Homeopathy Remedy Bryonia

Leg. – Swelling; of lower part, except feet; sudden. Twitching at night, during the day twitching like an electric shock. Cramp in l. calf in morning; in calves while lying; of calves (contractive tension) at night, (>) motion. Pinching tearing in r. calf while sitting after a meal. Tearing-twitching pain in upper half of tibia. Pain in tibia only when walking, and in hollow of knee; as after walking the previous day. Bruised sensation in evening; in l. while sitting; on outer side of l. calf on moving and turning foot and on touch, during rest a numb sensation in this place. Drawing pain in shafts of long bones; in muscles, (<) rest; in l. calf, (>) walking; especially in calf, then sweat in that place. Drawing; especially in calf, then sweat in that place. Drawing; (<) l. leg and around r. knee, with tearing, and on touch pain in r. knee; in whole r., with tearing, the weariness disappearing after walking an hour; sticking, along outer border or tibia. Tension in r.; pinching, in l. calf; drawing tensive pain in r. tibia, (>) walking. Heaviness of r.; with tension, also in afternoon. Weakness on beginning to walk and on standing; on ascending stairs.

Ankle. – Dreamed that pain prevented walking and on waking found that he had sticking and scraping in outer malleolus, when it ceased pains spread over body, alternately attacking limbs and joints, after midnight restless sleep, interrupted by fatiguing dreams, only towards morning quiet sleep, and on rising remnants of the wandering pains. Pair; in r.; and in r. great toe; in l. when sitting. Tension on motion. Immobility of r. when walking.

Foot. – Hot swelling; of instep, with bruised pain on stretching foot, tension in foot on stepping and supportive pain in foot on touch. Swollen and damp. Cramp in dorsum at night in bed, and in heels; in r. heel; in plantar muscles, sometimes at night. Stitches; in hollows on stepping; on inner side of r. heel; in heels in morning in bed; in balls towards evening, with heat and necessity to take off shoes; burning, in l. heel, at insertion of tendo-achillis; burning, in a corn only on slight touch, (>) severe pressure; in soles, preventing stepping, with tension in ankles, the stitches and tension preventing lying; as with a knife in l. sole; as with a hook in heel nights on lying down. Tearing on ridge of r.; on dorsum of r. at night; on inner side of r. heel; stitchlike, extending into hollow of knees, (>) rest; sudden, in r. metatarsal bones in forenoon when walking, (>) standing still. Pinching in r. sole while sitting. Sharp pain in r. F. and toes when walking. Pain in r.; in a corn, (<) stepping; deep in r. between bones, (<) walking, with itching and roughness of the skin, the metatarsal bones seeming swollen and dislocated; intermittent, in metatarsal bones in afternoon. Sprained pain. Pain in hollow when stepping as if numb and tense. Pain in corns as if sore on slight touch, even of bed. Sore feeling near middle of tarsal bone of l. great toe, (<) walking, sprained feeling in ligaments, then in corresponding place in r. foot, then bruised pain, extending higher up tendon, with tenderness to touch from an inch above joint of toe to bend of ankle, then sprained pain in large joint of great toe when standing or walking, sometimes when stepping on that foot feeling as if joints were giving way or spreading apart, afterwards the pain extends to metatarsal joints of all toes except little toe,

afterwards skin over tarsal bone of great toe is swollen and inflamed, the soreness appearing to be in sheath of tendon, but principally in periosteum and ligaments, the pain always, (<) motion, swelling of top of foot, then sprained pain in corresponding joint of next, stitches in knee, tender sensation a bottom of heel on pressure, pain in toes extending up metatarsal bone, then soreness along top of metatarsal bone of great toe, with swelling, redness and engorgement of veins, at last swelling of skin in spot high up instep, with tenderness of part beneath. Drawing pain; along l., after rising; with stiffness in joints; in r. heel; on dorsum of l., with difficulty in walking and with pain in sole. Pressure on inner margin of l. sole. Tension in evening, with swelling; tensive pain on dorsum, even when sitting. Heaviness in forenoon; on rising after eating; with numb sensation as if swollen. Stiffness on rising after long sitting. Weariness; as after long running.

Toes. – Stitches beneath nail of l. little; on lower surface of r. third and fourth in afternoon; in balls of great, with pressure and pain as if frozen; in ball of r., (<) sitting, (>) walking; through tip of l. great; extending into toes. Pain in l. second, in afternoon when walking. Sudden pain in balls of great (Ledum), it seemed as if he could not stretch out the toes. Bruised pain in balls of l. Burning pain in second l. Drawing pain in corn on l. little. Sore pain in l. little. Sensitiveness of l., with itching.


      Yellow. Livid. Redness of knee-caps; red round spots on arm; red spots on arms and feet, paining like burning nettles, the spots momentarily disappearing on pressure. Inflammation of dorsum of hand about midnight, with burning pain. Swelling of r. third finger, especially of joint between first and second phalanges, with pain on pressure, (<) motion, next day r. fifth finger similarly affected; hot, pale S. in last joint of little finger, with sticking in it on moving finger and on pressure.

Red elevated rash over whole body; red rash on neck; on upper part of forearm. Rash on arms, front of chest and above knees, becoming red in evening with itching and rash (<) warmth of bed. Red eruption in hollow of knees, with itching in evening and with biting after scratching. Eruption below l. corner of mouth, with smarting. Itching eruption over whole body, especially on back as far as throat; biting, around throat, (<) after sweating. Biting and smarting eruption in forepart of night and in morning, on abdomen, on back as far as neck, and on forearms. Tetter on r. cheek.

Pimples. – Red. Painful on thigh. Painful on touch; on l. lower lid. Stinging on touch, between r. thumb and index; (on chin). Inflamed, on back and face, especially on forehead, with pain on strong pressure, then soreness. Burning and itching, on abdomen and hips, with smarting when scratched. Rashlike, pointed, with white semi-transparent vesicles, in groups on small of back, extending over back, abdomen, chest and forearm, becoming confluent, itching on active motion, then desquamation, then redness.

Hard boil behind ear, frequently changing its size. Soft boil in l. inner canthus, with flow of matter. Boil-like swelling before ear, discharging and then becoming a yellowish scurf. Pustule under knee, with pain and sticking on touch; (white, on foot, with pain as in an ulcer, redness of foot and inability to walk on account of the pain). Cracks, with thin crusts. Excoriation of hollow of knee. (Exuding eruption on legs.) (Itchlike eruption on inner surface of wrists, in bends of elbows, externally on condyles of elbows, externally on knee and in hollow of knee). (Ulcerated Cartilage of ear). (The discharge from an ulcer stains the linen blackish.)

Itching stitches on neck, (<) walking rapidly, (>) scratching. Tearing in an ulcer. Intermittent burning pain on outer margin of l. knee-cap. Sticking throbbing near crust of an ulcer after dinner. Sensitiveness. Tension on face when moving muscles. Paroxysmal drawing under r. lower jaw, on inner side of l. thigh, from flank of knee. Crawling on both sides of ears; as of a mouse from axilla to hip; (in hands as if asleep). Biting in region of scab of an ulcer in morning after rising, (<) standing, (>) sitting and moderate motion.

Itching on face; on scalp and about anus; chest; hands; at union of first and second phalanges of l. fingers; on hips and thighs; r. knee; on legs, about knees and on thighs, with digging, after scratching or rubbing red elevated pimples, with burning pain, the itching (>) when the pimples arise; in hollow of knee at night, as if something were healing, with sweat in that place; sticking, here and there; burning pain as from nettles on r. side of first dorsal vertebrae; burning, in various parts in evening in bed, with stitches; sudden sticking (itching) burning over whole body, as in nettle-rash, during slight excitement (in laughing), when thinking of it and when heated; tearing, on soft parts of body, before sleep, during day or in evening, or digging burning- itching stitches; tickling, during the day, on arms, hands and feet, with rashlike pimples.


      Frequent yawning; towards noon; constant, before dinner, with thirst. Sleepiness; in morning on waking; during the day, with great inclination to a midday sleep, on waking all the limbs were asleep; during the day when alone; in afternoon; after eating. Sleeps all day, with dry heat, without eating or drinking, with twitching in face and with six involuntary, brown and offensive stools. Sound sleep at night, sleepiness all next day, uneasy sleep next night and wide awake the following day. Difficult waking in morning. Desire to lie long in morning (without weakness).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.