Homeopathy Remedy Bryonia

Sleeplessness; in evening, in a child; before midnight, also with frequent micturition; before midnight on account of frequent shivering over one arm and leg, the sweat; till 12 O’clock, with warmth and anxiety in blood; after midnight, with weariness, which increased in legs after rising; till 1 A.M., on account of anxious heat, but without external heat; till 2 A.M., with turning back and forth, then sleepiness in morning after waking; till 4 A.M., then dreams of dead persons; S. till towards morning; from uneasiness in blood, with tossing about; from uneasiness in blood and anxiety, with necessity to rise from bed and with thoughts crowding upon one another; on account of heat, but coldness on uncovering; (though tired, with loss of breath when he tries to sleep). Late falling asleep, then restless, unsound sleep.

Waking at midnight, with frightful dreams and crick in back, sour stomach and much itching kept me awake some time; suddenly before 3 A.M., then sweat till morning, wherewith he lay comfortably on the back and slumbered a little, with dryness of forepart of mouth and lips, without thirst. Waking early in night. Waking early in night. Waking every hour, with vivid remembered dreams. Frequent waking from dreams; from unpleasant dreams, with necessity to urinate; from restlessness dreams or form involuntary motion of legs which caused pain; always with chilliness in toes.

Restless sleep, could scarcely sleep for half an hour, and during his slumber was busy with what he had read the previous evening; r. sleep, with sweat; with confused dreams. Starting up in fright in evening before sleep; from an anxious dream and screaming out; which wake her. Moaning in sleep about 3 A.M. (Motion of the mouth in sleep, as if chewing.) Towards evening while asleep, she drew her mouth back and forth, opened her eyes, distorted them and spoke distinctly but hastily, and as if entirely different persons were about her, looked freely about, talked with strange children and desired to go home. Consciousness that he was sleeping, causing anguish, since consciousness became weaker and at last threatened to be lost as in faintness, and form this anguish arose an internal struggle, which caused complete consciousness, after waking the arm on which he was lying was senseless and stiff. Somnambulistic condition. Arose from bed at night and went to the door as if she would go out. Found himself lying upon the floor in the corner of the room opposite his bed, with the bed-covers under him.

Dreams. – That he was busy about his household affairs. Of dispute and vexation. Frightful, with frequent waking. Vivid; all night, of anxiety about his business; after midnight, and remembered; after eating, and after waking, stitches and pressure near sternum, in region of fifth rib. Anxious, with crying out in sleep abut three O’clock. Confused, in which he was very active; C. and anxious. Heavy, with cries and groans. Indistinct, of battles, in which he took part. Restless. Pleasant. While awake, that he tried to break someone’s window. On waking he could not free himself from his dream and he continued to dream waking.


      Chilliness; after midday nap, with confusion of head; in afternoon, while walking, with heat; towards evening; in evening before lying down; in evening in bed; all over in evening, with gooseflesh, thirst and with hot and red cheeks; on lying down, with yawning and nausea, then sweat from 10 P.M. till 10 A.M., without thirst; on waking; in open air, also with dread of it; on moving; after walking in open air; while ascending a mountain, then sweat and weariness; with weakness; with sudden heat; then heat; frequent, while walking on a hot day; creeping.

Shivering; in afternoon, then heat in head, with pulselike pain in temples ((<) in evening), warmth in arms and hands, and with chill on chest and arms, all without thirst; in evening; with nausea and aversion to tobacco-smoking; peculiar, while washing. Shaking chill, compelling her to lie down, with sticking above l. hip as if a suppurating ulcer would break. Sudden shivering caused by a draft of air from turning in bed, with jerking up in bed, twitching of dorsal, pectoral and abdominal muscles, trembling of limbs, the chill concentrating itself in the interior of chest, reappearing on moving body or putting a limb out of bed. Sudden shaking chill, then heat, with debility of limbs.

Chilliness over whole skin. Coldness down whole r. side. Chilliness in face; on arms; in feet; in an ulcer, with pain as from too great cold. Cold sensation over back after eating, extending forward, with pressure in it of stomach, then the cold sensation extends over shoulders and forearms; along spine, (>) motion, with drawing pressure in back and lumbar muscles and necessity to suddenly straighten up; along spine, next day heat, with hot sensitive skin and transpiration on slightest motion. Shivering in back; with involuntary closure of eyelids; from nape down spine. Creeping chill down back; in lower limbs in evening in bed, especially in thighs, even the skin felt cool; over l. leg; in l. thigh in evening.

Heat; in forenoon, with thirst, chilliness in afternoon without thirst, but with redness of face and headache; without thirst; in flushes; in interior of body, especially in abdomen; internal, with unquenchable thirst; internal, the blood seeming to burn in the veins; internal and external on lying down in evening, lasting all night, without thirst, with turning from side to side, and on uncovering any part, griping-sticking or sticking- griping in abdomen, as from spasmodic movements of flatus, with sleeplessness form crowding thoughts.

Dry heat in morning; at night; sudden; on every motion and at every noise; internal, extending over whole body, with dryness of tongue, lips and palate, and with loss of thirst, weakness, especially of hands, feet, face, with rapid pulse, confusion of head, pressing-out pain in occiput and neck, roaring in l. ear, coryza, stoppage of l. nostril, discharge of watery substance from r. angina tonsillaris, loss of thirst and appetite, stitches below l. nipple, as in pleura costalis, pain in loins, continued erection of penis without desire, stitches in l. testicle, burning in region of lower third of r. ulna, quiet sleep, all symptoms (>) about midnight, by copious sweat.

Heat in head in morning, with external warmth of it; H. in head in forenoon, with feeling as if it would come out at forehead;in head at 3 P.M., with pressure in frontal eminence; in head, with nausea; in face, with redness and thirst; in face towards evening; in face. and after light work sweat of face; in flushes over face; lobules of ears; in external ear in evening, then shivering in thighs. Burning in throat externally, with tension; B. in back; below and between scapulae. Heat in palm and forearms, forcing her to lie out of bed, then cold sensation in them; frequently in lower limbs, as if she stepped into hot water. Burning on inner side of thigh towards evening; externally on knee; on anterior surface of r. tibia; feet as far as malleoli; as it in hot water, with stitches in heels and corns, and with stiffness of lower limbs and nape. Burning in an excoriated painless spot.

Sweat in morning; towards morning, after waking; towards morning, especially on feet; at night; all night, with sleep only from 12 till 3 O’clock; on waking; while eating; all over body when walking in cold air; after slightest exertion; after moderate exercise in open air, and after changing the linen it streamed from face and whole body, with such rapid breathing that he could only speak in broken and jerklike words; while eating; of whole body and head in bed; profuse after 3 A.M. every night; necessity to go to bed at 9 A.M., then copious S., then disappearance of the symptoms in the same order in which they appeared, only vertigo continued longer; sour (sometimes towards midnight); sour, during a good night’s sleep. Cold. Anxious, preventing sleep. Sweat which seems like oil when wiping; S. on whole body, even dropping from hair; streaming from face while walking; in axillae; in palms. Transpiration suppressed.

Clinical It is frequently indicated in scarlet fever, when the eruption does not develop well and the general symptoms of the drug are present; the same is true of measles. In typhoid fever it is frequently indicated in the early stage with the occipital headache, furred tongue, thirst, abdominal soreness, etc. In a great variety of fevers not eruptive. For febrile states, which are the accompaniment of inflammatory processes in various organs and tissues, always with headache, thirst and intolerance of motion (closely allied to Iodium).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.