Homeopathy Remedy Bryonia

Taste. – Bitter (Chelidonium, Sulphur); in evening after lying down; (>) frequent drinking of cold water, with nausea; offensive, after drinking beer; nauseous, in morning; pasty, in forenoon; on posterior part of palate after dinner; in a spot on tip of tongue; to everything, with inability to swallow food; to soup, with nausea, then after warm water (which tasted bitter) vomiting of yellowish-green fluid, with remnants of food, then relief. Sweetish; salt, sweetish, after cherry brandy. Flat; and nauseous. Pasty; offensive, especially at root of tongue. Clayey. Nauseous, with bitter salivation; acrid, with bitter eructations. Acrid dry, after eating, with dryness of forepart of mouth without thirst, the lips being dry and cracked. Unpleasant towards evening, with nausea. Offensive to beer; causing nausea and shivering over back. Bad to tobacco, with salivation on attempting to smoke; to meat. As of bad meat or bad teeth in morning fasting. Lost for food, bitter when not eating.

Clinical Dryness of lips, mouth and throat. Tongue dry, rough (in low fevers). Tongue heavily coated white (in gastric derangements).


      Strong pulsations of carotids. Sharp rheumatic pain in tendon of l. trapezius on turning head to l. Stitch on r. side, above sternal end of cavity. Simple pain in submaxillary gland, or swelling. Redness of fauces and uvula. Posterior nares closed by swelling. Slimy in evening, with thirst. Tough mucus loosened by hawking; tough M. in posterior nares. Foul smelling mucus, as after eating crabs or fish. Pseudo-membranous catarrh, and in palate. Hawking of yellow mucus; H. of offensive mucus and cheesy lumps, easily raised, (<) in morning.

Angina tonsillaris. Stitching when swallowing; on coughing; internally on pressure and on turning head. Sensation as if a foreign body were sticking in it; alternating with a sensation as if worm were moving in it. Soreness, (<) in warm room, (>) drinking, but returning, with dryness and rawness, on empty swallowing; in evening, with redness and difficult swallowing. Pain in back part on motion; especially in r. tonsil only on empty swallowing, with stitches shooting into r. ear; in l. tonsil in morning or waking, with full sensation in loins. (Swollen sensation when swallowing, or as if full of mucus); in back part, with feeling as of severe coryza, which hinders talking. Scraping; as after strong rum. Rawness; scraping.

Constriction; in pharynx, as form a broad band, with frequent yawning. Drawing extending into ear, with pressure. Tickling and warmth. Dry sensation, with much mucus in it; D. sensation in posterior and upper part in evening; in pharynx, with smarting behind pomum adami. Rancid, smoky taste late in evening; bad T., (>) eating, with taste in mouth like the smell of decaying meat, with a tolerably clean tongue. Constant disposition to swallow, with stinging externally on r. side, on a line with the promontory of larynx.

Inability to swallow food and drink, they cause choking. Pain in oesophagus as if contracted, more in lower part. Pressure in oesophagus as from an over-loaded stomach; P. in O. as if he had swallowed a hard angular body.


      Ravenous hunger (Iodium, China); in morning, with thirst and flushes of heat; ravenous H. continued into night. Ravenous hunger without appetite; in morning fasting. Desire for acids (Verat-alb.) (fruit). Craving for oysters and strong coffee. Longing for things not at hand. Longing for many things which he cannot eat. Desires things immediately, but when offered does not wish for them (China). Food smells good but when he begins to eat the appetite disappears. Appetite diminished; for dinner. Appetite lost; for breakfast, which almost nauseates him; lost for milk, but if he takes it he begins to relish it. Aversion to food; and even a glass of beer before eating is repugnant, with longing for warm broth, and after taking it urging to stool, with three painless greenish-brown liquid stools, discharged as from a tube, then burning pain in rectum and on nates. Aversion to tobacco, with salivation on swallowing.

Thirst excessive (Iodium, China); she must drink much at once, and the drink does not distress her; with necessity to drink much cold water, with internal but not external heat; in morning on rising; about 3 A.M., then sweetish-sour sweat, before this ceased drawing headache, which after rising changed to confusion of head; on waking at 11 P.M., with feverish excitement, pulse accelerated, hearing sensitive, even the swinging of the pendulum of a small clock affected him unpleasantly, he tried to sleep again, but lay long in a dreamy half-sleep; necessity to drink several times at night; great after eating; (<) drinking beer; for very clear, cold water. Longing for coffee. Desire for wine; the moderate use of which relieves nausea. Thirst, then loss of thirst, with coldness of hands and feet. Loss of thirst. Aversion to beer in evening.

Eructations (Carb-v., Phosphorus) after eating (Carb-v.), but not after drinking; (with burnt taste in mouth and mucus in throat); severe, after eating, from morning till evening. Bitter (Arnica); after eating. Sourish after eating; with sourish salivation. Of food; tasting of of food. Of contents of stomach. Of mucus in morning. Of water and mucus, like waterbrash, which rises into chest at 6 P.M., with general coldness. (Burning, which makes the mouth raw and prevents the tasting of food.) Empty; after eating, with dizzy confusion of head and drawing pain in l. half of forehead; with confusion of head; with rumbling on l. side near stomach; suppressed.

Hiccough; after eating, and on every shock caused by it, pressure in forehead, as if the brain shook from behind forward; after vomiting; after eructations.

Nausea; in morning on waking (Lycopodium). with vomiting; in morning after anxious dreams, without ability to vomit, with empty eructations; every morning, two hours after rising, with salivation; all the forenoon; in afternoon after drinking; in evening before sleep; in evening, then flow of much water from mouth; before midnight; on waking after midnight, with necessity to vomit food and bile, on slightest motion, even to vomiting; after a breakfast of coffee; after eating, with vomiting; on walking in open air, (>) in house, returning in open air, with weakness in limbs and head, so that he expected to fall, he gasped and warmth came into chest and extended into head; from tobacco; (<) smoking; even to vomiting, (<) lying on r. side, then easy empty eructations alternating with salivation; with much salivation; with dizzy confusion of head and frequent yawning; with creeping chills; with shuddering and convulsive contraction of abdominal muscles, especially on each side of epigastrium; causing shivering, with involuntary shaking of head and closure of lids; then ravenous hunger; intermittent, all the forenoon, even to vomiting; anxious, during dinner; suddenly, then vomiting at intervals of half an hour, the last time with violent retching and constriction of stomach, the matter seeming like chocolate, water and mucus, with taste of the medicine (he had taken chocolate for breakfast), then difficult vomiting of saffron- yellow, tough, bitter fluid; suddenly after dinner, then paroxysmal and difficult vomiting of much more than had been eaten, with a few drops of bright blood from r. nostril; sudden intermittent, at 9 P.M. in bed, then salivation, with rancid and scraping sensation in stomach. Heaving, as if he would vomit when coughing, without nausea.

Vomiting, incessant, of solid food (Lycopodium, Verat-a.), but not of drinks; of food on coughing; sour in morning of the fish eaten the previous evening; of bitter thick fluid, tasting of food; of bitter, musty and putrid liquid, which leaves a similar taste, about A.M., of mucus in evening; frequent, of yellow and green mucus; (of blood, with lying down).

Distention (Lycopodium); with sensitiveness to pressure (Phosphorus); of epigastric region; feeling of D., as from flatus which pressed forward towards stomach and caused pain, soon pressing backward, all (<) bending forward, (>) walking and bending backward. Swollen feeling in pit (Lycopodium); below pit. Stitches on deep inspirational with every eructation; in pit, (<) walking about room and deep inspiration. Cutting in pit; attacks of sticking, in pit. Griping in epigastric region, (<) motion and standing, with cutting, then passage of flatus. Pinching, changing to colic in abdomen; P. in pit. Digging extending to abdomen, with tension.

Sensation as if a stone lay in it, after eating (Abies-nig. in part); making him fretful; sensation of a stone in it, with pain in epigastric region on touch; continuing after breakfast, then rumbling and griping in intestines, with constriction of chest and tension in pectoral muscles. Pressure at 4 and 5 P.M., with constriction; P. while eating; after eating; when walking; in pit; in pit when walking after supper, then pressure on bladder and perineum, (>) while sitting; (<) moving arm, with tension and burning in r. side of chest; in pit, oppressing the chest. Pain; in epigastric region on pressure; with anxiety; after drinking wine and water, (<) deep inspiration and pressure. Soreness in pit when coughing. Burning twisting pain. Twisting in it, waking her in evening, causing nausea and threatening to suffocate her, so that she must sit up. tension, and in bowels.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.