Homeopathy Remedy Bryonia

      Pasty, soon after waking, with burning in anus (Sulphur); soon after eating; offensive; two offensive, in afternoon, then burning in anus; with much flatus, then hard portions, then again soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish the evacuation; brownish; copious, also only after long exertion.

Diarrhoea; in morning; evening and morning; after dinner, then in an hour stool with little faeces but much mucus, then burning in anus; (<) at night and burning in anus with every stool; preceded by cutting in abdomen; then prickling and burning in anus (Sulphur); smelling like old cheese; bilious acrid, with soreness in anus; greenish, frequent brown (in an infant); painless, also after eating; painless and frequent, with offensive flatus; frequent, and so sudden that he could not retain it; frequent, then constipation; causing weakness; bloody.

Liquid, after every meal; after a meal, then pain in small of back; and profuse, also with tenesmus and burning in anus; frequent, then burning in anus; and offensive; painless, of greenish-brown liquid after dinner, then pinching extending from r. hypochondrium towards stomach; of slimy fluid after eating; of green slimy fluid, then loud passage of flatus. Two mucous stools in evening and a third at night.

Obstinate constipation; C., with painful swelling of haemorrhoidal vessels (Sulphur). Dry and difficult; (Opium, Lycopodium); with confusion of head (Iris); dry and difficult, at first hard portions, then softer. Hard, with inclinations to eructations; H., with pressing out of rectum, then diarrhoea, with fermenting in abdomen; with drawing and pressure in small of back: then drawing and heaviness in sacrum; two unsatisfactory, preceded by cutting in abdomen; and large, also dark.

Dark. Offensive, profuse, preceded by cutting in abdomen. Scanty; and delayed. Difficult; from inactivity of rectum; and thick-formed. Sluggish; with twitching and sticking in anus. Unsatisfactory, after much straining, which caused rush of blood to head and contusion of head; U. or omitted, then frequent, copious, almost like diarrhoea. Involuntary at night in sleep. Frequent; then constipation. Retained.

Clinical Diarrhoea in summer, brought on by cold drinks or from vegetables or being overheated, movements in the morning on moving around; diarrhoea from suppressed eruptions; during typhoid fever (of putrid odor), brown. Constipation, stool and large and hard.

Urinary Organs

      Heaviness in region of bladder after micturition, with cramplike motions in it. Contraction of bladder after urinating, with feeling as if there were more urine to pass. Feeling in bladder on urinating as if he had not finished, and a few drops pass involuntarily. Sudden urging to urinate, even when bladder is not full. Involuntary micturition of a few hot drops when moving about. Frequent M.; at night; at night, with scanty hot urine; when walking in open air; with burning in urethra and sensation as if some urine remained; with profuse urine; with hot urine. Rare micturition, with scanty urine.

Urethra. – Red, sensitive, burning spots around orifice and on glans and on inner lamella of prepuce, the secreting gland of prepuce became swollen and secreted a profuse yellowish smegma, with painful micturition and with itching and biting on prepuce and glans, all (<) when walking. Inability to retain urine long, and if he does not urinate immediately on urging there is a feeling as if the urine passed involuntary, through this does not happen. Stitches; in anterior part in evening. Drawing tearing in forepart when not urinating. (Pain.) Feeling as if too narrow when urinating. Burning; before the urine passes, with cutting; itching, in forepart when not urinating, with sticking.

Urine. – Copious; (<) night, and pale; with sudden desire; sometimes clear, sometimes high-colored. Scanty; and dark; and red; and hot. Red (Ocim.). Almost brown; brown (Benz-ac.) like beer (Asp., Coloc.). Reddish yellow at night, with white sediment. Burning. Containing a thick brown cloud.

Sexual Organs

      Red itching rash covering glans. Stitches in r. spermatic cord. Sticking, burning itching on border of prepuce. Stitches in testicles when sitting. painful tension from r. testicle along spermatic cord into groin. Increased desire; with emission in night after coition and in morning almost painful erections. Emission at night and in morning, with strong erections.

Swelling of l. labia majora, on which a black, hard pustule rises, like a button, without inflammation or pain. (Increase of leucorrhoea.) Pain in region of r. ovary as if a sore spot caused irritation and dragging, while at rest, (<) touch, extending to thighs. Menses too early.

Clinical Suppression of menses, with the characteristic gastric derangements, or with periodical discharge of blood elsewhere, nose, throat, etc. Inflamed ovaries. Puerperal fever in the early stage, with headache, pains in limbs, weakness. Suppressed lochia. Pelvic peritonitis. Inflammation of mammary glands, breast much swollen, hot, sharp pains.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx – Hawking of mucus. Sensation as if an apple-seed cell lodged in upper part or rima glottidis. Sudden scraping at 7.P.M. while sitting, with dry cough. Tickling, with dry hacking cough; T., with violent shaking cough. Hoarseness; on walking in open air, with only one tone of voice; with inclination to sweat. Voice lost at times. Voice higher than usual.

Trachea. – Touch mucus, loosened only after frequent hacking. Sensation of a vapor, on going from a warm room into open air, causing cough, with feeling as if he could not inspire enough air. Scraping causing dry cough; in lower part in morning, provoking dry cough; at bifurcation of bronchi, causing dry cough.

Cough; (caused by nausea); ((<) after eating). Irritation to C., as from mucus in trachea, and after coughing pain, pressure and soreness in trachea, the pain (<) while talking and smoking. Dry cough; in morning, with coryza; (<) morning, with waterbrash; with sticking under sternum; in attacks; as if from stomach (Sepia), preceded by crawling and tickling in pit of stomach (Sanguinaria); hacking, striking against upper part of trachea, which seems covered with dry, tough mucus, even from tobacco-smoking. Scraping, painful, hacking cough, in throat, in evening in bed, as from rawness and dryness in larynx. Hacking cough, with sensation of soreness and swelling in throat and trachea in morning, and difficult expectoration of mucus. Dry, violent cough on waking after a restless night, (>) next night, with soreness in chest and thin greenish mucous expectoration. Cough, with expectoration; forenoons; in morning, expectoration of gelatinous mucus; severe C. in morning in bed, with profuse mucous expectoration; sudden C., as from irritation in abdomen, with yellowish-green mucous expectoration. Coughing up clots of blood.

Frequent expectoration; of thick mucus; F. and easy expectoration of thick mucus in morning. E. of transparent, tough, salt mucus. E. of thick mucus, almost without cough, which nearly causes vomiting.

Dyspnoea so that he could not speak. Oppressed breathing; in forenoon, so that the whole chest could not be expanded, with rapid breathing; from distention of abdomen; (>) walking; in middle of upper half of sternum on every movement of trunk, with stitching in anterior wall of chest. Short breath. Gasping before a paroxysm of cough, as if the child could not catch the breath and on this account could not cough, (<) after midnight, a suffocative attacks, then cough. Frequent sighing. Rapid breathing while walking, with sensation as if upper part of chest were too narrow.

Clinical Laryngitis and bronchitis (the cough in these diseases is generally dry, hacking, with soreness of abdominal muscles, (<) night and motion, (<) coughing into a warm room, (<) after eating or drinking, (>) heat).


      Swelling of anterior outer part. Stitches at 6 P.M., with oppression; S. in sides; in l.; in middle of l.; in r. ribs; in region of fifth and sixth ribs, on r. side of sternum; in l. clavicle, then simple pain; at insertion of deltoid muscle and in l. side, mostly superficial in l. intercostals. Stitches in sternum on coughing, with necessity to hold the chest with the hand, even pressure upon it caused sticking; in last rib on coughing; between r. third and fourth ribs while sitting; in inside on which he does not lie, on turning in bed; below l. nipple, and on deep inspiration or bending towards the right; in pit of stomach; beneath sternum, (<) motion and deep inspiration, with pressure; in r. lower part, with pulselike throbbing; through chest; in upper part, through shoulders, on inspiration; outward; out-ward below r. nipple on expiration; in r. side of sternum, extending to navel, (<) sneezing, so that he must bend double; tearing in l., extending forward; (>) during rest, (<) motion and deep inspiration; in r. side, so that he must hold his breath in order not to cry out; below scapulae, then below pectoral muscles, almost arresting breath and causing him to sit upright, then S. in vertex; under l. lower ribs, alternating with S. in r. half of chest like lightning and seeming like cuttings; as in an ulcer, in a spot below sternum, in morning during inspiration, (<) raising r. arm, with ulcerative pain on touch.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.