Homeopathy Remedy Bryonia

Pinching in thumbs, with sticking in r. great toe. Scraping in long bones, (<) riding; tearing, and in joints; drawing-tearing, in l. little finger and in l. great toe. Pain; in every joint; while riding, (>) cider; growing constantly worse till towards noon, (<) r.; now in fingers, now in wrist, extending to axilla and shifting to knee, then alternating back and forth, with stitches, so that walking is difficult. Rheumatic pains in tops of both shoulders and in l. knee. Bruised pain; when sitting, in knees, legs, arms and single joints of fingers and legs; in arms and legs even when lying, worse when sitting than walking, with restlessness of limbs while lying; and paralyzed feeling in evening, as if he had lain upon a hard bed.

Drawing pain in r. upper arm and in r. leg; in thumbs and great toes; in r. great toe, extending over back of foot and to middle of tibia, and a similar pain at same time in l. forearm; alternately in lower third of r. ulna and in l. knee; wandering, alternately in both hips and in r. shoulder. Drawing; in sheaths of muscles; in r. fingers and on l. instep; alternately in knees, hips, and especially in l. shoulder; in long bones, with scraping; in upper arms and thighs, with tension; in joints of forearm and metatarsus, with tearing; tearing, in l. knee. l. middle toes, both elbows and on flexor surface of thighs, all (>) during rest.

Weariness, with heaviness, the feet can scarcely carry her on account of heaviness; W., especially of lower, with stiffness; with shivering in face. Feeling in afternoon in upper arm and thigh as after violent exertion. Leaden heaviness. Numbness. (Hands and feet felt dead at night, sleepy and cold.)

Clinical Acute inflammation of numerous joints, especially of the large joints, characterized by swelling, heat, shiny redness, (>) warm wraps, intolerance of slightest motion, etc. Sciatica (>) lying on the affected side. Muscular rheumatism. In all forms of rheumatism, acute, chronic, muscular or articular, there is generally the additional indication of easy, profuse perspiration.

Upper Extremities

      Stitches in axilla towards noon; S. across shoulder to arm. Tearing in r. shoulder and upper arm, at 6 A.M., (<) moving upper arm, (>) after rising, returning at 11 A.M., while walking in open air and alternating with similar pain in r. hip, at noon in the house the pain was only in shoulder-joint, but the arm could scarcely be moved, afterwards creeping along ulnar nerve, with feeling of coldness and inflammation in all limbs. Tearing in r. shoulder, with uneasiness of arm, the arm nearly painless in afternoon in open air, pain renewed on entering house, with sensation bordering on paralysis, inability to hold anything firmly, the pain in S. (<) wiring, and on rubbing hands together the r. seemed thicker than l.

Shoulder. – Pressure on top of r., (>) touch, becoming on deep breathing a sticking, which extends downward and outward to shoulder-joint; P., with fulness and heaviness. Sprained pain in region of acromion on raising arm. Tension in r. during rest, with pressure. Sticking tensive pain in ligaments of l. joint at 11 A.M., (>) during rest, but on motion pain as if wrenched. Drawing pain in r.; tensive-drawing, in joints, with sticking and tearing, and on raising arm feeling of paralysis, tension and heaviness on top of shoulder and at insertion of deltoid in arm. Drawing in r., extending into upper arm, (>) motion, (<) rest, with tearing. Discomfort in joints, obliging movement of S. Paralytic feeling in l., whereby motion of arm becomes difficult.

Arm. – (Sticking in l., with crawling.) Nervous tearing down inner part. Pain in r. in forenoon, (>) at noon, intermittent in afternoon. Drawing pain in r. Drawing through shafts of bones, as from a thread, extending to finger-tips. Falling asleep in evening when writing, then heaviness.

Upper Arm. – Swelling of r. as far as elbow. Stitches, (<) raising it; (in deltoid, with jerking); deep in l. deltoid, extending towards surface. Tearing in l.; tensive drawing, and along r. ulna. Pressure in humeri, preventing sleep in evening. Rheumatic pain in r. Drawing pain below insertion of r. deltoid; in middle of r., in l., arm and in l. chest. Drawing paralytic pain in r., with feeling as of lead. Drawing on inner side of r. Seeming too thick in evening, with diminished sensation in it and itching on skin. Heaviness of r., with drawing.

Elbow. – Swelling of r. Stitches in tips, with drawing in tendons down to hands, the S. (<) bending elbows.

Drawing in l.; in r., extending to wrist, with tearing. Aching in r.

Forearm. – Tearing, (<) r.; with pressure and gnawing; on inner surface, in a line from elbow to wrist. Pressing in r. in morning, with drawing, then in l. hand and r. fingers. Pain in r. ulnar nerve. Drawing while riding, with scraping.

Wrist. – Stitches if hands were warm and during rest, not (>) motion. Pain, and in thumbs. Sprained pain on every motion.

Hand. – Trembling, with distention of veins. Sticking in joints, with heaviness in them. Jerking-tearing in r. metacarpal bones while writing. Pain from long-continued holding of pen or strong pressure upon any object. Inability to grasp anything tightly. Stiffness of r. and of fingers; of r. (<) motion; of l. and of forehead of r. and of fingers; of r. (<) motion; of l. and of forearm, as if in ligaments and aponeurosis. Numbness of palms, with stiff sensation.

Fingers. – Involuntary jerking on motion. Sticking when writing; S. in joints of l. little; (in balls of thumbs, with cramp). Tearing in joints of l.; jerklike, in joints between metacarpus and fingers on motion, or in last joints of F. Pain in last phalanx of r. index during rest; in root little F. as if pus were in it. Swollen sensation in joints on writing or taking hold of anything, with pain on exertion and on touch. Sensitiveness of phalanges to pressure, with swollen sensation in articular surfaces, impeding motion. Drawing in ball of l., then r. joints, (<) bending them; in middle joint of r. middle, (<) bending, (>) rubbing. Paralytic feeling. Sudden refusal of r. third to work while writing. (Falling asleep, and of hands.)

Lower Extremities

      Staggering in morning; to both sides when walking; when walking, as if he would fall backward. Tottering to one side after moving when standing. Unsteadiness, and when descending stairs tottering. Pain in whole l. on sitting, especially in leg and ankle, compelling motion of foot, (>) walking. Heaviness; while walking. Weakness.

Hip. – Stitches; when walking bent, extending into knee; in trochanter at every false step, during rest throbbing in it and sensitiveness to touch; as with knives. Pain in l.; in head of femur, extending along anterior surface of thigh to knee, especially about middle, (>) night (<) motion, afterwards extending to r. hip, then suddenly leaving l. hip and attacking l. inguinal region, especially tendinous fibres which form inguinal ring, then sensitiveness of both hips. Pain like ar jerk or shock in joints when sitting or lying, (>) when walking. Cramplike bruised pain in r. trochanter, (<) every motion, and in gluteal region. Drawing pain in l.; in hips and gluteal muscles; paralytic, in head of l. joint on walking, (>) pressure of hand, and on every step cracking in joints. Drawing, and in knees. Painful tension in l. Feeling in joints which makes rising from a seat difficult, (>) on walking.

Thigh. – Tottering, (<) ascending and descending stairs. Stitches in forenoon, now here, now there; s. in upper anterior part. Tearing in r. on motion. Clawing across l. Bruised pain in middle, and when sitting throbbing. Drawing anteriorly on l. and posteriorly on r.; D. in l., extending towards hip; as before menstruation. Tension in tendinous expansion while walking; painful T. and drawing on anterior surface below r. Poupart’s ligament, (>) rest but returning; tensive pain on anterior surface below r. Poupart’s ligament. Stiffness in morning in bed, like a cramp. Weariness; (<) ascending stairs, (>) descending stairs.

Knee. – Tottering and bending under him when walking. Cramp when sitting and at night when lying, and in sole. Stitches; when walking; on ascending steps; only on motion; in r. on motion; in r. and in walking; tearing, in l. in morning, (>) after rising; jerking, on inner side of l. Tearing after eating, (<) riding one leg over the other; in l. extending along tibia to ankle; and burning in r. Pain; in r. at 3 P.M. on walking, and in lower leg; (<) morning; in l. (<) walking; at inner condyle or r. femur; in caps on descending stairs, as if they would break; in caps as if beaten loose. Drawing in l., with sticking, and in calf. Tension in bend, then changing to dragging and tearing along crest of fibula. Tension and pain in r., (<) evening on walking, (>) next morning in bed, but returning after being up a white, with pain on touch on inner side of K. Tensive, painful stiffness. Feeling in r. cap as if he had knelt long. Weakness; of r. in forenoon when walking, with paralyzed feeling; in evening, (<) ascending stairs; (<) walking, (>) rest, with lameness; extending into middle of thighs.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.