. Full feeling in body. Tightness in whole body in afternoon and evening, (<) about chest, as if externally, with anxiety, after lying down sweat an then relief. Tremulous sensation in morning; sensation as if everything on him trembled and throbbed at night when half awake. Throbbing in temples, on neck and about heart. Nervous feeling. Uneasiness (Rhus-t., Pulsatilla); the day before menses, with apprehension; in morning; at noon, with excitation of nervous system; in evening; in bed; with orgasm of blood; with pain in forehead and heat; in blood, with swollen veins on hands.

Weakness; all day; in morning; in morning, with swollen eyes and inclination to stretch (Thus-t.); in morning, with bruised feeling in limbs; on waking at 4 A.M., with tensive pain in l. loin; at noon; towards noon when walking; in afternoon; in afternoon, (<) sitting, with tensive headache and cramplike pressure in hollows of knees extending to malleoli; at 2 P.M., sleep disturbed by confused dreams; every day from 2 till 3 P.M., with sleepiness; in evening; in evening, with yawning; after waking; on waking from a dreamful sleep; after dinner; after dinner, (>) walking in open air, with fulness; after eating; after stool; from a short walk; when walking after dinner, with aching in stomach; when walking in open air, with eructations and nausea; when walking in open air, with paroxysms of dim vision, pressure and beating in head and nausea; after walking, with nausea and trembling of limbs; from riding in a carriage, afterwards he slept all day; from exercise during menses, with irritability; from slight movement, with loss of breath, constant distention of abdomen and frequent swelling of feet; (>) walking (Rhus-t.); (>) walking in open air (Pulsatilla); with aversion to everything, even to talking; with trembling of hands and feet; at night, as if he had ridden or swum far; on lying down, making him faint; faintlike, on appearance of menses, with vomiting of blood and black tasteless liquid.

Walking was irksome, heaviness of feet, with tension across chest. Faintness; in afternoon, with vertigo, vomiting and sweat; like a weakness of limbs. Weight in bones of arm and chest in forenoon. Want of life, like an internal coldness, heat alternating with chilliness, pale look, with blue rings around eyes, dread of heat in the cold and dread of cold in the heat. Falling asleep of arms, cervical muscles, scalp, nates and feet, (<) lying. Symptoms occur mostly during rest, (>) moving the affected part or walking (Rhus-t., Pulsatilla); S. occur when walking in open air, especially in head an stomach. Aggravation in l. half of body; A. from beer; when standing; of pains by cold, amelioration from external warmth. Amelioration after hard stool; after emission of flatus smelling of rotten eggs.

Clinical It is very frequently valuable in acute diseases when the carefully selected remedy fails to act on account, probably, of constitutional disease; a few doses of Sulphur will temporarily modify the condition so that the indicated remedy can antidote the acute trouble. Neuralgia of various sorts, sometimes periodic. Chlorosis. Marasmus. General effects of the suppression of eruptions. Various forms of scrofulous diseases. It is peculiarly indicated for people who have very red lips and redness of the other orifices of the body, often with soreness and burning. It is particularly suited to people with light complexions. Frequently indicated for diseases which alternate with some phase of skin trouble, especially when there is a general disagreeable odor of the exhalations of the body, general aggravation from bathing and aversion to it. Suitable for people who have harsh, rough skin, whose hair is course, but who are weak and liable to eruptions. Lithaemia, some of its various aspects, indicated by its numerous characteristic symptoms.


      Delirium, she destroys her things, throws them away, thinking that she has a superfluity of everything, and she wastes to skeleton. Fancies that she has beautiful clothes, old rags look like fine things. Imagines that she given injurious things to people from which they are going to die. Fancies that she is becoming emaciated. She talks nonsense. Excitement at night on going to bed; on violent motion, with passion; after tea; indolent, almost as after coffee. Earnest exaltation in forenoon. Agitation, with sore throat. Cheerful; in morning on rising, and clear, decided, but the confusion returns at 9 O’clock and is aggravated by earnest thought.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.