Homeopathy Remedy Bryonia

Contractive pain after eating; then cutting in and above pit, eructations, rising heat, nausea and vomiting of food. Intermittent burning constriction, obliging bending forward, (<) deep inspiration, with salivation, during its greatest severity pain in axillae and on r. hip, confusion in head, then pain in intestines and desire for stool. Constrictive pain as if rolled into a ball, which he believed he could feel with the hand, so that he could not straighten up, (>) in bed, by drawing legs up against abdomen (Coloc.), the pain in l. side of chest, which impeded breathing, with sensation as if l. lobe of lung were enlarged, then sweat and sleep. Constrictive pain in epigastric region, extending over chest, (<) towards evening, so that he could not stand upright, (>) rubbing, he lay in bed, took a cup of warm soup, covered stomach with warm clothing, and drew legs up to abdomen, scarcely was this pain relieved when there was urging to stool, rumbling; and frequent offensive, yellowish diarrhoea, causing burning in rectum.

Burning; in afternoon; from a glass of wine in evening; in pit, (<) during every inspiration; in region of pit, with thirst, but without dryness of throat; in epigastric region, causing shortness of breath, with pain; paroxysmal burning and pressure; burning pain. Scraping. Scraping, rancid feeling, as of beginning heartburn, with tensive pain in r. hypochondrium. Sensation as of something sharply rancid. Emptiness; in afternoon; with distention of abdomen. Discomfort, with flatulent distention of abdomen; in epigastric region, with distention of abdomen. Weakness of digestion.

Clinical An extremely valuable remedy for catarrhal inflammation of the stomach (dyspepsia), with thirst, white-coated tongue, nausea and vomiting, (<) warm drinks, which are vomited; feeling of a hard lump, which makes the stomach sore. Gastric derangements, which recur often in persons who have been in the habit of taking mercury, the attacks frequently preceded by great hunger and apparently caused by overeating; the patient becomes very irritable, tongue thickly coated, etc. In all gastric derangements there are usually great sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch and vomiting of food.


      Retraction. Distention; toward evening; sensation of D. at 6, 7 and 8 P.M., with weight and sensation of hypertrophy; after eating, also with discomfort; (>) emission of offensive flatus; with motions and colic, the continued constipation and feeling as if something lay in abdomen; with uneasiness in it and pinching, as before menstruation; with dragging. Sudden dropsy, with inability to breathe and necessity to sit up.

Rumbling; after eating, with tension; (<) in forenoon; (<) in evening in bed; with sensation as before diarrhoea; with urging to stool, which was soft; with griping in l. side, then emission of flatus; then three liquid stools. Wandering gurgling at 3 P.M., then pasty stool and emission of flatus. Constant motions as before stool. Emission of flatus in night, preceded by loud rumbling and grumbling; E., with urging to stool like a pressure, heat, weight, and powerlessness of sphincter ani and rectum; of offensive flatus (Sul.); frequent short, of offensive flatus; loud.

Cutting stitches upward into stomach (after drinking warm milk in afternoon), obliging him to bend double, (>) stool. Tearing, (<) motion, with drawing, then stitches, (<) during stool and in evening. Cutting, with gurgling and rumbling, then watery stool; sudden C., (>) profuse pasty stools, with digging, compelling him to bend double (Coloc.); in forenoon, as before dysentery. Griping; while walking before a meal, then a liquid stool, as if poured from a tube, after the meal a similar stool, then burning in anus; with constriction, with rumbling and ineffectual urging to stool; intermittent, (>) emission of flatus; in places. Pinching; (<) open air; (>) by emission of flatus; with motions, then watery stool with passage of flatus, the P. occurring frequently in afternoon, with soreness and dragging downward and outward, then two profuse watery stools, then burning in anus (Sulphur).

Pain; on rising and through forenoon; during and after dinner; after dinner, then emission of flatus, then pasty stool; on urinating; (>) walking, with anxiety and difficult breathing; as before diarrhoea, and in anus; as from a purge, or as if haemorrhoids would come on; spasmodic, after dinner; flatulent, after supper, with pressure in caecum; wind colic, disturbing night’s rest; as if one would vomit.

Sensitiveness. Tension; (<) afternoon, after eating, with distention; (>) after a long walk; (>) towards morning by emission of offensive flatus, with distention, and in epigastric region; with dragging and digging; painful tympanic tension, (>) two pasty stools. Sensation of looseness of bowels, (<) towards noon, with emptiness in stomach. Qualmishness preceded by watery stool and alternating with pinching. Heaviness; while sitting, especially in lower, as if it hung down upon thighs.

Rumbling in upper. Throbbing twitching in or just beneath wall, to left of epigastrium. Twitching in l. side between navel and l. flank, as if in muscles of wall, then sticking deep in l. side of back. Convulsive movements of r. muscles. Tearing in l. side. Pinching in l., then emission of flatus. Pain in sides like pleuritic stitches.

Hypochondrium. – Wandering gurgling in l. Stitches in r., then in epigastrium; in r., with sensitiveness, the latter (<) hard pressure and deep inspiration; deep in r.; beneath wall of r., extending towards epigastrium; long-drawn, in liver while sitting; in l. flank. Griping in hepatic region, extending to spleen, with nausea. Pain in flanks. Tensive pain in hepatic region; in r. below false ribs, (<) deep inspiration; in r., disappearing with rumbling in upper abdomen. Burning in hepatic region. Bruised sensation at ends of l. false ribs, extending to navel. Sensitiveness of hepatic region.

Umbilical Region. – Hard swelling, and beneath hypochondria. Griping, with pinching, as after taking cold, then profuse thin stool; G., waking at night; after dinner, starting the sweat on forehead, (>) passage of offensive flatus; periodical; frequent, above umbilicus. Pinching when walking and standing, with pressure; P. above navel in afternoon, while riding in a very jolting wagon, extending towards spleen; sudden sticking, in r. side below navel, the passage of flatus. Twisting, with nausea; painful T., with stitches. Digging. Boring; with chilliness; beneath navel. Pain, waking at 6 A.M., with urging to stool, but he soon sank into a half-sleep, in which he was busy with fancies, in morning pungent, fluid, difficult stool, then several similar stools during the day. Pressure on navel as from a bottom when walking in open air. Burning below navel. Heaviness below navel.

Hypogastrium. – Sudden stitches from l. to r. during dinner, then two stitches through chest from l. to r.; in r. inguinal region. Deep cutting; crampy, in r. (<) inspiration, with heat in it. Pressure, with pinching. Pain in l. inguinal ring every morning; towards inguinal ring on sitting down. (sensation of a lump low down in abdomen.) Soreness in iliac region, in overhanging folds.

Clinical Symptoms of inflammation of the liver, which seems swollen, very sore to touch, pains sharp, greatly (<) motion, (>) warmth and pressure, typhlitis, peritonitis, gastro-enteritis; a frequently indicated remedy for these diseases, characterized by extreme soreness, thirst, fever, coated tongue, etc.


      Pulselike jerking. Stitches as often as flatus passed, it seemed to press downwards rectum. Burning, with evacuation of stool and urine (Sulphur); B. after hard stool. Pressing towards anus. Inclination to diarrhoea from slightest draft of air. Dragging-like urging to stool, without real need of it, with pain in anus. Much straining to finish stool, stools dry and large. Urging to stool; at 6 A.M., then frequent acrid fluid stools, with compact portions; from slightest tightening of clothes, without pain in abdomen, stool soft; then copious pasty stools, with relief of all. symptoms except the confusion of head; then soft stool; then scanty firm stool; U. after crumbly stool. Ineffectual U.; in afternoon; with rumbling and emission of flatus.


      Protruding haemorrhoids. Retraction. Discharge of mucus. Itching, jerking stitches extending into rectum. Feeling of a plug; at 6 A.M. Pressure in haemorrhoidal vessels; with dragging and with stitches through perineum into urethra; P. in haemorrhoids, with burning. Aching in haemorrhoidal vessels, (<) sitting. Burning pain before a meal; N. pain, with a soft stool. Burning after a natural stool; B. in haemorrhoidal vessels in evening; with itching.


      Tearing sticking in evening, extending to bladder and especially to bulbus urethrae, whereby micturition was momentarily prevented.


TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.